An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application
:1. Introduction and Overview of Coronaviruses
1.1. SARS-CoV-2 Structure and Genome
1.2. Background Virus Detection
2. Taxonomy of Literature Research of Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19)
3. COVID-19 Transmission Styles
3.1. Environment to Human
3.2. Human Exchange
3.3. Animals to Human
3.4. Human to Others
Analysis Outcome of COVID-19 Transmission
4. Diagnosis Techniques of the COVID-19 Virus
4.1. Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques
4.1.1. Binary Classifications
4.1.2. Multiple Classifications
4.1.3. Mixed Multiple and Binary Classifications
4.1.4. Hybrid Hierarchical
Analysis Outcome of Diagnostic COVID-19 Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques
4.2. Based on Biosensors Application
4.2.1. Electrochemical Biosensors
4.2.2. Electronic Biosensors
4.2.3. Physical Biosensors
4.2.4. Optical Biosensors
Analysis Outcome of the Diagnosis of COVID-19 Based on Biosensor Application
- Direct virus identification. A perfect virus is detected only by biosensors or more generally by cultured cell techniques [125].
- Viral recognition of RNA/DNA using RT-PCR and PCR principles, whether attributed with fluorescence in regular nuclear acid platforms or using advanced methods including LSPR, SPR, QCM and other sensor techniques [45].
- Detection of an antibody or antigen. Bioassays use absorption coefficient monitors and many optical and electronic biomedical sensors that basically calculate molecular kinetics. High-resolution scanning probe microscopy with a 1000-fold resolution less than the optical wavelength range in the size of a fraction of a nanometer is used for the surface properties of viruses [126].
5. Enhancement Design of Sensor Output Performance
5.1. Sensitivity
5.2. Signal Noise Ratio
5.3. Full Width at Half Maximum/Minimum (FWHM) and Q-Factor
5.4. Figure of Merit (FOM)
5.5. Detection Limitation
6. Monitoring and Diagnosing the COVID-19 Virus in the Environment
7. Challenges of the Techniques for Detecting COVID-19
7.1. Collection and Transport of Samples
7.2. AI Image Techniques
7.3. Biosensors
8. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
Abbreviation | Description |
COVID-19 | Coronavirus disease |
MERS-CoV | Middle East Respiratory Syndrome |
SARS-CoV-2 | Coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 |
SARS-CoV | Coronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
2019-nCoV | 2019 novel coronavirus |
RT-PCR | Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction |
LFR | Low-Frequency Raman |
UFOP | U-bent Fiber Optic Probe |
P-FAB | Plasmonic Fiber-Optic Absorbance Biosensor |
FET | Field Effect Transistor |
Zr QDs | Chiral Zirconium Quantum Dots |
PPM | Parts Per Million |
QCM | Quartz Crystal Microbalance |
LFA | Lateral Flow Assays |
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Transmission Style | Hazard | Places | Data Published | Country | Finding | Reference |
Environment to human | High | Plastic, stainless steel, copper and cardboard | 17 March 2020 | USA | SARS-CoV-2 | [51,56] |
Environment to human | High | Hospital rooms | 29 May 2020 | Singapore | SARS-CoV-2 | [52,58] |
Environment to human | High | Air and surface | 26 June 2020 | Italy | SARS-CoV-2 | [53] |
Environment to human | High | Surface contamination | 2016 | London | SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV | [54] |
Environment to human | High | Air, surface | 7 May 2020 | China | COVID-19 | [55] |
Environment to human | High | Water | 28 April 2020 | Italy | SARS-CoV-2 | [57] |
Environment to human | High | Toilet | 13 August 2020 | China | SARS-CoV-2 | [59] |
Human exchange | High | Contacts | 24 January 2020 | China | SARS-CoV-2 | [61] |
Human exchange | High | Ocular surface | 22 April 2020 | Australia | SARS-CoV-2 | [63] |
Human exchange | High | Dental clinics | 19 February 2020 | China | SARS-CoV-2 | [66] |
Animal to human | Medium | Bats | 2020 | USA | SARS-CoV-2 | [73,74] |
Animal to human | Medium | Sold avian, swine, porcine, bovine, canine, seafood, frogs, camels | 2020 | China | SARS-CoV-2 | [71] |
Human to others | Low | Wastewater surveillance | 18 April 2020 | Australia | SARS-CoV-2 | [76,78] |
Type of Dataset | AI Techniques | Case Study | Efficiency of Detection (%) | Installation Data | Collection Dataset Size | AI Partition | No. of Classes | ||||
Prime Data | Minor Data | Traditional Machine Learning Techniques | Deep Learning Techniques | ||||||||
Test | Validation | Training | |||||||||
✕ | ✕ | ✕ | ✓ | CT scan | 96% | 19 February 2020 | 2 images | ✕ | ✕ | 13.3% | COVID-19, Flu |
✓ | ✕ | ✓ | ✕ | CT scan | 93.6% | 2020 | 13,500 images | ✕ | ✕ | ✕ | COVID-19 |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | CT scan | 50% | 2020 | NA | ✓ | ✕ | ✕ | COVID-19 |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | CT scan | NA | 20 February 2020 | NA | ✕ | ✕ | ✕ | COVID-19 |
✕ | ✓ | ✕ | ✓ | X-ray | 87.02%, 98.08% | 26 April 2020 | 127 images | ✕ | 5-fold cross | ✕ | COVID-19, no finding and pneumonia |
✕ | ✓ | ✕ | ✓ | X-ray | 98.03% | 21 April 2020 | 2839 images | 10% | 10% | 80% | COVID-19, normal, pneumonia |
✕ | ✓ | ✕ | ✓ | X-ray | 86.9% | 16 June 2020 | 430 images | 0.7 | 0.1 | 0.2 | Normal, bacterial tuberculosis, viral and COVID-19 |
✕ | ✓ | ✓ | ✕ | X-ray | 80% | 2020 | 8 images | ✕ | two-fold | ✕ | COVID-19 |
✕ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X-ray | 99.27% | 2 May 2020 | 845 images | 30% | 5-fold cross | 70% | coronavirus, pneumonia and normal |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X-ray | 87%, 98% | 2020 | 1144 images | 30% | ✕ | 70% | Normal, COVID-19, MERS SARS, Varicella, Streptococcus Pneumocystis |
Sensor Type | Application Range | Material (nm) | Prognosis | Diagnosis | Installation Date | Target | Duration | Detection Limit | Sample Size | Detection of COVID-19 Virus | |
In Clinical | On the Surface | ||||||||||
Optical LSPR PPT | SARS-CoV-2 | Gold | ✓ | ✓ | 8 Apr 220 | DNA | 800 s | 0.22 pM | 0.01 pM–50 Μm | ✓ | ✕ |
FET sensor | SARS-CoV-2 | Graphene | ✓ | ✓ | 29 May 2020 | Spike protein | 4 h | 1.6 × 101 pfu/mL | 1 fg/mL | ✓ | ✕ |
Magnetic | SARS-CoV | NA | ✓ | ✓ | 3 July 2020 | Anti-spike protein | 42 min | 2.96 ng/mL | 2 ng mL−1 | ✓ | ✕ |
P-FABU-bent optical fiber | COVID-19 | Gold | ✓ | ✓ | 1 June 2020 | N-protein | 15 min | 10–18 M | 106 particles/mL | ✓ | ✕ |
Electrochemical | SARS-CoV-2 | Gold | ✓ | ✓ | 11 M ay 2020 | Spike protein | 10–30 s | 90 fM | 1 μM | ✓ | ✕ |
Electrochemical | MERS-CoV | Gold | ✓ | ✓ | 27 Feb 2019 | Spike protein | 20 min | 1.0 pg mL−1 | 10 μg mL−1 | ✓ | ✕ |
Optical Fiber | COVID-19 | Gold | ✕ | ✓ | 11 June 2020 | IgG-type antibodies | 1 h | 100 units/mL | NA | ✓ | ✕ |
Piezoelectric | SARS-CoV | Crystal with quartz wafer | ✕ | ✓ | 2004 | Antigen (sputum) | 1 h | 0.6 µg/mL | 0.6–4 µg/mL | ✓ | ✕ |
Optical LSPCF | SARS-COV | Gold | ✓ | ✓ | 2009 | Nucleocapsid protein | 3 h | 1 pg/mL | ∼1 pg/mL | ✓ | ✕ |
Optical | SARS-CoV | Quantum dots | ✓ | ✓ | 24 July 2011 | Nucleocapsid protein | 1 h | 0.1 pg/mL | 0.1 pg mL−1 | ✓ | ✕ |
Nanocrystals optical | Coronavirus | Zirconium quantum dots | ✕ | ✓ | 29 Oct 2018 | Antibodies | 1 h | 79.15 EID/50 mL | 1000 EID/50 mL | ✓ | ✕ |
LFA | SARS-CoV-2 | Gold | ✕ | ✓ | 21 May 2020 | IgM antibody | 15 min | NA | 10−20 μL | ✓ | ✕ |
Challenges, Detection of COVID-19 Virus Techniques According to Critical Review Research | ||
Virus Detection Categories | Techniques | Limitation |
Indirect detection: DNA, RNA | Electronic sensors |
Indirect detection: DNA, RNA | Magnetic sensors |
Indirect detection: Spike protein | Electrochemical sensors |
Indirect detection: IgM antibody, DNA, RNA | Optical sensors: LSPR, P-FAB, EWA, QCM, SPR and LSPCF |
Direct detection: CT image | CT scan |
Direct detection: X-ray image | CXR |
All Detection Techniques of COVID-19 Viruses Based On | ||
Viral RNA, DNA Identification |
| |
Antibody or Antigen Identification |
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Share and Cite
Taha, B.A.; Al Mashhadany, Y.; Hafiz Mokhtar, M.H.; Dzulkefly Bin Zan, M.S.; Arsad, N. An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application. Sensors 2020, 20, 6764.
Taha BA, Al Mashhadany Y, Hafiz Mokhtar MH, Dzulkefly Bin Zan MS, Arsad N. An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application. Sensors. 2020; 20(23):6764.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTaha, Bakr Ahmed, Yousif Al Mashhadany, Mohd Hadri Hafiz Mokhtar, Mohd Saiful Dzulkefly Bin Zan, and Norhana Arsad. 2020. "An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application" Sensors 20, no. 23: 6764.
APA StyleTaha, B. A., Al Mashhadany, Y., Hafiz Mokhtar, M. H., Dzulkefly Bin Zan, M. S., & Arsad, N. (2020). An Analysis Review of Detection Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Based on Biosensor Application. Sensors, 20(23), 6764.