Analyzing of Gender Behaviors from Paths Using Process Mining: A Shopping Mall Application
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
Original Aspect of the Study
3. Methodology
- The parallel acceptor tree algorithm step produces process trees to start and end the time of events and their parallelism.
- The onward merge step fuses all branches of the tree. The algorithm checks for each node that the following two branches are equivalent. If so, they are fused. If all nodes and transitions use the same token for the same process in the two branches, it is said that the two branches are equivalent.
- The parallel merge step merges nodes that are sequential and represent the same event.
- The delete repeated transitions step deletes repeated transitions.
- The delete unused nodes step deletes unused nodes.
4. iBeacon ILS
- ID: For each captured datum, a unique number is defined to use different analysis. The ID column is not used in our study.
- Dongle columns: Because, in some cases, iBeacon devices are located near each other, one customer can be seen in three different locations. According to the proximity of the customer to the stores, iBeacon devices gather three different position data. Dongle_1 shows the nearest store where customer data were captured; on the other hand, Dongle_3 represents the farthest store location. In the study, we ignore Dongle_2 and Dongle_3 localization data.
- Timestamp: This is a date and time value that represents the moment at which data are captured by the iBeacon device for the related store. The timestamp format is hh:mm:ss.
- SubscriberID: This number shows the customer identification number associated with the mobile device.
5. Experimental Results
5.1. Data Preparation
5.2. Process Mining
6. Discussion and Conclusions
7. Future Research and Limitations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Purposes | Studies |
To determine some parameters (average number of places visited by people, the average time spent by them, most visited/least visited places) with descriptive statistics | [22] |
To discover routes followed by customers | [7,22] |
To estimate the next places visited | [42] |
To determine where the customer is located at any time | [5,28] |
Study | CBA | Technology | PM | Implementation Area |
[45] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Museum | |
[22] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Museum | |
[46] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Exhibition | |
[5] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[47] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Hospital | |
[48] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Museum | |
[49] | ✔ | Bluetooth | Museum | |
[7] | ✔ | Camera | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[25] | ✔ | Camera | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[26] | ✔ | Camera | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[50] | ✔ | Camera | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[6] | ✔ | Camera | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[51] | RFID | Hospital | ||
[52] | ✔ | RFID | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[53] | ✔ | RFID | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[8] | ✔ | RFID | Store/Shopping Mall | |
[10] | ✔ | WiFi | ✔ | Store/Shopping Mall |
[31] | ✔ | RFID | ✔ | Hospital |
[44] | ✔ | Other | ✔ | Exhibition |
[43] | ✔ | Other | Manufacturing |
ID | Dongle_1 | Dongle_2 | Dongle_3 | Timestamp | SubscriberID |
1028333326 | 121527 | 11.12.2017 00:14:42 | 17399446 | ||
1028334382 | 121498 | 11.12.2017 00:16:48 | 39081930 | ||
1028334406 | 121498 | 121404 | 11.12.2017 00:16:50 | 39081930 | |
1028334421 | 121498 | 11.12.2017 00:16:53 | 39081930 | ||
1028492822 | 121436 | 121510 | 121446 | 11.12.2017 07:23:47 | 29078632 |
1028492925 | 121510 | 121372 | 11.12.2017 07:23:59 | 29078632 | |
1028492939 | 121436 | 121510 | 121446 | 11.12.2017 07:24:01 | 29078632 |
1028495185 | 121446 | 121436 | 121510 | 11.12.2017 07:28:23 | 29078632 |
Customer Data | |
Total Customer (Man/Woman) | 642 (165/477) |
Total Number of Cases | 1293 |
Maximum Number of Visit Sessions | 52 |
Localization Events | 2749 |
December 2017 | January 2018 | February 2018 | |
Total Customer (Man/Woman) | 290 (89/201) | 181 (47/134) | 171 (29/142) |
Total Number of Cases | 450 | 444 | 399 |
Maximum Number of Visit Sessions | 45 | 52 | 43 |
Localization Events | 957 | 1088 | 704 |
Number_Occurrence | Duration_Total | |||||||||||
December | January | February | December | January | February | |||||||
Nodes | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman |
Accessory | 14 | 62 | 4 | 66 | 4 | 81 | 02:41:59 | 1.03:05:59 | 00:25:59 | 1.20:10:59 | 02:42:59 | 3.01:53:59 |
Catering | 79 | 200 | 53 | 123 | 26 | 154 | 2.03:18:59 | 4.12:33:59 | 1.15:48:59 | 3.07:43:59 | 10:27:59 | 3.16:57:59 |
Clothing | 93 | 223 | 60 | 189 | 17 | 242 | 9.18:33:59 | 4.00:46:59 | 8.19:34:59 | 5.14:16:59 | 05:10:59 | 17.18:42:59 |
Electronics | 23 | 16 | 6 | 217 | 10 | 12 | 12:39:59 | 05:22:59 | 02:22:59 | 4.17:05:59 | 07:54:59 | 02:26:59 |
Entertainment | 6 | 20 | 4 | 19 | 1 | 10 | 02:08:59 | 14:21:59 | 01:47:59 | 09:15:59 | 00:20:59 | 01:40:59 |
Home | 24 | 77 | 10 | 252 | 6 | 76 | 06:51:59 | 1.04:35:59 | 02:44:59 | 5.11:04:59 | 06:54:59 | 2.01:46:59 |
Mother and Baby | 10 | 24 | 6 | 27 | 0 | 31 | 02:30:59 | 09:08:59 | 02:09:59 | 11:00:59 | 00:00:00 | 2.02:08:59 |
Personal Care | 8 | 33 | 0 | 22 | 1 | 13 | 01:23:59 | 09:20:59 | 00:00:00 | 05:37:59 | 01:03:59 | 06:32:59 |
Supermarket | 19 | 26 | 7 | 23 | 5 | 15 | 05:44:59 | 11:26:59 | 02:28:59 | 07:25:59 | 00:54:59 | 05:15:59 |
Duration_Average_by_Case | Duration_Average | |||||||||||
December | January | February | December | January | February | |||||||
Nodes | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman | Man | Woman |
Accessory | 00:13:29 | 00:29:33 | 00:06:29 | 00:47:20 | 00:40:44 | 01:04:15 | 00:11:34 | 00:26:13 | 00:06:29 | 00:40:09 | 00:40:44 | 00:54:44 |
Catering | 00:44:37 | 00:35:24 | 00:46:50 | 00:42:20 | 00:24:09 | 00:37:19 | 00:38:58 | 00:32:34 | 00:45:04 | 00:38:53 | 00:24:09 | 00:34:39 |
Clothing | 02:53:45 | 00:30:43 | 03:59:31 | 00:48:32 | 00:19:26 | 02:19:08 | 02:31:19 | 00:26:02 | 03:31:34 | 00:42:37 | 00:18:17 | 01:45:47 |
Electronics | 00:34:32 | 00:20:11 | 00:23:49 | 02:41:34 | 00:47:29 | 00:12:14 | 00:33:02 | 00:20:11 | 00:23:49 | 00:31:16 | 00:47:29 | 00:12:14 |
Entertainment | 00:25:47 | 00:45:22 | 00:26:59 | 00:30:53 | 00:20:59 | 00:10:05 | 00:21:29 | 00:43:05 | 00:26:59 | 00:29:15 | 00:20:59 | 00:10:05 |
Home | 00:19:37 | 00:25:14 | 00:18:19 | 01:39:33 | 01:09:09 | 00:45:15 | 00:17:09 | 00:22:17 | 00:16:29 | 00:31:12 | 01:09:09 | 00:39:18 |
Mother and Baby | 00:15:05 | 00:22:52 | 00:25:59 | 00:25:25 | 00:00:00 | 02:10:49 | 00:15:05 | 00:22:52 | 00:21:39 | 00:24:28 | 00:00:00 | 01:37:03 |
Personal Care | 00:10:29 | 00:17:31 | 00:00:00 | 00:15:21 | 01:03:59 | 00:30:13 | 00:10:29 | 00:16:59 | 00:00:00 | 00:15:21 | 01:03:59 | 00:30:13 |
Supermarket | 00:18:09 | 00:26:25 | 00:21:17 | 00:19:23 | 00:13:44 | 00:21:03 | 00:18:09 | 00:26:25 | 00:21:17 | 00:19:23 | 00:10:59 | 00:21:03 |
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Dogan, O.; Bayo-Monton, J.-L.; Fernandez-Llatas, C.; Oztaysi, B. Analyzing of Gender Behaviors from Paths Using Process Mining: A Shopping Mall Application. Sensors 2019, 19, 557.
Dogan O, Bayo-Monton J-L, Fernandez-Llatas C, Oztaysi B. Analyzing of Gender Behaviors from Paths Using Process Mining: A Shopping Mall Application. Sensors. 2019; 19(3):557.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDogan, Onur, Jose-Luis Bayo-Monton, Carlos Fernandez-Llatas, and Basar Oztaysi. 2019. "Analyzing of Gender Behaviors from Paths Using Process Mining: A Shopping Mall Application" Sensors 19, no. 3: 557.
APA StyleDogan, O., Bayo-Monton, J.-L., Fernandez-Llatas, C., & Oztaysi, B. (2019). Analyzing of Gender Behaviors from Paths Using Process Mining: A Shopping Mall Application. Sensors, 19(3), 557.