1. Introduction
Most cultivated upland areas of northeast Thailand are being used for cash crops (e.g., sugarcane) [
1]. However, the soil is sandy and infertile, and they are difficult to improve agriculturally without information about clay and cation exchange capacity (CEC—cmol(+)/kg). In terms of clay, knowledge is important because it is an indication of the capacity of soil to hold moisture and potential to store exchangeable cations [
3]. Knowledge of the CEC is also necessary because it is a measure of nutrient availability and how well soil pH is buffered against acidification [
4] as well as an index of the shrink–swell potential of soil [
5]. Therefore, information about the spatial distribution of clay and CEC are required. This is particularly the case in Khon Kaen Province, where poor water holding capacity leads to deep drainage and in some cases rising water tables and soil salinization. In addition, clay (
Table 1) and CEC (
Table 2) data provides a farmer with information from which fertilizer recommendations can be made.
However, the conventional ways of measuring these soil properties are costly and time-consuming owing to the soil sampling and laboratory analysis. Nevertheless, much research has shown that if many soil samples can be collected, clay and CEC can be mapped using classical geostatistical methods [
7]. Among the first to map topsoil (0–0.3m) clay and CEC in this way where [
8], who used punctual kriging of soil sample locations at the field scale. More recently, [
9] predicted topsoil (0–0.15 m) and subsurface (0.3–0.5 m) CEC using various types of kriging (i.e., ordinary) across a large area of North Dakota, USA. Similarly, [
10] used additive and modified log-ratio transformation of soil particle size fraction (psf) using ordinary kriging. They then compared this to the untransformed psf data using various kriging techniques (i.e., compositional ordinary- and ordinary-kriging) to predict the topsoil (0–0.1 m) clay, across a very large area in south-eastern Australia. However, a major disadvantage of such geostatistical approaches is that many samples (>100) are required, which need to be spatially correlated and variable [
12] to yield good results.
To add value to the limited soil data, pedotransfer functions can be used to predict one soil property from another [
14]. However, to account for short scale variation, easier to acquire ancillary data, which are directly related to clay or CEC are increasingly being used. One of the most widespread are electromagnetic (EM) instruments (i.e., EM38 and EM34), because they measure apparent electrical conductivity (EC
a—mS/m). [
15] were among the first to identify a linear regression (LR) between EM34 EC
a and average (0–15 m) clay (R
2 = 0.73). [
16] developed a LR between EM38 EC
a and average (0–1.5 m) clay (R
2 = 0.77) to map clay across a cotton field (244 ha). [
17] similarly found a good LR (R
2 = 0.76) and mapped clay across different fields. In their comprehensive review, [
18] demonstrated many other LR of variable strength (R
2 = 0.01–0.94). In terms of CEC, [
19] found a LR between topsoil (0–0.2 m) CEC and EC
a, while [
20] found a strong LR (R
2 = 0.74) between an EM38 and topsoil (0–0.3 m) CEC across various fields. [
21] showed how a LR between an EM38 and average (0–0.2 m) CEC (R
2 = 0.81) could then be used to map CEC, while [
12] established a separate LR to map different topsoil (0–0.075, 0.075–0.15 and 0.15–0.3 m) CEC across a field in Missouri, USA. Again, [
18] provided another example of LR between EC
a and CEC (0.50–0.76 m).
Given the sandy and infertile nature of soil in northeast Thailand, chemical and compost fertiliser application guidelines [
23] have been developed. For example, if clay (%) is known and is small (<15%), the chemical fertiliser rates for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P
5) and potassium (K
2O) would be 113, 38 and 113 kg/ha, respectively. Alternatively, a compost fertiliser rate of 25 t/ha is suggested. This is similarly the case for CEC. In this research our interest is seeing if we can assist farmers with applying these guidelines by developing digital soil maps (DSM). The first aim is to see if we can develop a LR relationship between EM38 EC
a directly with either topsoil (0–0.3 m), subsurface (0.3–0.6 m) or subsoil (0.6–0.9 m) clay and CEC. We compare this approach with a universal LR we develop between the calculated true electrical conductivity (σ—mS/m) and laboratory measured clay and CEC at various depths, because of recent success in mapping salinity [
24] and moisture [
25] by inverting EC
a data. While a similar approach was used to map CEC in 3-dimensions by [
26], they used a Veris-3100 instrument. Herein, we validate the universal LR using a leave-one-out-cross-validation, considering accuracy, bias and Lin’s concordance.
4. Conclusions and Discussion
We were unable to develop any satisfactory linear regression (LR) between ECah and ECav with measured topsoil (0–0.3 m), subsurface (0.3–0.6 m) and subsoil (0.6–0.9 m) clay (%) or CEC (cmol(+)/kg). We attribute this to the small variation in ECa as well as clay and CEC across the study field and at these three depths. However, the estimates of true electrical conductivity (σ—mS/m) generated by inverting ECah and ECav and using a quasi-3D algorithm (EM4Soil), enabled the development of a universal LR calibration for both clay and CEC and which included the capability to predict both soil properties in the topsoil, subsurface and subsoil. For clay we found the S1 inversion algorithm with full-solution (FS) and using a damping factor (λ) = 0.07 was optimal (R2 = 0.65) with the LR expressed as follows: clay (%) = 6.04 + 0.50σ. For CEC the S1 inversion algorithm, full-solution (FS) and a damping factor (λ) = 0.9 was optimal (R2 = 0.68) and could be estimated as follows: CEC (cmol(+)/kg) = 1.46 + 0.13σ.
We were able to predict and subsequently map the spatial distribution of clay and CEC in the topsoil, subsurface, and subsoil. Subsequently, the uncertainty of these maps was assessed using the prediction interval (PI). We attribute the larger PI in the topsoil to be a function of ECah and ECav having a theoretical depth of measurement of 0–0.75 and 0–1.5 m, respectively. Given that we were estimating σ to a depth of a topsoil, our ability to do this was not completely satisfactory. This was similarly the case for the larger PI associated with the subsoil depth.
The solution to these problems would be to collect additional EC
a data to better estimate σ. Using our existing EM38, we could collect additional EC
a at various heights or by collecting additional data with an EM31. This was the approach carried out by [
43], who showed that in combination with EC
ah or EC
av of EM31, and EC
ah or EC
av of EM38 at a height of 0.6 m was optimal to make a LR with CEC at 0.3 m increments and to a depth of 2.0 m along a single transect. Alternatively, EC
a data could be collected using a multiple-coil EM instrument such as a DUALEM-421 as shown by [