AMiCUS—A Head Motion-Based Interface for Control of an Assistive Robot
:1. Introduction
- The HRI should be adaptive, always using the full available neck range of motion of the user.
- The relationship between performed head motion and resulting robot motion has to be intuitive.
- The HRI must reliably distinguish between unintended head motion, head motion intended for direct control and head motion to generate switching commands.
- The HRI has to give sufficient and useful feedback to the user to allow safe and efficient operation.
- The HRI must enable the user to perform smooth, precise and efficient robot movements in Cartesian space.
- The user should enjoy using the HRI.
2.1. Relation to Previously Published Work
2.2. Sensor Placement
2.3. Hardware
2.4. Robot Groups
2.5. Robot Control Mode
Head Gesture
- The neck was flexed sufficiently ( ).
- The gesture was performed quickly enough ( ).
- The gesture was suffiently Gaussian-shaped ().
- The maximum - and -angles did not exceed 80% of
2.6. Cursor Control Mode
Slide Button
2.7. Calibration Routines
2.7.1. Robot Calibration
2.7.2. Cursor Calibration
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Subjects
3.2. Experimental Setup
3.3. Procedure
3.3.1. Trial Session
3.3.2. Predefined Task
3.3.3. Complex Task
3.4. Evaluation Criteria
3.4.1. Objective Evaluation
3.4.2. Subjective Evaluation
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Objective Evaluation
4.1.1. Completion Rates
4.1.2. Success Rates and Activation Times
4.2. Subjective Evaluation
4.2.1. Calibration
4.2.2. GUI
4.2.3. Switching
4.2.4. Mapping
4.2.5. Transfer Function
4.2.6. General
5. Conclusions
5.1. Compliance with Requirements for a Head Motion-Based HRI
5.2. Comparison with Previously Published Work
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AHRS | Attitude Heading Reference System |
AMiCUS | Adaptive Head Motion Control for User–friendly Support |
DOF | Degree of Freedom |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
HMI | Human–Machine Interface |
HRI | Human–Robot Interface |
MEMS | Micro Electro-Mechanical System |
ROM | Range of Motion |
TCP | Tool–Center Point |
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Setting | Value | Meaning |
Samplerate | 125 | |
Operating Mode | 4 | Full Motion on |
Packet Select | 8 | Motion Engine output |
Format Select | 0 | Format 0 packet |
FF2 | true | Enable output of linear acceleration, no gravity |
FF6 | true | Enable output of angular position |
Topic | No. | Statement | Rating |
Calibration | 1 | Understanding what one is supposed to do during Cursor Calibration is easy | |
2 | Understanding what one is supposed to do during Robot Calibration is easy | ||
3 | The acoustic feedback during calibration is useful | ||
GUI | 4 | The Cursor GUI is visually appealing and clearly structured | |
5 | In Cursor Mode, all important functions can be accessed easily | ||
6 | The Robot GUI is visually appealing and clearly structured | ||
7 | In Robot Mode, all important information is displayed on the GUI | ||
8 | The feedback about the current head position is easy to understand and useful | ||
9 | The camera image is useful | ||
Switching | 10 | Activating the Slide Button is easy | |
11 | The acoustic and visual feedback for the Slide Button is useful | ||
12 | Performing the Head Gesture correctly is easy | ||
13 | The feedback about Head Gesture execution is useful | ||
14 | Switching between groups is easy | ||
15 | Switching between groups is quick | ||
Mapping | 16 | I can well imagine what the gripper does when I move my head up or down | |
17 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Vertical Plane group when I move my head up or down | ||
18 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Vertical Plane or Horizontal Plane group when I turn my head to the left or to the right | ||
19 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Horizontal Plane group when I move my head up or down | ||
20 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Orientation group when I move my head up or down | ||
21 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Orientation group when I turn my head to the left or to the right | ||
22 | I can well imagine what the robot does in Orientation group when I bend my head to the left or to the right | ||
Transfer function | 23 | Moving the mouse cursor precisely is easy | |
24 | Gripping precisely is easy | ||
25 | Moving the robot arm precisely is easy | ||
General | 26 | Assessing robot position correctly in Vertical Plane group is easy | |
27 | Assessing robot position correctly in Horizontal Plane group is easy | ||
28 | Assessing robot orientation correctly is easy | ||
29 | I can easily keep an eye an all relevant parts of the system | ||
30 | Robot control is fun |
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Share and Cite
Rudigkeit, N.; Gebhard, M. AMiCUS—A Head Motion-Based Interface for Control of an Assistive Robot. Sensors 2019, 19, 2836.
Rudigkeit N, Gebhard M. AMiCUS—A Head Motion-Based Interface for Control of an Assistive Robot. Sensors. 2019; 19(12):2836.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRudigkeit, Nina, and Marion Gebhard. 2019. "AMiCUS—A Head Motion-Based Interface for Control of an Assistive Robot" Sensors 19, no. 12: 2836.
APA StyleRudigkeit, N., & Gebhard, M. (2019). AMiCUS—A Head Motion-Based Interface for Control of an Assistive Robot. Sensors, 19(12), 2836.