Integrated Framework of Load Monitoring by a Combination of Smartphone Applications, Wearables and Point-of-Care Testing Provides Feedback that Allows Individual Responsive Adjustments to Activities of Daily Living
:1. Introduction
2. Monitoring Parameters of External and Internal Load
3. Monitoring External Parameters
3.1. The Duration and Frequency of Training Sessions
3.2. Distance Covered
3.3. Short Explosive Activities
3.4. Environmental Factors
3.5. Sleep
3.6. Physical Activity Off-Training
4. Monitoring Internal Load
4.1. Parameters of General Health
4.2. Parameters Related to Cardiac Dynamics and Stress
4.3. Parameters Related to Bio-Psychological Stress
4.4. Subjective Parameters
4.5. Neuromuscular Variables
4.6. Parameters Related to Metabolism
5. Practical Procedure for Monitoring Relevant Parameters
6. Practical Considerations
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Parameter | Individual Parameters | Method/Sensor Technology | Additional Comments |
Duration and frequency of training sessions |
| Sport watches | Sport watches allow automatic storage of data in the “cloud” |
Distance covered (in different speed zones) | e.g.,
| Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
Local positioning systems | In- and outdoors | ||
Short explosive activities | e.g.,
| Inertial measurement units | Embedded in a Global Navigation Satellite System receiver unit |
Sleep |
| Actigraphy | Actigraphy should only be used with caution to access sleep quality. |
Environmental factors |
Type of Parameter | Individual Parameter | Area of Interest |
General health | Core, body or skin temperature | Thermoregulation |
White blood cell count | Infections | |
High-sensitive C-reactive Protein | Inflammation | |
Immunoglobulin A (IglA) | Mucosal immune function | |
Reactive Oxygen Species | Oxidative stress | |
Haemoglobin | Anaemia and dehydration | |
Ferritin | Iron deficiency | |
Bio-psychological stress | Cortisol |
Alpha-amylase | Stress on the sympathetic nervous system | |
Subjective parameters | Questionnaires and diaries | Various psychological aspects |
Parameters of cardiac stress | Cardiac troponin | Myocardial stress |
Fatty acid-binding protein | ||
Heart rate during exercise | ||
Heart rate variability | Cardiac autonomous nervous system | |
Heart rate recovery | Overreaching | |
Parameters of muscle damage | Aspartate aminotransferase | Breakdown of muscle cell structureProtein catabolism |
Creatine kinase | ||
Myoglobin | ||
Lactate dehydrogenase | ||
Parameters of metabolism | Lactate | Endurance performance |
Urea | Elevated protein catabolism | |
Uric acid | Enhanced metabolic strain when muscle stores of glycogen are depleted | |
Creatinine | Renal functioning | |
Testosterone | Non-functional overreaching | |
Tissue oxygenation | Intensity of effort | |
pH | Acid-base status |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Düking, P.; Achtzehn, S.; Holmberg, H.-C.; Sperlich, B. Integrated Framework of Load Monitoring by a Combination of Smartphone Applications, Wearables and Point-of-Care Testing Provides Feedback that Allows Individual Responsive Adjustments to Activities of Daily Living. Sensors 2018, 18, 1632.
Düking P, Achtzehn S, Holmberg H-C, Sperlich B. Integrated Framework of Load Monitoring by a Combination of Smartphone Applications, Wearables and Point-of-Care Testing Provides Feedback that Allows Individual Responsive Adjustments to Activities of Daily Living. Sensors. 2018; 18(5):1632.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDüking, Peter, Silvia Achtzehn, Hans-Christer Holmberg, and Billy Sperlich. 2018. "Integrated Framework of Load Monitoring by a Combination of Smartphone Applications, Wearables and Point-of-Care Testing Provides Feedback that Allows Individual Responsive Adjustments to Activities of Daily Living" Sensors 18, no. 5: 1632.