Message Integration Authentication in the Internet-of-Things via Lattice-Based Batch Signatures
:1. Introduction
1.1. Batch Signature
1.2. Lattice-Based Signature
1.3. Our Contributions
- We propose lattice-based batch signature schemes for the first time. Our schemes possess a general property, that is, our construction can be combined with any existing lattice-based signature scheme.
- The technique we use is an extension of the intersection method from [27]. The intersection method is as follows: for —dimensional integer lattices and such that and , there exists a short vector , which belongs to and can be viewed as a signature of and .We demonstrate this technique with a concrete example in terms of . In detail, let , with k primes . Because are different primes, and . Therefore, for k messages , there exists a short vector , which binds and can be viewed as their batch signature.
- With the intersection method as core technique, we give two batch signature schemes based on hash-and-sign paradigm and Fiat–Shamir transformation, as well as a lattice-based batch signature scheme based on binary tree.
1.4. Organization
2. Preliminaries
- (length-compressing):
- (hard to find collisions): For all PPT A, there exists a negligible function ϵ such that for all security parameters,
3. System Definition and Threat Model
3.1. Definition of Batch Signature System
- Setup(): Inputting security parameter , this algorithm determines necessary system public parameters .
- KeyGen(): With security parameter and system parameters as above, this algorithm provides public verification key and secret signing key .
- Sign(): Given signing key and messages set , this algorithm computes batch signature e.
- Verify(): Given message and its signature e associated with verification key , this algorithm tells whether the j-th message has gained valid authentication, and outputs 1 if the answer is yes, otherwise outputs 0.
3.2. Threat Model
- Initialization: In this period, challenger executes algorithms Setup and KeyGen, provides system public parameters and public verification key for adversary .
- Signing queries: In this stage, adversary selects a set of messages , sends the messages’ set to challenger for the associated signature. Challenger invokes Sign algorithm, returns the result to adversary . Adversary may repeat the query polynomial times in his favorite manner.
- Forgery: Once adversary terminates signing queries, he offers a new message-signature pair .
4. Lattice-Based Batch Signature with Binary Tree
4.1. Proposed Construction
- Setup(): In this stage, system parameters are provided with knowledge of security parameter .
- n is a polynomial of , is a polynomial of n, , .
- k is the number of messages to batch sign, and is the Gaussian parameter.
- and are two collision resistant hash functions.
- KeyGen(): With system parameters as above, public verification key and secret signing key are obtained as follows. Invoke trapdoor generation algorithm TrapGen to get a uniform and random matrix , and the short basis for lattice with .Finally output , .
- Sign(): Given and the set of messages , the following steps lead to batch signature on such messages.
- Compute , ,⋯, , let , and execute for-loop as follows.for to :
- Compute SamplePre.
- For , compute its brother . Firstly, , the left are shown in the next for-loop.for to :Here, for ’s brother , its first entry denotes ’s brother note, its second entry denotes the brother locates on ’s left or right .
- For , compute its residue . At first,,the left are shown in the next for-loop.for to :When , .Here, ’s residue includes ’s brother and all of its ancestor nodes’s brothers.
- For , its signature is .
- Verify(): Given message and its signature associated with verification key ,
- should be recovered firstly.(1) If ,,for to :When for-loop terminates, is obtained.(2) If ,,for to :When for-loop terminates, is obtained.
- Check whether and . If both relations are true, return 1 and accept the message-signature pair ; otherwise, return 0 and reject the message-signature pair.
4.2. Security Analysis
- Initialization: In this period, challenger executes setup algorithm to set system parameters, he sets public verification key , sends all of them to adversary .
- Hash queries: Challenger creates a list to save the binary tree for k messages, and sets .When adversary sends a set of messages to challenger for hash values. searches list ,If do not exist in list , chooses , sets . Then randomly picks , , sets for to , here . saves in the list .If exist in list , does nothing.At last, returns to adversary .
- Signature queries: In this stage, adversary selects a set of messages , sends the messages’ set to challenger for the associated signature. Challenger firstly searches list for the messages’ set. If it exists, returns to adversary . If the messages’ set does not exist, executes hash query firstly. Adversary may repeat the query polynomial times in his favorite manner.
- Forgery: Once adversary terminates signing queries, he forges a valid message-signature pair .
5. Lattice-Based Batch Signature Based on Hash-and-Sign Paradigm
5.1. Design
- Setup(): In this stage, system parameters are provided with knowledge of security parameter .
- n is a polynomial of , is a polynomial of n, , .
- k is the number of messages to batch sign, and is the Gaussian parameter.
- is a collision resistant hash function.
- KeyGen(): With system parameters as above, public verification key and secret signing key are obtained in the following manners.
- Invoke trapdoor generation algorithm TrapGen to get a uniform and random matrix , and the short basis for lattice with .
- Compute k different lattices , such that and , which takes q as modulus.Then , .
- Sign(): Given and the set of messages , the following steps lead to batch signature on such messages.
- Construct equations:
- Invoke preimage sampleable algorithm SamplePre to get the signature .
- Verify(: For the j-th message and the signature , validation involves the following two relations:
- .
- .If they are both true, accept message ; otherwise, reject it.
5.2. Security Analysis
- Initialization: In this period, challenger sets appropriate system parameters, lets public verification key , sends all of them to adversary .
- Hash queries: Challenger creates a list to save the hash values for k messages, and sets .When adversary sends a set of messages to challenger for hash values. searches list .If exist in list , returns directly.If do not exist in list , samples , sets , and lets , . Then saves in list , and returns to adversary .
- Signing queries: In this stage, adversary selects a set of messages , sends the messages’ set to challenger for the associated signature. Challenger searches list for messages .If the messages exist in list , challenger returns directly.If the messages do not exist in list , Challenger firstly executes Hash query, then returns to adversary .
- Forgery: Once adversary terminates signing queries, he offers a new message-signature pair .Challenger searches in list , then computes as the solution to the SIS instance .Because message-signature pair is valid, adversary has not made signing query on , and hash query on has been done. Given , according to preimage min-entropy property of hash function [23], the min-entropy of is , so that with overwhelming probability. Because , . depends on the validity of forged signature. Therefore, .
6. Lattice-Based Batch Signature Based on FS Transformation
6.1. Design
- Setup(n): In this stage, system parameters are provided with knowledge of security parameter n.
- q may be , d may be 1, r may be 512.
- , satisfies .
- s may be , and M may be .
- and are collision resistant hash functions, where is the 1-norm of vector , namely, it is the sum of the absolute values of each element of vector .
- KeyGen(n): With system parameters as above, public verification key and secret signing key are obtained in the following manners.
- Select randomly as secret signing key.
- Select , compute as public verification key.
- Compute k different lattices , such that and , which takes q as modulus.Then , .
- Sign(): Given and the set of messages , the following steps lead to batch signature on such messages.
- Construct equations:
- Sample randomly, compute .
- Let , output as signature with probability .
- Verify(: For the j-th message and the signature , validation involves the following three relations:
- .
- .
- .If they are true, accept message ; otherwise, reject it.
6.2. Security Analysis
7. Efficiency Comparison and the Application to IoT
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Scheme (Size/Computation) | Our 1st Scheme (with Binary Tree) | Our 2nd Scheme (With Intersection Method) | Our 3rd Scheme (With FS Transformation) |
signature | |||
3+ | |||
Anti-quantum | √ | √ | √ |
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Lu, X.; Yin, W.; Wen, Q.; Liang, K.; Chen, L.; Chen, J. Message Integration Authentication in the Internet-of-Things via Lattice-Based Batch Signatures. Sensors 2018, 18, 4056.
Lu X, Yin W, Wen Q, Liang K, Chen L, Chen J. Message Integration Authentication in the Internet-of-Things via Lattice-Based Batch Signatures. Sensors. 2018; 18(11):4056.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLu, Xiuhua, Wei Yin, Qiaoyan Wen, Kaitai Liang, Liqun Chen, and Jiageng Chen. 2018. "Message Integration Authentication in the Internet-of-Things via Lattice-Based Batch Signatures" Sensors 18, no. 11: 4056.