First Report on Three Lesser-Known Magelona Species from Korean Waters: Details of All Thoracic Chaetigers and Methyl Green Staining Patterns
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Systematics
3.2. Magelona sachalinensis Buzhinskaja, 1985 [19]
3.2.1. Material Examined
3.2.2. Species Diagnosis
3.2.3. Description
3.2.4. Methyl Green Staining Patterns
3.2.5. Distribution and Ecology
3.2.6. Remarks
3.3. Magelona lenticulata Gallardo, 1968 [11]
3.3.1. Material Examined
3.3.2. Species Diagnosis
3.3.3. Description
3.3.4. Methyl Green Staining Patterns
3.3.5. Distribution and Ecology
3.3.6. Remarks
3.4. Magelona cf. longicornis Johnson, 1901 [22]
3.4.1. Material Examined
3.4.2. Species Diagnosis
3.4.3. Description
3.4.4. Methyl Green Staining Patterns
3.4.5. Distribution and Ecology
3.4.6. Remarks
4. Discussion
Key to North-Western Pacific species of Magelona (modified from Mortimer et al. [29]) | |
1. Prostomium with distinct prostomial horns | 2 |
- Prostomium without prostomial horns or with rudimentary horns | 11 |
2. Prostomial anterior margin appearing smooth | 3 |
- Prostomial anterior margin appearing crenulate | 5 |
3. Dark purple pigmented band located between chaetigers 5–8 | M. japonica |
- No distinct pigmentation of the thoracic region | 4 |
4. Prostomium wider than long, thoracic chaetigers without superior dorsal lobes | M. koreana |
- Prostomium longer than wide, thoracic chaetigers 1–8 with superior dorsal lobes | M. boninensis |
5. Prostomium width approximately similar to length | 6 |
- Prostomium wider than long | 7 |
6. Abdominal hooded hooks bidentate | M. crenulifrons |
- Abdominal hooded hooks tridentate | M. cf. cornuta |
7. Superior dorsal lobes present in the thorax | 8 |
- No superior dorsal lobes present in thorax; prostomial anterior margin only minutely crenulate | M. petersenae |
8. Abdominal hooded hooks bidentate | 9 |
- Abdominal hooded hooks tridentate | M. lenticulata |
9. Small superior dorsal lobes present on chaetiger 9, parapodial postchaetal lamellae of chaetiger 9 rectangle | M. cf. longicornis |
- No superior dorsal lobes present on chaetiger 9 | M. methae |
10. Chaetiger 9 with special chaetae | 11 |
- Chaetiger 9 bearing capillary chaetae only, as in chaetigers 1–8 | 14 |
11. Abdominal hooded hooks tridentate | 12 |
- Abdominal hooded hooks bidentate | M. sachalinensis |
12. Anterior thoracic notopodial lamellae with smooth or lightly crenulated upper edges | 13 |
- Anterior thoracic notopodial lamellae with pectinate upper edges | M. pectinata |
13. Abdominal parapodia without triangular processes at the inner margin of chaetal rows | M. parochilis |
- Notopodial lamellae of chaetiger 8 distinctly bilobed, abdominal parapodia with triangular processes at the inner margin of chaetal rows | M. tinae |
14. Abdominal hooded hooks polydentate | M. agoensis |
- Abdominal hooded hooks bi- or tridentate | 15 |
15. Thoracic notopodia with superior dorsal lobes | 16 |
- Thoracic notopodia without superior dorsal lobes | 19 |
16. Prostomium wider than long | 17 |
- Prostomium longer than wide | 18 |
17. Thoracic notopodial lamellae slender, no superior dorsal lobe on chaetiger 9 | M. kamala |
- Stout species, with distinct armor-like appearance, thoracic lamellae foliaceous, superior dorsal lobe on chaetiger 9 present | M. armatis |
18. Prostomium only marginally longer than wide, anterior margin squared | M. noppi |
- Prostomium length greater than width, rudimentary horns with a triangular anterior margin | M. alba |
19. Anterior thoracic neuropodial lamellae distinctly scoop-shaped | M. cf. cincta |
- Anterior thoracic neuropodial lamellae slender triangular | 20 |
20. Moderate to large species with rudimentary horns, broad palps with several rows of papillae | M. mickminni |
- Prostomial margin rounded to straight, minute species with slender palps carrying two rows of papillae | M. pygmaea |
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Prostomial Shape | Prostomial Horn | Prostomial Anterior Margin | SDL of ch 1–8 | SDL/VNL on Chaetiger 9 | Dentition of Hooded Hook | |
M. japonica | Wider than long | Present | Smooth | Absent | Both absent | Tridentate |
M. koreana | Wider than long | Present | Smooth | Absent | VNL present | Tridentate |
M. parochilis | Longer than wide | Absent | Smooth | Tapering conical | VNL present | Tridentate |
M. sachalinensis | Longer than wide | Absent | Smooth | Tiny in ch 1–4, cirriform in ch 5–8 | Both present | Bidentate |
M. cf. longicornis | Wider than long | Present | Crenulate | Tapering conical | Both present | Bidentate |
M. lenticulata | Wider than long | Present | Crenulate | Triangular, foliaceous | Both present | Tridentate |
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Kim, D.-H.; Kwon, I.-Y.; Soh, H.-Y.; Jeong, M.-K. First Report on Three Lesser-Known Magelona Species from Korean Waters: Details of All Thoracic Chaetigers and Methyl Green Staining Patterns. Diversity 2024, 16, 112.
Kim D-H, Kwon I-Y, Soh H-Y, Jeong M-K. First Report on Three Lesser-Known Magelona Species from Korean Waters: Details of All Thoracic Chaetigers and Methyl Green Staining Patterns. Diversity. 2024; 16(2):112.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Dae-Hun, In-Yeong Kwon, Ho-Young Soh, and Man-Ki Jeong. 2024. "First Report on Three Lesser-Known Magelona Species from Korean Waters: Details of All Thoracic Chaetigers and Methyl Green Staining Patterns" Diversity 16, no. 2: 112.
APA StyleKim, D.-H., Kwon, I.-Y., Soh, H.-Y., & Jeong, M.-K. (2024). First Report on Three Lesser-Known Magelona Species from Korean Waters: Details of All Thoracic Chaetigers and Methyl Green Staining Patterns. Diversity, 16(2), 112.