Biodiversity Evaluation: From Endorsed Indexes to Inclusion of a Pollinator Indicator
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Definitions and Criteria
- “Index” is an instrument that sets a value to describe a measurable phenomenon (e.g., the value of a sampled population in relation to the expected value).
- “Indicator” is a more complex and often composite tool for evaluating a phenomenon that cannot be measured directly.
- Their present or past potential to reflect biodiversity in agroecosystems;
- Their proximity to arthropod lifestyles.
2.2. Parameters
- Taxonomic groups: We indicated the taxa of the study species and their ecological/biological similarity with pollinator lifestyles.
- Monitoring type: Monitoring can be ongoing at regular intervals so that data for the indicator flows from the monitoring dataset itself, or it can be spot data collection for specific needs and comparison with existing information on the subject.
- Spatial and habitat context: We defined the spatial scale (regional, local, codified habitats, portions of habitats) and the parameters used to define it (arbitrary or ecological, i.e., application of a rigid sampling scheme, adaptation of the sampling scheme to land characteristics, individual case studies).
- Background: We evaluated the amount of ecological/biological knowledge on the study species, (i.e., is there an expected population/list of species typical of a given habitat in the absence of disturbance?).
- Sampling effort and level of taxonomic identification: We identified the type of sampling protocol and subsequent taxonomic effort, the taxonomic level of identification and the skills required for these activities.
- Final output: We underlined how outputs are reported (i.e., descriptive, ratio or class/category).
3. Results
3.1. Selected Indicators
- Farmland Bird Index (FBI) originates from widespread European monitoring of birds and targets common species more closely connected with agricultural environments. It has been widely used at the European level [23] and applied differently in various CAP proposals, until the recent CAP post-2020 [1,2]. In CAP 2014–2020 [3], it was incorporated as an impact indicator (I.08) and as a context indicator (C.35). In proposed CAP post-2020 [1,2] it is retained as an impact indicator (I.18). At the Italian level, data begins from the period 2000–2005 with a report linked to national rural development plans 2007–2013 [23].
- High Nature Value Farming (HNV) is related to the concept that European low intensity farming systems contribute more to the preservation of biodiversity. However, development of an indicator proved difficult, since HNV applies to totally different landscapes in different countries, and the results were contradictory. HNV was applied until CAP 2014–2020 [3]. Like FBI, it was incorporated as an impact indicator (I.09) and as a context indicator (C.37) in CAP 2014–2020 but will be discontinued.
- Grassland Butterfly Index (GBI) is based on European species trends and, when applied at the European level, on supranational species trends [24]. Different European countries started monitoring in a random way, some in just a few regions/areas, the oldest data being collected in the UK in 1976. Italy started monitoring recently as part of the pilot project ABLE (Assessing Butterflies in Europe; [25]) and the data collected are still preliminary. GBI is mentioned in the Strategic Plan 2020–2024 of the DG Environment as an indicator of result (2.2; [26]).
- Freshwater macrobenthos index (STAR ICMi) has a complex name because it is the product of the transnational project, STAR (Standardisation of river classifications: Framework method for calibrating different biological survey results against ecological quality classifications to be developed for the Water Framework Directive; [27]). It includes multimetric indexes (normalized and weighted metrics) concerning the fresh water macrobenthos. In Italy, this indicator has been studied by ISPRA that prepared a technical handbook [28]. Italian legislation started by incorporating some water monitoring parameters [21] but now also includes this indicator [29].
- Soil Macrobenthos Index (QBS-ar) is based on the functional traits of all organisms that have developed morphofunctional structures to live in soil. Convergence of characters is therefore expected and is the point of focus. The environment is soil, and the organisms are various arthropods in their adult and larval stages. This indicator is applied at the regional level in Italy and has been described in detail by ARPA Piedmont (Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale; [30]). To our knowledge, it has not yet been included in European monitoring or indicators.
- “Syrph the Net” (StN) is a large database proposed to evaluate ecosystems on the basis of the presence of syrphid flies in relation to what is to be expected in a given environment (based on CORINE and EUNIS systems). Martin Speight has been the promoter of the site and the system. Syrphids are potentially very good bioindicators due to their many species and adaptations, relatively easy identification and stable taxonomy. In Italy, ISPRA prepared a manual [15] with indications on how to collect and evaluate data.
- “Ground Beetle Index” (GrB): Carabids are frequently used to indicate habitat alterations, since the species are expected to react to disturbance according to whether they have generalist or specialist lifestyles. Carabid beetles are well known taxonomically and ecologically and have been used widely in different studies. Their use has also been criticized (reviewed in [31]). In Italy, they are employed for regional biodiversity assessment, especially by national environment protection agencies who have also prepared a technical handbook [32].
3.2. Selected Indicators: Details
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Index/Indicator | Taxonomic Groups | Monitoring Type | Spatial/Habitat Context | Final Output | |||
Taxa | Pollinators Included? | Frequency | Ongoing Monitoring Plans | Type of Data | Type of Output | ||
FBI | Aves | not in temperate areas | regular (annual schedule) | yes, European | regional | species abundance | ratio |
HNV | Aves, Insecta | yes, butterflies | regular (but depending on cartographic system updates) | depending on cartography employed | regional/local | % area | ratio |
I.19 | any endangered living species | yes, butterflies, syrphid flies, Apoidea | regular (but depending on cartographic system updates) | depending on cartography employed | regional/local | % area | ratio |
I.20 | no | regular (but depending on cartographic system updates) | depending on cartography employed | regional/local | % area | ratio | |
STAR ICMi | various | no | regular (every 5 years, with 3–4 replicates during the year of monitoring) | yes, European | portion of habitats | abundance or presence/absence | classes |
GBI | Insecta (Lepidoptera) | yes, butterflies | regular (annual schedule) | yes, European | codified habitats | abundance | ratio |
QBS-ar | various | no | spot (local sampling) | no | local | presence/absence | ratio/classes |
StN | Syrphidae | yes, syrphid flies | spot (local sampling) | no | local | presence/absence | ratio |
GrB | Carabidae | no | spot (local sampling) | no | local | abundance | descriptive |
| | |
Example of distribution of monitoring sites for birds in Italy. Each dot indicates an agroecosystem site (10 × 10 km) where records have been taken for more (red) or less (yellow dots) than 11 years. The image (slightly modified) can be found in a national report under various authors (professional and volunteer) who collaborated with Lega Italiana per la Protezione degli Uccelli (LIPU) on the project MITO2000. The report is freely available at (accessed on 29 July 2021). Reference: Rete Rurale Nazionale & LIPU (2021) Farmland Bird Index nazionale e andamenti di popolazione delle specie in Italia nel periodo 2000–2020. p. 11 | Example of distribution of monitoring sites for butterflies in Italy. The image can be found at (accessed on 29 July 2021) (base map and data from OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetMap Foundation) and is regularly updated. The version shown was downloaded on 29 July 2021. Each dot represents a transect set up by professional or volunteer workers; data are transferred to the site and corresponding database by Butterfly Conservation Europe and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. | Example of distribution of monitoring sites for wild bees in Italy. Site selection was by the ongoing project BeeNet, in which the authors are directly involved. The sites are situated in agroecosystems, intensive and seminatural, monitored once a month by experts in 11 Italian regions. |
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Share and Cite
Albertazzi, S.; Monterastelli, E.; Giovanetti, M.; Zenga, E.L.; Flaminio, S.; Galloni, M.; Quaranta, M.; Bortolotti, L. Biodiversity Evaluation: From Endorsed Indexes to Inclusion of a Pollinator Indicator. Diversity 2021, 13, 477.
Albertazzi S, Monterastelli E, Giovanetti M, Zenga EL, Flaminio S, Galloni M, Quaranta M, Bortolotti L. Biodiversity Evaluation: From Endorsed Indexes to Inclusion of a Pollinator Indicator. Diversity. 2021; 13(10):477.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlbertazzi, Sergio, Elisa Monterastelli, Manuela Giovanetti, Emanuele Luigi Zenga, Simone Flaminio, Marta Galloni, Marino Quaranta, and Laura Bortolotti. 2021. "Biodiversity Evaluation: From Endorsed Indexes to Inclusion of a Pollinator Indicator" Diversity 13, no. 10: 477.
APA StyleAlbertazzi, S., Monterastelli, E., Giovanetti, M., Zenga, E. L., Flaminio, S., Galloni, M., Quaranta, M., & Bortolotti, L. (2021). Biodiversity Evaluation: From Endorsed Indexes to Inclusion of a Pollinator Indicator. Diversity, 13(10), 477.