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Journal: Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2022
Volume: 23
Number: 5807

Article: In Vitro Tumor Cell-Binding Assay to Select High-Binding Antibody and Predict Therapy Response for Personalized 64Cu-Intraperitoneal Radioimmunotherapy against Peritoneal Dissemination of Pancreatic Cancer: A Feasibility Study
Authors: by Fukiko Hihara, Hiroki Matsumoto, Mitsuyoshi Yoshimoto, Takashi Masuko, Yuichi Endo, Chika Igarashi, Tomoko Tachibana, Mitsuhiro Shinada, Ming-Rong Zhang, Gene Kurosawa, Aya Sugyo, Atsushi B. Tsuji, Tatsuya Higashi, Hiroaki Kurihara, Makoto Ueno and Yukie Yoshii

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