Algorithmic Graph Theory, Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory in MD Simulations: From 3D Structures to Topological 2D-Molecular Graphs (2D-MolGraphs) and Vice Versa
:1. Introduction
2. GaTewAY Post-Processing Tool for Time-Dependent Conformational Analysis
2.1. From the 3D Structure to a 2D MolGraph
- V is the set of all atoms of the molecular system except hydrogen atoms that are not accounted for. Each atom of the molecular system is a vertex of G.
- is a covalent bond}, where each covalent bond represents an edge in G ().
- is an H-bond}, where each H-bond represents an arc (directed edge) in G (), in which atom a is a heavy atom in the H-bond and atom b is the acceptor of the hydrogen bond. Directed edges (arcs) are hence used to keep the information related to the hydrogen atom involved in H-bonds: for a hydrogen bond, the edge is directed from the heavy atom to the donor.There is therefore no need to include explicitly the hydrogen atoms in the 2D MolGraphs, only the ones involved in H-bonds are indirectly incorporated through the directed edges. There are no other directed edges in the 2D MolGraphs.
- is an “electrostatic interaction”}, where each electrostatic interaction represents an edge in G (). Such interaction can be obtained whenever an ion (anion or cation) atom interacts with other atoms.
- is an “organometallic interaction”}, where each organometallic interaction represents an edge in G (). Such interaction is defined whenever a metallic atom such as Manganese, Ruthenium or Gold (metallic atoms investigated in our works up-to-now) interacts with any other type of atom.
2.2. Fingerprinting Based on Bonding Patterns and Types of Interactions
- Construction of the series of 2D MolGraphs: This stage consists in constructing the series of 2D MolGraphs from the list of the positions of the atoms given by the trajectory file(s). At each step (snapshot) I of the MD trajectory, the list of atoms and their cartesian coordinates are known. Depending on the chemical type, we have established a database in which each possible atom has a specific covalent radius and a maximum number of covalent bonds that it can form. For each type of bond/interaction, a set of threshold distance/angle values have been established. These values are in a database that can be easily modified by any user. We always choose the nearest atoms to fix the eventual bond overflow, especially when the user sets high cut-off values. For example, given an atom a that should form at most one covalent bond, and two atoms b and c that respect the condition to form a covalent bond with atom a, whenever the is less than , the algorithm will choose atom b for establishing a covalent bond from atom a as atom b has the shortest distance from atom a. In order to reduce the computational costs of the geometric analysis at each step of the trajectory, two essential features have been implemented: one feature is the orbit of an atom which keeps track of the subset of atoms that can potentially form bonds with atom a; the second feature is composed of reference snapshots that are a (small) subset of snapshots where the orbits are recalculated. For all details, we refer the reader to [40].
- Graph theory analysis: Once orbits and bonds are computed using the geometric-based approach, the structural and dynamical behaviors of the molecular system are examined with graph-theoretic methods. The 2D MolGraph allows defining a unique system topology (i.e., both intra- and inter-molecular bonds) for any possible configuration of atoms along the trajectory. Any conformational change, such as isomerization, proton transfer, change in solvation shells, etc., can be seen as the exploration of a different 2D MolGraph topology.
- , we have .
- .
- .
- .
- Initialization: read the first snapshot of the trajectory and construct the first 2D-MolGraph (see definitions above).
- Read a new snapshot and construct the associated 2D-MolGraph .
- Test if is isomorphic to . If they are isomorphic, add the snapshot to the list of appearance of and go to step (2).
- Test if is isomorphic to one of the 2D-MolGraph already identified. If yes, then add the snapshot to the list of appearance of the isomorphic 2D-MolGraph and go to step (2).
- Else, add to the list of the 2D-MolGraph already identified.
- Return to step (2) in order to read the subsequent snapshot.
- are the vertices of . Each vertex represents a 2D-MolGraph (i.e., a conformation) that has been identified at least once over trajectory .
- are the arcs (directed edges) of . Each arc represents a transition observed from conformation to conformation .
2.3. Evaluation and Validation
2.3.1. Time-Dependent Structural Recognition of Peptides
2.3.2. The 2D-MolGraphs in Condensed Matter: Hydrophobicity Revealed at Aqueous Interfaces
3. Game Theory and Reinforcement-Learning to Predict the 3D Structures of Gas Phase Molecules
3.1. Game Model
- : considers on the one hand all the relative positions of the vertices v in in , and on the other hand for any , the projection of on . is hence the minimum sum of the distances separating these positions from the ideal positions that the neighbors should have around the atom if they respect the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR). VSEPR is used here for the geometrical rules known for chemical groups. For instance, a CH group should have a tetrahedral symmetry in space, etc.
- : given any vertex u, we first consider the sum for all vertices of the euclidian distances between , the projection of on , and , the position of v in the round k of the game. Then for all vertices z in G such that is in , we also add the sum of the euclidian distance between and . Let us denote by the global sum of these distances. Then
3.2. Distributed Reinforcement Learning
3.3. Illustration on a Gas Phase Tri-Peptide: Going from a 2D-MolGraph to the 3D Structure
4. Conclusions and Perspectives
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Block | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Best | 0.969 | 0.955 | 0.961 | 0.963 | 0.953 | 0.955 | 0.958 | 0.962 | 0.959 | 0.967 |
RMSD | 2.301 | 1.551 | 1.981 | 2.089 | 2.200 | 2.271 | 2.186 | 2.071 | 2.053 | 1.870 |
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Bougueroua, S.; Bricage, M.; Aboulfath, Y.; Barth, D.; Gaigeot, M.-P. Algorithmic Graph Theory, Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory in MD Simulations: From 3D Structures to Topological 2D-Molecular Graphs (2D-MolGraphs) and Vice Versa. Molecules 2023, 28, 2892.
Bougueroua S, Bricage M, Aboulfath Y, Barth D, Gaigeot M-P. Algorithmic Graph Theory, Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory in MD Simulations: From 3D Structures to Topological 2D-Molecular Graphs (2D-MolGraphs) and Vice Versa. Molecules. 2023; 28(7):2892.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBougueroua, Sana, Marie Bricage, Ylène Aboulfath, Dominique Barth, and Marie-Pierre Gaigeot. 2023. "Algorithmic Graph Theory, Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory in MD Simulations: From 3D Structures to Topological 2D-Molecular Graphs (2D-MolGraphs) and Vice Versa" Molecules 28, no. 7: 2892.
APA StyleBougueroua, S., Bricage, M., Aboulfath, Y., Barth, D., & Gaigeot, M.-P. (2023). Algorithmic Graph Theory, Reinforcement Learning and Game Theory in MD Simulations: From 3D Structures to Topological 2D-Molecular Graphs (2D-MolGraphs) and Vice Versa. Molecules, 28(7), 2892.