The studies in this paper have examined language diachrony at a statistical level. In doing so, we contribute to a more precise, quantitative characterization of diachronic typology. Specifically, we studied the historical dynamics of FL, which is a quantitative characterization of the contribution of specific contrasts to distinctiveness in the lexicon.
We established that the FL of certain variables evolves according to non-independent stochastic processes: they were found to change in a linked, statistically correlated fashion across almost a hundred languages and thousands of years of history. Moreover, we demonstrated that FL exhibited interesting historical dynamics that are deserving of further investigation not only at values close to zero, which have been the focus of prior work but at higher values as well.
Consequently, although it was not our primary focus here, our findings suggest that recent efforts may be focusing on too narrow a research question and consequently entertaining a set of explanatory accounts that will generalize only poorly to other, related phenomena. Future research will benefit from broadening its scope beyond the recent, more narrow focus on FL, which falls to zero in whole words.
We now take up three additional topics for expansion and emphasis.
4.1. High Degree of Phylogenetic Signal in FL
Phylogenetic signals have recently been shown to be present in phonotactic biphone frequencies, phoneme frequencies, and contextual ratios of places of articulation [
55]. These studies reveal that the frequencies of phonological
structures pattern with genealogy. Here, we find a high level of phylogenetic signals also in FL—that is, in the contrastive
function that phonological structures serve. Interestingly, we find that the phylogenetic signal in the FL measures examined here was very close to 1 and closer than the values found in studies of phonological structures. Two questions can be posed in response: why did we find a strong phylogenetic signal in FL, and why is it even stronger than in structural traits? Any answer at this stage of research is necessarily speculative; however, the observations we offer here may point to useful lines of future inquiry.
Why did we find a strong phylogenetic signal in FL in the data that we used, bearing in mind that our data (1) are sourced from lexical lists of word types, not tokens; (2) are sourced from lists that are short, mostly numbering in the hundreds of items, not thousands or tens of thousands; and (3) examine FL in domains comprised of a tonic vowel and following consonant, not whole words. One prior expectation might have been that since the datasets are so small and since they do not examine the full words that are the focus of much recent research, they would be awash in statistical noise and exhibit little patterning of significance. Evidently, this is not the case, however, and we believe there may be reasons why not.
Much research on FL has focused on the hypothesis that FL exerts an influence on sound change through a mechanism of homophony avoidance [
17]. Since homophony is a relationship that holds between
words, the effect of such a mechanism may be to promote FL within the domain of whole words. Furthermore, as a consequence of that mechanism, sound changes would be less likely to occur, the more they altered the FL within words. However, whether this hypothesis is correct or not, other mechanisms should not be ruled out.
For instance, during speech processing, words become activated cognitively well before the listener hears the entire word [
56]. Consequently, any sound change that caused a loss of a contrastiveness early in a word could potentially impair the ease of processing, even if it did not result in homophony. Accordingly, if we are prepared to entertain the existence of homophony avoidance as a causal factor in sound change, it is not unreasonable to entertain the existence of an avoidance of loss of contrastiveness early in the word as an additional factor in sound change (for supporting evidence, see [
By this line of reasoning, since our data focuses on the first vowel and following consonant of PN words, i.e., contrastiveness early in the word, it is not altogether surprising that our results were significant despite the fact that we did not examine whole words. (PN roots are typically disyllabic and affixation is suffixal [
59]; the initial consonant position, before the tonic vowel, permits only a subset of the contrastive consonants found elsewhere [
60], which potentially increases the importance placed on maintaining the subsequent VC contrasts.)
Our data come from short word lists, which might be expected to supply FL values that are, at best, a noisy approximation of the more precise FL values obtainable from larger lists or from token-based corpus data [
62]. However, the words that appear in short wordlists are heavily skewed towards the most frequent words of a language, and these are the words that listeners would process most often and would have learned the earliest during acquisition. If we grant that words of higher frequency and earlier acquisition are likely to play an especially significant role in the mechanisms behind sound change, then it follows that even short wordlists will plausibly contain rich evidence of the contrastiveness that matters most.
Our results also align with the findings of [
61] in that, above a minimum threshold for wordlist length, even lists of only a few hundred words contained phonemic distributions that conformed closely to the full lexicon, when randomly sampled from a larger lexicon containing thousands of items. Thus, it is not as surprising as it might first seem that we obtained clear results and a strong phylogenetic signal from the limited data we had available.
Our second question was, why does the phylogenetic signal appear higher in FL than in structural traits of phonology, such as phonotactics? To answer this, we return to the two causes of stronger/weaker phylogenetic signals described in
Section 2.2.
First, a phylogenetic signal is stronger when computed relative to the truest tree and lower otherwise. However, the trees we used here for PN while studying FL are the same as those used by Macklin-Cordes et al. [
42] for phonotactics, and thus a difference in the trees used is unlikely to be the cause of the differences in phylogenetic signal.
Second, a phylogenetic signal is stronger if the change process has the properties of Brownian motion. In Brownian motion, small changes are more likely than large changes, and positive and negative changes are equally likely. We take these aspects in turn.
Both FL and structural traits—as with phonotactic frequencies—change as the lexicon changes. Any lexicon is constantly affected in small ways by neologisms and the obsolescence of words. Additionally, they may be affected by borrowing, which can occur at various rates, and by sound changes, which can occur in highly specific contexts or more sweeping ones. This mixture of factors supports an expectation that small changes will be frequent and larger changes less so, and it is not obvious that there would be significant differences in this regard between FL or traits, such as phonotactic frequencies.
It now remains to consider whether positive and negative changes in values are equally likely. For FL, positive/negative changes in values entail that a contrast becomes more/less central in supporting the distinctiveness of strings in the lexicon. There is a lower bound at zero; however, in our study, we did not include that lower bound. Aside from that lower bound, we are not aware of constraints that would make the likelihood of positive or negative changes uneven at any point, and consequently the stochastic process that describes changes in FL could genuinely be quite close to Brownian motion. For structural aspects of phonology, however, the situation is different.
Structural features are subject to constraints: there are less likely and more likely structures, both in universal and in lineage-specific terms [
63]. Consequently, for instance, the frequency of a highly marked structure should be more likely to decrease than to increase. This kind of inequality in the likelihood of positive and negative changes to values—irrespective of the actual sources, such as production, perception, and cognition—entails a departure from Brownian motion, which ought to weaken the phylogenetic signal. This, we suggest, may be why structural traits appear to have a lower phylogenetic signal compared with FL. If this line of reasoning is correct, we would expect similar results to emerge from studies of other language families beyond PN.
4.2. Transphonologization and the Flow of Contrastiveness
Transphonologization [
64] (cf. rephonologization [
65] and cheshirization [
66]) is a term given to sound changes in which a contrastive function is preserved; however, the locus of the contrast—the segments or features that instantiate it—changes. Here, we studied a closely related phenomenon in which contrasts do not necessarily disappear or emerge in their entirety, but the relative contrastive workload of them (their FL) does shift from one to another. One way to view this phenomenon is in terms of a diachronic
flow of FL from one contrast to another (cf. [
67]). The fact that we are able to quantitatively detect the presence of this flow of contrastiveness through a language family as large and old as PN suggests the potential of new avenues for investigating the dynamic flow of contrastiveness through phonological systems as they evolve over time.
One question that arises is whether our findings in PN might reflect some strong preference in language for the conservation of contrastiveness in which case, the flow of FL from one contrast to another might be regarded as an automatic consequence of one contrast undergoing a significant decrease in FL. Although our results alone cannot answer this question, we doubt that such a principle exists in any strong form. Certainly, in many mergers, the overall contrastive capacity of a language is simply reduced, as the FL of one contrast falls but no other FL rises to balance it.
In the case of PN tonic vowels and post-tonic consonants, we suggest that the cause of recurrent historical flow of FL lies in particular phonetic factors that are common across PN languages: a synchronic correlation between phonetic tonic vowel duration and phonetic post-tonic consonant manner, even in systems in which only the vowel-durational aspect is tied to a synchronic phonemic contrast; when the phonetic vowel-durational differences are neutralized diachronically, causing the phonemic vowel length contrasts to collapse, the phonetic manner differences—which still correlate with the same lexical distinctions that vowel length had signalled—become phonemic. On this view, it is the phonetics of the vowel–consonant strings that furnish the conditions for a natural flow of FL from vowel to consonant.
4.3. On Sapir’s ‘Drift’: The Non-Accidental, Parallel Evolution of Related Languages
It is a century now since the appearance in print of Edward Sapir’s hypothesis that languages undergo parallel grammatical evolution for several centuries after they split [
68]. Providing anything more than anecdotal evidence in support of Sapir’s hypothesis has long been difficult [
71], and some apparent cases may be due to language contact [
73]. Dunn et al. [
74] used phylogenetic methods to examine patterns of word order evolution in different language families; however, the study did not produce an identifiable cause for those patterns.
Ideally, evidence in support of Sapir’s drift should not be anecdotal but rather be statistically significant across a language family; it should not be reducible to the effects of language contact, and it should be relatable to an identifiable cause. The current study meets these three criteria. It detects parallel changes in FL that are instantiated statistically across 90 languages within the PN family whose time depth is estimated at around 5000–6000 years [
20]; thus, the evidence is not anecdotal.
The data pattern fits tightly with phylogeny, and thus is unlikely to be due to contact (cf. our note in the next paragraph). Furthermore, we identified a causal basis for this, in the common phonetics of PN tonic vowel–consonant sequences. Thus, we believe our results to be one of the fullest confirmations yet that Sapir’s conjecture was essentially correct: that under the right circumstances, linguistic systems can undergo parallel evolution after they split, not merely for centuries but for millennia.
A reviewer asks about the situation in which language contact closely mimics the pattern of phylogeny. If contact did pattern perfectly with phylogeny (such that languages only borrowed from their very closest relatives), then its effects would be indistinguishable. However, languages also borrow from geographic neighbours that are less closely related. It is hard to conceive of borrowing of lexical items whose impact on contrastiveness has the phylogenetic signal we find here in the absence of vertical inheritance. At the very least, the burden of proof is on the advocate of a language-contact account, given that the data pattern is in very close accord with expectations from vertical inheritance, and there is an accompanying explanation in terms of phonetics and sound change for why this should be so.
It has been suggested by Joseph [
75] that drift in phonology may be due to a narrowing of the range of variation inherited from a proto-language. In the PN changes described here, however, the flow of FL from vowel length to consonant manner is not due to any narrowing of variation in FL in proto-PN (indeed it is not entirely clear what it should mean for FL to have a range of variation). Nor, when the PN developments are viewed in terms of phonological substance are they a matter merely of narrowing variation. Although contrasts in vowel length are lost, new variation is introduced in the inventory of contrastive consonant manners and into the set of relationships that can hold between the length of a tonic vowel and the manner of post-tonic consonants.
In reality, Joseph’s proposal would appear to reduce to a fact, well-recognised in evolutionary biology, that incomplete lineage sorting (i.e., the inheritance of variation from a proto-taxon into its descendant) can result in the appearance of convergent evolution [
76]. However, this does not entail that all convergent evolution is due to incomplete lineage sorting (see also [
Another important source can be the existence of dependencies within a system that are inherited along with its substance [
78], which will favour certain outcomes over others in descendent systems as has been observed in protein evolution; for example, ref. [
79]. In PN, certain phonetic dependencies between tonic vowel length and post-tonic consonant manners were inherited alongside the phonological substance itself. In the descendent systems, in the event that vowel length was lost, the inherited dependencies favoured the rise of new, contrastive consonant manners.