Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Distance-Dependent Chinese Restaurant Process
2.2. Generative Embedded CRP
2.2.1. Algorithmic Generative Models
- (i)
- Sub-goal-sensitive model: This model assigns to each state a probability value proportional to how much the state is likely to be a stage of a plan or, in the algorithmic metaphor, to be the execution of some program’s instruction.By considering every potential program, namely every permitted combination of input states and policies, returning the state , one can affirm that, up to a normalization factor, the prior probability of the state can be defined as:Of course, Equation (7) can be extended to every element of the space state, generating an a priori algorithmic probability distribution (or prior distribution), which assigns the highest probability value to the states that are useful to decompose a planning task into multiple steps [11,38]. This class of states can be denoted as sub-goal states, because they allow splitting problems into less demanding and less complicated sub-problems. Sub-goaling, namely breaking the original problem down into smaller and more manageable problems whose achievement corresponds to landmarks (or “sub-goals”) of the original problem, has long been recognized as a fundamental strategy of problem solving in humans (and possibly other animals) [39].
- (ii)
- Structure-sensitive model: Analogously to Equation (7), one can define the probability that two or more states co-occur. The joint probability of a subset of states depends on the number and the length of the programs passing simultaneously through the states. Hence, for two states , , the whole set of programs with such characteristics is built by considering every policy that starts from a generic state and ends both in and in . Formally, is defined as:The joint probability between two states of the scenario represented in Equation (8) rests upon the number of programs that connect them. This model thus conveys relevant information on the problem structure and the degree of connectedness between its states.
- (iii)
- Goal-sensitive model: In goal-directed planning, the identification of a state as a goal changes the relations between every state of the domain. Practically speaking, the probability of each state depends on how many effective paths toward the goal pass through it. In probabilistic terms, this corresponds to the fact that the goal state conditions the state probabilities.More formally, this corresponds to the conditional probability that a state is reached given that has been returned. This conditional probability can be obtained from Equations (7) and (8) by the probabilistic product rule:
- (iv)
- Path-sensitive model: Planning could be inexpensively defined as acting to find a trajectory in a (symbolic or real) problem space, from an initial state to a final one. This means that it is crucial to carry out a succession of states that are “descriptive” about the agent’s provenance and destination.Hence, the probability of a state to be selected as a point of a planned trajectory is conditioned on both the initial and final states. In algorithmic probability terms, denoted with and , the states corresponding respectively to the origin and the goal of a planning task, the conditional probability of a state given and can be written as:
- (v)
- Multiple goal-sensitive model: In many real situations, a domain can include not just one goal, but a series of goals. The presence of multiple goals entails a different distribution of the most relevant states on the basis of their contribution to the achievement of a set of goals. This relation between a state and a set of goal states is probabilistically ruled by the conditional distribution .Algorithmically, has as its formulation the generalization of Equation (10):At the same time, as we consider in our experiments, one could be interested in grouping the states according to the goal of the set to which they are greatly probabilistically connected. Answering this question results in a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation: a very widespread method adopted in fault-cause diagnostics and expert systems. MAP consists of solving the probabilistic inference:
2.2.2. Kernels
- a:
- specifies the generative model adopted. If we consider the models introduced in Section 2.2.1, it can be “” (sub-goal sensitive), “” (structure sensitive), “” (goal sensitive), “” (path sensitive) and “” (multiple goal sensitive).
- b:
- denotes the standard kernel. For example, we can use “L” for the Laplacian kernel (this is the only kernel involved in the experiments reported in Section 3) or “U” for the uniform kernel, and so on, with other kernels not shown here.
2.2.3. Posterior Inference with Gibbs Sampling
2.3. Properties Captured by the Five Clustering Schemes
- (i)
- The sub-goal-sensitive model clusters the state space ways that unveil the differences between states that are central to many paths (like sub-goals or bottlenecks) and from which many actions are possible, versus states that are only visited by fewer paths. This method is related to measures, such as graph centrality and network flow [47] and empowerment [48], at least in the sense that reaching states that are part of many paths and permit accessing many other states can enhance an agent’s empowerment.
- (ii)
- The goal-sensitive model and the multiple goal-sensitive model resemble the sub-goal-sensitive model, but with one important difference: here, the information that is extracted is also conditioned on (and influenced by) the agent’s goal(s). This implicitly creates a kind of gradient to the goal that can, in principle, be used to direct a planning algorithm from any start location, with some analogies to the concept of a value function in RL [6].
- (iii)
- The path-sensitive model can be considered as another sub-case of the sub-goal-sensitive model, in which both the initial and the final goal states are known. Different from the goal- (or multiple goal) sensitive models, here, an intuitive metaphor is that of a valley created by a river, where essentially, the very structure of the state space prescribes a (high probability) path. It can be related to diffusion measures introduced in network analysis where vertices can be ranked on the basis of their aptitude to spread information, infection or whatever through a target vertex [49].
- (iv)
- The structure-sensitive model is different from the aforementioned schemes, in that it is not directly related to a goal-directed navigation, but is more revelatory of structural information, such as connectedness in graph theory. Basically, it decomposes the space into subsets that could be used to subdivide a large and complex task in a hierarchy of simpler tasks. Such decomposition can simplify the planning problem by squeezing the effective size of the original state space into a smaller number of abstract states considered by every sub-task [50].
3. Experiments and Results
3.1. The Three Experimental Scenarios
- (i)
- Open space scenario. This scenario is composed of 25 discrete states arranged in a square with all transitions enabled for the neighboring states. In this scenario, no structure restrictions (e.g., bottlenecks) are present. See Figure 3a.
- (ii)
- Grid world scenario. This scenario consists of an environment of 29 states grouped into four rooms. Here, rooms are groups of states linked together by restrictions (bottlenecks), i.e., states that allow the transition from a room to another (States ). In our scenario, we can identify four rooms: Room 1 (states ), Room 2 (), Room 3 () and Room 4 (). See Figure 3b.
- (iii)
- Hanoi Tower scenario. This scenario models a tower of Hanoi (ToH) game of three disks of different sizes that can slide into three rods. Using a well-known mapping [51], the “three pegs-three rods” ToH problem is converted into a path planning problem of 27 states. In this scenario, a recursive community structure can be identified [12], i.e., sets of similar moves separated by bottlenecks represented by different kinds of transitions. In this scenario, it is possible to identify bottlenecks at different hierarchical levels: third order bottlenecks (–, – and –), second order bottlenecks (e.g., –, – and –) and first order bottlenecks (e.g., –, – and –. Transitions among states are shown in Figure 3c.
3.2. Simulations and Results
- The clustering matrix graph illustrates a symmetric matrix whose elements represent the empirical probabilities , , that two states and belong to the same cluster in the 25 repetitions. The matrix values are shown in gray scale with lighter (darker) colors for higher (lower) frequency to find two states in the same cluster. The size of the clustering matrix for a scenario of N states is . The states are sorted in rows and columns by reflecting the best clustering partition of the 25 repetitions, where by the best clustering, we mean the one that maximize Equation (26) (see below). States within the same cluster follow no particular order. The ordering of the different clusters is assigned with an intuitive criterion: when selecting a geCRP scheme, it is possible to assign to every state an algorithmic probability value computed according to the adopted geCRP scheme. Consequently, we can assign to clusters the mean of the probabilities of the states that belong to them, and then, we can order the clusters as a function of these mean values. Intuitively, clusters that are close in this ordering are clusters containing states with similar probability values. As a consequence, the presence of a “block” in the matrix reveals how frequent a cluster appears in the cluster configurations carried out in the 25 runs;
- The best clustering graph shows the best clustering result found in 25 runs. The best clustering result is acknowledged as the cluster configuration that maximizes the log-likelihood:
3.3. Results in the Open Space Scenario
3.4. Results in the Grid World Scenario
3.5. Results in the Hanoi Tower Scenario
4. Discussion
- The sub-goal-sensitive model is able to reveal useful sub-goal- or bottleneck-related information (i.e., extract states that can act as useful sub-goals or bottlenecks), if present in the environment. This can be considered a clustering method that is “agnostic” with regard to the specific behavioral goal of the agent, but can be used for planning from any start state to any goal state.
- The structure-sensitive model clusters the environment into coherent geometric partitions or shapes, e.g., rooms in a four-room scenario (grid world). However, in the open space, this method does not find coherent partitions; because every couple of states has the same similarity metric, each clustering experiment produces a different partitioning, due to the stochasticity of Gibbs sampling.
- The goal-sensitive model generates a clustering that groups the states according to a gradient-field that culminates in the goal site and affords effective navigation to a known goal. This method shares some resemblances with value functions that are widely used in reinforcement learning methods, which essentially create gradients to reward locations [6]. Our results indicate that this clustering method is appropriate for planning a path to a known goal location, from any start location.
- The path-sensitive model groups states on the basis of their probability values with respect to both a starting and a goal state, both of which are known a priori. The results indicate that this clustering method is appropriate for planning a path from a known start location to a known goal location.
- The multiple goal-sensitive model groups states in a way that is similar to the goal-sensitive model, but for several (known) goal states. The results show that this clustering method is appropriate when the planning problem includes multiple goal locations. Interestingly, the number and location of goals entail a modification, in an informational sense, of the geometry of the scenario. Consider for example the case of the grid world with three goals, one of which is a bottleneck. Although the scenario is characterized by the presence of four rooms, the model only produces three clusters, thus clustering together two rooms. The dependence of the clustering from the agent’s objectives (here, reaching multiple goal locations) is a hallmark of flexible coding schemes.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Test | OS1 | OS2 | OS3 | OS4 | OS5 |
geCRP scheme | |||||
α | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.008 | 0.008 | 0.08 |
λ | 0.1 | ||||
case-specific setup | – | – | , | goals: , , , |
Test | GW1 | GW2 | GW3 | GW4 | GW5 | GW6 |
geCRP scheme | ||||||
α | 0.008 | 0.08 | 0.008 | 0.008 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
λ | ||||||
case-specific | – | – | , | goals: , , | goals: , , | |
setup | , , |
Test | ToH1 | ToH2 | ToH3 | ToH4 | ToH5 | ToH6 |
geCRP scheme | ||||||
α | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.008 | 0.08 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
λ | ||||||
case-specific | – | – | , | goals: , | goals: , , | |
setup | , |
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Maisto, D.; Donnarumma, F.; Pezzulo, G. Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks. Entropy 2016, 18, 61.
Maisto D, Donnarumma F, Pezzulo G. Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks. Entropy. 2016; 18(2):61.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaisto, Domenico, Francesco Donnarumma, and Giovanni Pezzulo. 2016. "Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks" Entropy 18, no. 2: 61.
APA StyleMaisto, D., Donnarumma, F., & Pezzulo, G. (2016). Nonparametric Problem-Space Clustering: Learning Efficient Codes for Cognitive Control Tasks. Entropy, 18(2), 61.