Fruit Classification by Wavelet-Entropy and Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Fitness-Scaled Chaotic ABC and Biogeography-Based Optimization
:1. Introduction
2. State-of-the-Art
3. Methodology
3.1. Materials
3.2. Four-Step Preprocessing
3.3. Discrete Wavelet Transform
3.4. Wavelet-Entropy
3.5. Principal Component Analysis
3.6. Feed-Forward Neural Network
3.7. Training Methods
3.7.1. Fitness-Scaled Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony
Algorithm 1: Fitness-Scaled Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony (FSCABC) | |
Step 1 | Initialization: Initialize the population (solution candidates) within the lower & upper bounds. Evaluation and initial population |
Step 2 | Produce new food sources: Produce new solutions in the neighborhood of last solution for the employed bees. The random number is replaced with a chaotic number generator. Implement the greedy selection to select the best solutions. |
Step 3 | Produce new onlookers: Generate new solutions for the onlookers based on population group of last step, selecting the best depending on the probability of scaled fitness values. |
Step 4 | Produce new scouts: Produce the discarded solution, i.e., the worst candidate, which is replaced with a novel randomly generated solution. Here the random number generator is replaced with a chaotic number generator. |
Step 5 | If the termination criterion is met, output the final results, otherwise jump to the second step. |
3.7.2. Biogeography-Based Optimization
Algorithm 2: Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) | |
Step 1 | Initialize BBO parameters, which include a problem-dependent method of mapping problem solutions to SIVs and habitats, the modification probability Pd, the maximum species count Smax, the maximum mutation rate Wmax, the maximum migration rates E and I, and elite number e. |
Step 2 | Initialize the population by generating a random set of habitats. |
Step 3 | Compute HSI for each habitat. |
Step 4 | For each habitat, computer S, μ, and λ. |
Step 5 | Modify the whole ecosystem by migration based on Pd, λ and μ. |
Step 6 | Mutate the ecosystem based on mutate probabilities. |
Step 7 | Implement elitism. |
Step 8 | If termination criterion was met, output the best habitat, otherwise jump to Step 3. |
3.8. Statistical Analysis
Algorithm 3: 5-Fold Stratified Cross Validation | |
Step 1 | Divide the fruit images into five equally distributed folds. |
Step 2 | Let i-th fold be test set, and the rest four folds as training set. |
Step 3 | Feed the training and test set to the classifiers. |
Step 4 | Record the accuracy Ai of test set of i-th fold. |
Step 5 | Let i = i + 1. If i ≤ 5, then jump to Step 2, otherwise jump to Step 6. |
Step 6 | Output the average accuracy A = (A1 + … + A5)/5. |
3.9. Implementation
Algorithm 4: Proposed System | |
Phase I: Offline Learning | |
Step 1 | Database. 1653 color images containing 18 categories of fruits are obtained. Their sizes are of 1024 × 768 × 3 (Length × Width × Color Channel). |
Step 2 | Preprocessing and Feature Extraction. Remove background by split-and-merge algorithm [19]. Crop and resize each image to 256 × 256 × 3. Center the fruits. For each image, 30 features are obtained that contain WEs of three color channels. |
Step 3 | Feature Reduction. The number of features are decreased by PCA, and the criterion is to cover more than 95% of total variance. PC coefficient matrix was generated. |
Step 4 | Classifier Training. The training set is fed into feed-forward neural network. The weights and biases of the FNN are adjusted to make minimal the average MSE of FNN. BBO and FSCABC are set as the training algorithms, respectively. |
Step 5 | Evaluation. A K-fold SCV is employed for statistical evaluation. |
Phase II: Online Prediction | |
Step 1 | Query Image. Generate the query image by a digital camera. |
Step 2 | Preprocessing and Feature Extraction. The same as Phase I. |
Step 3 | Feature Reduction. Reduced feature is obtained by multiplying extracted features with PC coefficient matrix generated in Phase I. |
Step 4 | Prediction. The reduced feature is sent into the classifier trained in Phase I to predict the fruit category. |
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. DWT Results
Fruit | R-Channel | G-Channel | B-Channel |
Black Grapes | | | |
Tangerines | | | |
4.2. Feature Reduction
4.3. Algorithm Comparison
Algorithm | Parameter/Value |
GA | SP = 20, Mutation Probability = 0.1, Crossover Probability = 0.8 |
PSO | SP = 20, Initial Weight = 0.5, Maximal Velocity = 1, Acceleration Factor = 1 |
ABC | SP = 20, (10 employed bees and 10 onlooker bees) |
FSCABC | SP = 20, (10 employed bees and 10 onlooker bees) |
BBO | SP = 20, Modification Probability = 0.95, maximum immigration rate = maximum emigration rate = 1, Wmax = 0.1, e = 2 |
# of Reduced Features | Accuracy | ||
Existing Algorithms * | (CH + MP + US) + PCA + GA-FNN Chandwani, Agrawal and Nagar (2015) [18] | 14 | 84.8% |
(CH + MP + US) + PCA + PSO-FNN Momeni, et al. (2015) [16] | 14 | 87.9% | |
(CH + MP + US) + PCA + ABC-FNN Awan, et al. (2014) [31] | 14 | 85.4% | |
(CH + MP + US) + PCA + kSVM Wu (2012) [6] | 14 | 88.2% | |
(CH + MP + US) + PCA + FSCABC-FNN Zhang, et al. (2014) [12] | 14 | 89.1% | |
Proposed Algorithms | WE + PCA + FSCABC-FNN | 12 | 89.5% |
WE + PCA + BBO-FNN | 12 | 89.5% |
5. Discussions
6. Conclusions and Future Research
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
(FSC)ABC | (Fitness-scaled Chaotic) Artificial Bee Colony |
BBO | Biogeography-based Optimization |
BP | Back-Propagation |
CH | Color-histogram |
FNN | Feed-forward Neural Network |
FT-NIR | Fourier transform near infrared |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
HCA | Hierarchical cluster analysis |
kSVM | kernel Support Vector Machine |
MP | Morphology-based features |
MSE | Mean-Squared Error |
PC(A) | Principal Component (Analysis) |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit |
SA | Simulating Annealing |
SCV | Stratified Cross Validation |
US | Unser’s features |
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Wang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ji, G.; Yang, J.; Wu, J.; Wei, L. Fruit Classification by Wavelet-Entropy and Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Fitness-Scaled Chaotic ABC and Biogeography-Based Optimization. Entropy 2015, 17, 5711-5728.
Wang S, Zhang Y, Ji G, Yang J, Wu J, Wei L. Fruit Classification by Wavelet-Entropy and Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Fitness-Scaled Chaotic ABC and Biogeography-Based Optimization. Entropy. 2015; 17(8):5711-5728.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Shuihua, Yudong Zhang, Genlin Ji, Jiquan Yang, Jianguo Wu, and Ling Wei. 2015. "Fruit Classification by Wavelet-Entropy and Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Fitness-Scaled Chaotic ABC and Biogeography-Based Optimization" Entropy 17, no. 8: 5711-5728.
APA StyleWang, S., Zhang, Y., Ji, G., Yang, J., Wu, J., & Wei, L. (2015). Fruit Classification by Wavelet-Entropy and Feedforward Neural Network Trained by Fitness-Scaled Chaotic ABC and Biogeography-Based Optimization. Entropy, 17(8), 5711-5728.