Periodic Cosmological Evolutions of Equation of State for Dark Energy
:1. Introduction
2. Brief Review of the CG Type Models
3. Periodical and Quasi-periodical GCG Type Models
3.1. Periodical Generalizations
3.1.1. MG-XXI Model
3.1.2. MG-XXII Model
3.1.3. MG-XXIII Model
3.1.4. MG-XXIV Model
3.2. Quasi-periodical Generalizations
3.2.1. MG-XXV Model
3.2.2. MG-XXVI Model
3.2.3. MG-XXVII Model
4. Other Two Periodical FLRW Models
4.1. MG-XII Model
4.2. MG-XIII Model
4.3. MG-XIV Model
4.4. MG-XV Model
4.5. MG-XVI Model
4.6. MG-XVII Model
4.7. MG-XVIII Model
4.8. MG-XIX Model
4.9. MG-XX Model
4.10. MG-XXXIII Model
5. Conclusions
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Bamba, K.; Debnath, U.; Yesmakhanova, K.; Tsyba, P.; Nugmanova, G.; Myrzakulov, R. Periodic Cosmological Evolutions of Equation of State for Dark Energy . Entropy 2012, 14, 2351-2374.
Bamba K, Debnath U, Yesmakhanova K, Tsyba P, Nugmanova G, Myrzakulov R. Periodic Cosmological Evolutions of Equation of State for Dark Energy . Entropy. 2012; 14(11):2351-2374.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBamba, Kazuharu, Ujjal Debnath, Kuralay Yesmakhanova, Petr Tsyba, Gulgasyl Nugmanova, and Ratbay Myrzakulov. 2012. "Periodic Cosmological Evolutions of Equation of State for Dark Energy " Entropy 14, no. 11: 2351-2374.