Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of Systems, I am pleased to announce the winner of the Systems 2023 Travel Award. The award has been granted to Dr. Gianmarco Bressanelli, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.

As the awardee, Dr. Gianmarco Bressanelli will receive an honorarium of CHF 500 and an electronic certificate.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. On behalf of the assessment committee, I congratulate the winner on his accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. William T. Scherer
Editor-in-Chief, Systems

Systems 2023 Travel Award
Past Winners


Manuel Gil-Martín
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. William T. Scherer Chairman
University of Virginia
Dr. Zhou He
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. Edward Pohl
Prof. Brian Sauser
University of North Texas


Gianmarco Bressanelli
Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. William T. Scherer Chairman
University of Virginia
Prof. Dr. Fernando De La Prieta
University of Salamanca
Prof. Brian Sauser
University of North Texas
Dr. Oz Sahin
Prof. Yannis Marinakis
Technical University of Crete, School of Production Engineering and Management
Prof. Dr. Colette Rolland
University Paris1 Pantheon Sorbonne


Peng Xu
Virginia Tech, USA


Erin Kenzie
Portland State University, USA

Award Committee

Dr. Robert Y. Cavana
Victoria University of Wellington
Prof. Vladimír Bureš
University of Hradec Kralove
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