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6 April 2022
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Systems

Systems (ISSN: 2079-8954) is currently recruiting Editorial Board Members. Below is the list of current Sections:
- “Systems Theory and Methodology”;
- “Systems Practice in Natural Science”;
- “Systems Practice in Social Science”;
- “Systems Design”;
- “Systems Engineering”;
- “Systems Practice in Engineering”;
- “Project Management”;
- “Supply Chain Management”;
- “Complex Systems”;
- “Cybernetics”.
More information on our current Editorial Board Members can be found at the following link: If you are interested in applying for this position, or if you could recommend potential candidates, please contact the Systems Editorial Office ([email protected]) for more details.
Systems is a leading venue for quick and global dissemination of results of cutting-edge research in systems theory in practice, including fields such as systems engineering management, systems-based project planning, intelligent cities, intelligent planning, health systems, transportation systems, digital systems, environmental management, and complex social systems.
The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) is affiliated with Systems. The journal is presently covered by the following indexing: Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, and Web of Science. Systems is indexed in SSCI (Web of Science) and will receive its first impact factor in June 2022. The website of Systems can be reached at
The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member include the following:
- The opportunity to publish one paper free of charge per year in Systems, and potential discounts for additional papers you invite;
- A recognition certificate as an Editorial Board Member of Systems;
- Additional sponsorships for conferences organized by Editorial Board Members.
Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members include the following:
- Supervising the editorial process, including prescreening submissions and making final decisions on whether to accept or reject papers;
- Contributing your work and inviting three to five papers to Systems;
- Choosing to edit a Special Issue on a topic related to your research, or recommending potential topics and Guest Editors.
If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member of Systems, please send your application, including a full academic CV, to the Systems Editorial Office ([email protected]). We look forward to working with you.