
17 February 2022
Welcoming Prof. Dr. Tiziana Margaria to the Editorial Board of Software

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Tiziana Margaria has joined Software (ISSN: 2674-113X) as an Editorial Board Member.

Prof. Dr. Tiziana Margaria is the Chair of Software Systems at the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Limerick. She is the Course Director and program co-director of the brand-new Immersive Software Engineering integrated B.Sc./M.Sc. program at UL. She leads research and education in advanced software systems and explainable AI. Her work spans from formal method-based approaches for high-assurance software in Lero, to the end-to-end interoperability of heterogeneous computing systems in advanced manufacturing in Confirm, and software solutions for rigorous and explainable AI and ML in the Centre of Research Training in AI. She co-leads and applies integrated healthcare in the UL Cancer Network and the Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre. She is a Fellow and currently the Vice President of the Irish Computer Society, Vice President of the IFIP Working Group on Design and Engineering of Electronic Systems, and past President of the European Association for Software Science and Technology.

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