
14 December 2021
Welcoming Prof. Hironori Washizaki to the Editorial Board of Software

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Hironori Washizaki, has joined Software as a new Editorial Board Member.

Hironori Washizaki is a Professor and the Associate Dean of the Research Promotion Division at Waseda University in Tokyo and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He also works in the industry as an Outside Director of SYSTEM INFORMATION and eXmotion.

He received his Ph.D. in information and computer science from Waseda University in 2003. His research interests include systems and software engineering. He has published more than 150 research papers in refereed international journals and conferences, including Computer, TETC, IoT-J, EMSE, SCICO, ICSE, and ASE. He has led numerous academic-industry joint research and funded projects in software requirements, software design, software reuse, and patterns, software quality assurance, software development process and management, AI/machine learning software engineering, and ICT/programming education. Since 2017, he has led a large-scale grant at MEXT, called enPiT-Pro SmartSE, which encompasses recurrent professional education in IoT, AI, software engineering, and business.

He has been the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) Vice President for Professional and Educational Activities since 2021 and IEEE-CS Board of Governors (BoG) member. He is spearheading the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) evolution project. He has also served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), Steering Committee Member of the IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Editor of the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), Editorial Board Member of Education Sciences, Editorial Board Member of Software, Associate Editor of Frontiers in Computer Science, and Advisory Committee Member of the IEEE-CS flagship conference COMPSAC. He is a Professional Member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu. He has served as the general and program chair of major conferences, including ICST, CSEE&T, APSEC, AsianPLoP, and COMPSAC SIoT.

Since 2015, he has been the Convener of ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20 to standardize bodies of knowledge and professional certifications, including the development of the ISO/IEC 24773 series. Furthermore, he has contributed to software engineering and the general computing professional community in Japan, Asia, and globally. He has served as Chair of the IEEE-CS Japan Chapter. He has served as a Steering Committee Member for the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). He has served as an Asia Liaison at SEKE since 2010. He is also active in the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), where he has served as the Editor of its journal and Chair of the Special Interest Group of Software Engineering (SIGSE).

You can contact him at [email protected] and

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