
29 December 2022
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Organoids

We are currently recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Organoids (ISSN: 2674-1172). These members are mainly responsible for regularly providing support to the Guest Editors and Section Board Members. For more information about the position, please visit the following link:

Organoids is a companion journal of Cells (IF: 7.666, ISSN: 2073-4409). Organoids is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal. It publishes novel research findings, reviews, and communications in all aspects of organoid development, including stem and progenitor cell differentiation and technological advancements toward their applications in tissue engineering, bioprinting, model organ development, and biomedicine.

More information about the journal can be found on our homepage:

To qualify as a Topical Advisory Panel Member, applicants must:

  • Have expertise and experience in a field related to the journal;
  • Have at least six published papers in the last 5 years as a first author or corresponding author;
  • Currently hold an independent research position in academia or a government institute.

If you are interested in this position, please apply via the following link:; alternatively, you may send an email to the Editorial Office ([email protected]) with your academic CV attached.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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