
16 July 2024
Journal of Respiration | Aims and Scope Update

To further enhance the quality of Journal of Respiration and the papers published in it, under the guidance of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Cesar A. Moran, the journal has updated and revised its aims and scope. The original scope and the updated version are listed below:

Aims (new version):

The Journal of Respiration is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to presenting developments related to the thoracic cavity that may affect the respiratory system in any way. It publishes reviews, research articles, communications, and technical notes, and selected exceptional case reports. Our Editorial Board is composed of physicians and scientists who cover the broad spectrum of specialties within research on the thoracic cavity. In addition, our Editorial Board is committed to upholding the highest possible standards regarding the prompt and unbiased assessment of any information referred to the journal for publication. We are committed to a rapid but accurate review process so that any manuscript submitted to the journal can be published without unnecessary delay.

Aims (old version):

The Journal of Respiration is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to the timely and updated information of any developments related to the respiratory system. It publishes reviews, research articles, communications and technical notes. Our Editorial Board is composed of physicians and scientists who cover the broad spectrum of specialties within the respiratory system. In addition, our Editorial Board is committed to upholding the highest possible standards with regard to prompt and unbiased assessments of any information referred to the journal for publication. We are committed to a rapid but accurate review process so that any manuscript submitted to the journal can be published without unnecessary delay.

Scope (new version):

The Journal of Respiration welcomes manuscripts related to the thoracic cavity, which may affect the respiratory system. The thoracic cavity, in addition to the conventional upper and lower respiratory tract structures, contains the esophagus and the heart, which in some circumstances may affect the respiratory system. Therefore, we welcome manuscripts related to the lung proper (including small and large airway) and the incorporate mediastinum, pleura, chest wall, larynx, and trachea, esophagus, and heart, as components of the thoracic cavity. Furthermore, we are interested in all factors that may affect these anatomical structures, whether related to pathology, diagnostic imaging, anatomical, physiological, histological, oncological, or non-neoplastic processes, occupational health, epidemiology, health education, health promotion, or intensive care; this may include reactive, infectious, or idiopathic conditions, among others. We are also interested in surgical procedures or interventional radiological aspects that may be related to the respiratory system. We are committed to enhancing our understanding of the multiple conditions that may affect the respiratory system, which in turn will expand our knowledge.

If you have a specific idea in mind and want to develop a theme for any topic, please get in contact with the Editor-in-Chief or with Managing Editor. We warmly welcome you and your ideas.

Scope (old version):

The Journal of Respiration welcomes manuscripts related to the upper and lower respiratory system. However, JoR is wider in its scope as it is interested in the thoracic cavity as a whole; therefore, we welcome manuscripts related to lung proper (including small and large airway), and in addition, we also incorporate mediastinum, pleura, chest wall, larynx, and trachea. Furthermore, we are interested in all aspects that may affect those anatomical structures, whether related to pathology, diagnostic imaging, anatomical, physiological, histological, oncological, or non-neoplastic processes, which may include reactive, infectious, or idiopathic conditions, among others. We are also interested in surgical procedures or interventional radiological aspects that may be related to the respiratory system as a whole. We are committed to increasing our understanding of the multiple conditions that may affect the respiratory system, which in turn will enhance our knowledge.

If you have a specific idea in mind and want to develop a theme for any topic, please get in contact with the Editor-in-Chief or with Managing Editor. We warmly welcome you and your ideas.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

JoR Editorial Office

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