
24 April 2024
Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Geometry

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Geometry (ISSN: 3042-402X).

Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He is a mathematical physicist who is a Fellow at the London Institute, which is based at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, as well as a lecturer and former Fellow at Merton College, Oxford. He holds honorary positions as visiting professor of mathematics at City, University of London, Chang-Jiang Chair professor at Nankai University, and President of STEMM Global Scientific Society.

He works on the interface between quantum field theory, string theory, algebraic geometry and number theory, as well as how AI and machine learning help with these problems. He is one of the pioneers in the field of using AI for pure mathematics.

He is the author of over 200 scientific publications and is also a keen communicator of science, giving regular public lectures including the Royal Institution Friday Evening Discourse, as well as podcasts. His other outreach activities include acting as an advisor to BMUCO and being a fellow of the One Garden.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He as our Editor-in-Chief and look forward to his collaboration and input for the continued success of Geometry.

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