Palaeontology Research Grant

The Palaeontology Research Grant, launched in 2024, will be awarded annually to provide financial support for the winner to conduct palaeontological research, covering their expenses such as travel, museum visits, fieldwork, or experiments, etc. All applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee led by our Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eric Buffetaut.

The Prize (for one winner)
- CHF 500
- A certificate
- A chance to publish a paper (free of charge) in the journal Fossil Studies

Required Application Documents
- Applicant's detailed CV: including an updated publication list and a list of the researcher’s own research grants;
- Application Form

How to Submit the Application Materials?
All application materials should be sent to the Editorial Office’s email: [email protected] by 31 March 2025. The email subject should be “Fossil Studies - Palaeontology Research Grant Application 2025 – Applicant Name”.

Fossil Studies Palaeontology Research Grant
Winner announcement: 31 May 2025

Eligibility and Requirements

- This grant is open to professional and amateur palaeontologists, as well as students who are engaged in palaeontological research.
- The winner is encouraged to submit a paper on their findings (free of charge) to Fossil Studies or within one year of the completion of their research. We hope the journal can be acknowledged, with our logo included in the websites, booklets, and slides associated with the work, as appropriate.

Evaluation Criteria

- Applicant's background
- Purpose, novelty, and impact of the research project
- Proposed use of funds

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