
8 October 2022
Recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for Chemistry

Chemistry (ISSN: 2624-8549) is currently recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief ( for the following Sections:

The journal is looking to expand its developmental directions to cover areas requiring additional representation. If you are interested in leading a particular Section and helping us to take the next step in its development or would like to recommend potential candidates, please reach out to us.

Chemistry is a new journal published quarterly online by the leading open access publisher MDPI with Prof. Edwin Charles Constable serving as the Editor-in-Chief. Chemistry is dedicated to the publication and widespread dissemination of peer-reviewed research articles, communications, and review papers in all areas of chemistry. Particular emphasis will be given to publications that bridge traditional disciplines within chemistry or provide insights of interest to the broader chemical community.

The responsibilities of the Section Editor-in-Chief include the following:

  • Acting as an ambassador for the journal, MDPI, and open access publishing;
  • Issuing scientific decisions about the scope of their Section;
  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  • Suggesting topics for Special Issues;
  • Providing support and guidance to Editorial Board Members and editorial staff where required;
  • Maintaining oversight of the editorial process for individual manuscripts in their Section (mainly by making the final decision regarding whether or not a paper will be published after peer review and revisions);
  • Understanding, leading and upholding MDPI’s peer review guidelines and ethics guidelines.

As a Section Editor-in-Chief, you will have the unique opportunity to network and communicate with scholars in the Chemistry community, building long-term relationships and establishing your influence within your discipline. Appointed members will also receive an Editor Certificate confirming this role. In addition, you will have the opportunity to publish one paper per year free of charge in any of our journals. The term for this position is two years and can be renewed.

To apply or request further information, please contact the Chemistry Editorial Office ([email protected]). We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Chemistry Editorial Office

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