Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Soil Sampling and Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Medina Quispe, P.R.; Arizapana-Almonacid, M.A.; Nosetto, M.D. Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls. Grasses 2024, 3, 35-44.
Medina Quispe PR, Arizapana-Almonacid MA, Nosetto MD. Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls. Grasses. 2024; 3(1):35-44.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMedina Quispe, Paolo Rivaldo, Marco Aurelio Arizapana-Almonacid, and Marcelo Daniel Nosetto. 2024. "Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls" Grasses 3, no. 1: 35-44.
APA StyleMedina Quispe, P. R., Arizapana-Almonacid, M. A., & Nosetto, M. D. (2024). Changes in the Soil Organic Carbon of Grasslands in the High Andes of Peru after Their Conversion to Croplands and Their Environmental Controls. Grasses, 3(1), 35-44.