A Survey of Numerical Simulation Tools for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Structural Codes
3. Aerodynamic Codes
4. Hydrodynamic Codes
5. Mooring Codes
6. Numerical Simulation Tools
6.1. FAST Computer-Aided Engineering Tool
6.1.1. FAST Modularization Framework
6.1.2. ElastoDyn
6.1.3. BeamDyn
6.1.4. AeroDyn
6.1.5. HydroDyn
6.1.6. InflowWind
6.1.7. SubDyn
6.1.8. MAP++
6.1.9. MoorDyn
6.1.10. FEAMooring
6.1.11. IceFloe and IceDyn
6.1.12. Transition to OpenFAST
6.2. OrcaFlex
6.3. OPASS
6.4. Bladed
- Prandtl’s tip and root loss, to account for the effect of the blade tip vortices on induced velocity;
- Dynamic wake model;
- Glauert skew model;
- Dynamic stall model, including Beddoes–Leishman compressible and incompressible flows and Øye dynamic stall.
6.5. HAWC2
6.6. aNySIM
- Continuous flapwise blade bending;
- Continuous edgewise blade bending;
- Passive or controlled pitch;
- Blade flapping hinges;
- Teetered hub;
- Generator characteristics;
- Drivetrain;
- Tower torsion;
- Tower bending.
6.8. 3DFloat
6.9. DeepLines Wind
6.10. SAMCEF
6.11. Sesam
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- Sestra: a program for static and dynamic structural analysis. The finite element approach was used to formulate it. Sestra may also analyze gap/contact problems and members that are just in tension or compression.
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- Wajac: Wind, wave, and current loads on fixed and rigid frame structures are calculated using this program. In either a frequency- or time-domain simulation, the load is calculated using the Morison equation. Hydrodynamic loads due to irregular, regular, or constrained waves can be computed using time-domain analysis.
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- Splice: nonlinear analysis of the structure–pile–soil interaction problems.
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- Framework: fatigue analysis of structures.
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- Fatigue Manager: time-domain fatigue and ultimate strength analysis under combined wind and wave loads.
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- Wadam: linear frequency-domain hydrodynamics.The hydrodynamic loads are determined using the Morison equation as well as first- and second-order potential theory. In addition, through frequency-domain simulation analysis, the incident waves are defined as an Airy wave.
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- Wasim: nonlinear time-domain hydrodynamics.Wasim is based on the Morison equation, which uses the Rankin panel approach to solve the 3D diffraction/radiation problem.
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- Sima: modelling, analysis, control, and results presentation.This is a time-domain simulation tool that uses a fully coupled technique to simulate a floating wind turbine. The hydrodynamics of the substructure can be estimated using conventional hydrodynamic programs, while the mooring system can be specified in Sima.
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- Simo: simulation of motions.
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- Riflex: analysis of moorings.
- Integrated analysis: This method involves modelling in Sesam, which is then imported and coupled to a wind turbine model in a tool like Bladed. After computing the resulting forces and loads for each component, the data are translated into Sesam for postprocessing, which includes fatigue and ultimate analysis, as shown in Figure 4.
- Super-element and sequential analysis: Wave loads are generated in Sesam using the super-element technique. The wind turbine is modelled in a separate third-party software package, and the wind turbine loads are extracted at an interface point. Sesam may use wind turbine loads from any third-party wind turbine tool, where converters for Bladed, BHAWC, and HAWC2 are available. These loads are then incorporated into the Sesam analysis, followed by a dynamic analysis to determine the structure’s stress time histories. Following that, the stresses are postprocessed to meet fatigue limit state and/or ultimate limit state criteria [109]. A super-element approach is employed in a special type of sequential analysis, in which the model and wave loads are converted into a super-element file and wave load files from Sesam, which are then used by the turbine load calculation tool. This is mostly used in conjunction with Bladed and Siemens Gamesa’s BHAWC. These approaches are illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
6.12. UTWind
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
9. Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Software | Structure | Aerodynamic | Hydrodynamic | Mooring | Analysis Type |
OpenFAST | RB + Modal/FEM + Dyn/QS | BEM + GDW/FVW | PF + ME | Lumped-mass + MSQS or with FEAMooring | time-domain |
OrcaFlex | RB + FEM + Dyn | With OpenFAST | PF + ME | 3-D FEM | both |
OPASS | With OpenFAST | With OpenFAST | With OpenFAST | Lumped-mass | time-domain [117] |
Bladed | Modal | BEM + GDW | ME + third-party code like WAMIT or coupled with SESAM | MBD | time-domain [117] |
HAWC2 | FEM + Dyn | BEM + GDW | ME + external DLL or third-party code like WAMIT | Shared mooring line design [118] or with SIMO/RIFLEX [119] | time-domain |
aNySIM | with PHATAS [120] | with PHATAS [120] | PF | Lumped-mass lines [121] | time-domain |
PHATAS | FEM + Modal | BEM | with aNySIM [120] | with aNySIM [120] | time-domain |
3DFloat | FEM | BEM | ME + third-party code like WAMIT | FEM [69] | time-domain |
DeepLines Wind | FEM | BEM | ME + PF + QTF | Solid elements + PF or deformable elements + ME | time-domain |
SAMCEF | FEM + MBD | BEM | ME | FEM + ME [122] | time-domain |
Sesam | FEM | With Bladed/HAWC2 | ME + PF + Airy wave | Panel method + ME [119] | both |
UTWind | BE | BEM | Hooft’s method + ME | Lumped-mass [115] | time-domain |
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Share and Cite
Fadaei, S.; Afagh, F.F.; Langlois, R.G. A Survey of Numerical Simulation Tools for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems. Wind 2024, 4, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/wind4010001
Fadaei S, Afagh FF, Langlois RG. A Survey of Numerical Simulation Tools for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems. Wind. 2024; 4(1):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/wind4010001
Chicago/Turabian StyleFadaei, Saeid, Fred F. Afagh, and Robert G. Langlois. 2024. "A Survey of Numerical Simulation Tools for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems" Wind 4, no. 1: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/wind4010001
APA StyleFadaei, S., Afagh, F. F., & Langlois, R. G. (2024). A Survey of Numerical Simulation Tools for Offshore Wind Turbine Systems. Wind, 4(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/wind4010001