Barrier Gesture Relaxation during Vaccination Campaign in France: Modelling Impact of Waning Immunity
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Model
2.2. Parameters
2.3. Contact Matrices and Public Health Mitigation Strategies
2.4. Calibration
2.5. Barrier Gesture Relaxation Scenarios
2.6. Sensitivity Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Calibration
3.2. Impact of Barrier Gesture Relaxation, Main Analysis
3.3. Impact of Immunity Duration Hypothesis
3.4. Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy
3.5. Booster Campaign
4. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Variants of Concern Data for France Are Publicly Available on
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Parameter | Definition | Value | References | ||
Fixed Parameters | |||||
αi | Susceptibility by immune status i | α1 | α2 | α3 | Hypothesis, taken from Childs et al. [33] |
1 | 0.66 | 0.33 | |||
βj | Infectivity by infection severity j | β2 | β3 | β4 | [39] |
0.045 | 0.089 | 0.009 | |||
λim | Force of infection by immune status i and age m | Appendix A | Estimated | ||
cma | Contact-rates between individuals in age group m and age group a | Described in Section 2.3 | [40] | ||
R0 | Basic reproductive number | 2.9 | [4] | ||
pjim | Proportion of S going to Ij by age m and by immune status i | Table S2 | [35] | ||
Am | Population size by age m | Table S1 | INSEE * | ||
γj | Recovery rate by infection severity j | γ2 | γ3 | γ4 | Hypothesis |
1/5 | 1/10 | 1/15 | |||
κ | Rate of progress through the exposed compartments | 1/1.5 | [41,42,43] | ||
Variable Parameters | |||||
σ1im | Vaccination rate by age m and by immune status i for first dose | Described in Section 2.2 paragraph 2 | VAC-SI ** | ||
σ2im | Vaccination rate by age m and by immune status i for second dose | 1/28 | |||
ω | Waning rate of immunity | Main analysis | Sensitivity analysis | [21,22] | |
1/1095 | 1/365 | 0 | |||
ρ | Vaccine efficacy against infections after 2 doses | Main analysis | Sensitivity analysis | [44,45,46,47] | |
0.8 | 0.9 | ||||
1 − ε | Vaccine efficacy against infections after 1 dose | Main analysis | Sensitivity analysis | [44,45,46,47] | |
0.5 | 0.7 | ||||
1 − q | Vaccine efficacy against severe cases after 1 dose | Main analysis | Sensitivity analysis | [44,45,46,47] | |
0.7 | 0.7 |
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Vignals, C.; Dick, D.W.; Thiébaut, R.; Wittkop, L.; Prague, M.; Heffernan, J.M. Barrier Gesture Relaxation during Vaccination Campaign in France: Modelling Impact of Waning Immunity. COVID 2021, 1, 472-488.
Vignals C, Dick DW, Thiébaut R, Wittkop L, Prague M, Heffernan JM. Barrier Gesture Relaxation during Vaccination Campaign in France: Modelling Impact of Waning Immunity. COVID. 2021; 1(2):472-488.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVignals, Carole, David W. Dick, Rodolphe Thiébaut, Linda Wittkop, Mélanie Prague, and Jane M. Heffernan. 2021. "Barrier Gesture Relaxation during Vaccination Campaign in France: Modelling Impact of Waning Immunity" COVID 1, no. 2: 472-488.