Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology of the Literature Review Approach
3. Concept of Transition Experiments
3.1. Concept Origin
3.2. Concepts
- Exploring the persistence of a problem and recognizing that there is no preconceived solution;
- Transforming the problem into a vision that encompasses a diversity of options;
- Carrying out small-scale experiments;
- Making informed choices based on learning experiences with small-scale experiments (scaling-up experiences).
- Systems-thinking (in terms of multi-domain, multi-actor, and multi-level, trying to change the strategic orientation of regime actors);
- Long-term thinking (at least 25 years) as a framework to shape short-term policy;
- Short- and long-term goals based on long-term sustainability visions, scenario-studies, trend analysis, and short-term possibilities;
- Focus on learning (“learning-by-doing”);
- Orientation towards innovation and experimentation;
- Learning about a variety of options;
- Stakeholder participation and interaction.
“Transition management aims at system change, while policy making is mostly about incremental change.”([26], p. 20).
“Developing transition experiments is a balancing act between radicality and feasibility. The projects should be ‘business as unusual’ and challenging the status quo, and at the same time viable and visible. ”([26], p. 31]).
3.3. Characteristics of Transition Experiments
- Be an innovation project (radical system innovation that changes the relationship between organizations and individuals) with the potential to contribute to a sustainability transition;
- Provide a connection to a long-term social challenge (related to the resolution of a persistent social problem);
- Focus on interactive learning to obtain further knowledge, skills, norms, and values and achieve changes in structure, culture, and practices.
- Learning within the same interest group through the interaction of the actors and their points of view;
- Staggered learning within the administration, from the bottom, up to the decision-makers;
- Learning within the territorial context through knowledge transfer from one experience, from one laboratory area to another, and/or participation in transnational networks.
- To have an overview (to be aware of the complexity of the challenge in its different domains);
- Innovate by taking small but radical and long-term steps;
- Make room for diversity and flexibility (facing uncertainty and foreseeing resistance);
- Co-create (involving multiple stakeholders in decision making);
- Make room for agents of change (consisting of actors who are receptive to change and who have the capacity to innovate and to influence mediation);
- Valuing the social and institutional learning process (the learning process of all involved, including administration, is essential for the reflection and achievement of social change. In this sense, it is important to be receptive to different perceptions of challenges and opportunities in a spirit of mutual trust).
- Orientation (defining the challenge and building capacity for the transition);
- Agenda setting (consensus for sustainability);
- Activation (implementing projects and learning from them);
- Reflection (fostering a culture of reflexivity, learning, and continuous improvement).
“So visions and transition processes are mutually dependent: visions are guiding in transition processes but transitions do also co-shape the visions developed.”([19], p. 8).
- Monitoring of behaviors, projects, network activities, and the responsibilities of stakeholders in the transition arena;
- Monitoring of actions, objectives, projects, and instruments foreseen in the transition agenda;
- Monitoring the rate of progress, barriers, and improvement points of the transition process itself.
3.4. Types of Transition Experiments
- Niche Experiments (NE) 1998
- 2.
- Bounded Socio–Technical Experiments (BSTE) 2000
- 3.
- Grassroot Experiments (GE) 2007
- 4.
- Transition Experiments (TE) 2008
- 5.
- Sustainability Experiments (SE) 2010
3.5. Transition Process
- Prepare the transition scenario
- 2.
- Exploring local dynamics
- 3.
- Addressing the transition challenge
- 4.
- Creating the vision of a sustainable city
- 5.
- Relate the short term and long term
- 6.
- Engage and Anchor
- 7.
- Taking action
- Deepening (social learning process arising from experience and interaction in a specific context that includes cultural, practical, and structural changes);
- Broadening (learning from similar experiences applied in new contexts and/or domains);
- Scaling up (learning by increasing the scale of the problem from local to global, incorporating new methodologies of practical approach and a new culture).
4. Public Involvement
- The transition context that [36] call “Reorientation of trajectories” corresponds to that which has the internal locus (top-down measures) and low coordination in the responses to the challenge. In this type of context, there is a high degree of unpredictability regarding the direction in which the interaction will take place due to the lack of coordination in the adaptive capacity to respond to the pressures and the power inherent in the locus of resources (internal regime).
- The transition context “Endogenous Renewal”, similar to the first one, has the locus of internal resources (top-down measures), but it presents a high coordination in the direction of the adaptive response. This type of context tends to promote an incremental change, and the decisions are often related to previous experiences; therefore, in general, they do not correspond to such radical changes as in the other contexts.
- When pressure arises from resources outside the established regime (bottom-up measures) and these present a low coordination in response to pressure, we are dealing with a transition context defined as “Emergent Transformation”. The lack of articulation in these cases, with more limited power than in the first, generates uncertainty in the governance process.
- Finally, in cases where the pressure comes from outside the regime (bottom-up measures) and in a very coordinated and explicit manner from social interests (“Purposive Transitions”), this results in the management of the transition based on negotiation and the attribution of a more relevant role to external stakeholders.
5. Urban Design of Public Space
6. Expected Effects of Transition Experiments for the Promotion of Sustainable Urban Mobility Interventions
- Pre-development phase (dynamic balance);
- Take-off phase (start of the changeover)
- Acceleration phase and collective learning (structural changes through the accumulation of socio–cultural, economic, ecological, and institutional changes)
- Stabilization phase (the speed of change slows down and a new state of equilibrium is reached).
- Empowerment—which is the capacity to influence and empower small niche constellations to compete with the incumbent regime.
- Reconstellation—which contemplates influences from outside the social system and results in a viable alternative to the current regime.
- Adaptation—occurs when the current regime adapts to some functional aspects of other constellations.
6.1. Effects on the Culture of Mobility
6.2. Effects of Urban Living
7. Critical Debate
- Who are the critical actors in the process and with what legitimacy do they act?
- 2.
- When and how are transition management objectives subject to critical scrutiny and by whom?
- 3.
- Who wins and who loses with a given direction of transition?
- 4.
- What are the institutions of Transition Management and what are the mechanisms and targets of Reflective Governance?
- 5.
- How can we respond to the rapid and powerful spread of unsustainable practices?
- Doubts whether the application of the innovation and the assessment of vulnerabilities to the exposure of pressures, of a given Real Life Laboratory, should be restricted to the initial stage or extended over time;
- Doubts whether prior to the experience a shared vision should be created;
- Doubts whether market policies or civil society should be considered as a basis, given that the issues addressed in the laboratory go beyond the strict limits of the laboratory;
- Sometimes experiences constitute isolated events that are forgotten and whose effects are lessened in time;
- Transitional, small-scale experiments must be accompanied by tough measures and in interaction with other instruments to dismantle the current regime;
- Issues of social justice, equity, and exclusion present in the selection of the stakeholders involved will impact the negotiations and participation and their positioning in the Transition Experiment and will influence the outcome.
- The existence of controversies in the transition team may condition structural changes.
- the definition of pioneering agents
- Select pioneering agents who, in addition to innovation capabilities, incorporate communication skills and competencies. On the other hand, although TE involve multiple stakeholders, because the focus is given to the pioneering change agents, the process risks being seized by them ([31], p. 10);
- Identify and tactically re-evaluate the participation of truly genuine pioneering actors;
- Balancing the need for consensus building prolonged in time and without very tangible results while maintaining the interest and motivation of members of the arena;
- Overcome the dominance of betting and representation by consolidating a mindset of engagement and consensus building.
- 2.
- in terms of the implementation of experiments
- Ensuring people engage in genuine and new experiences that carry risk and uncertainty;
- Ensure funding for Transition Experiments without requiring increased effort from any partner;
- Explicitly link the experience to a broader context (relationship between the future vision, transition paths, and actions);
8. Summary and Future Pathways
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Author | Level of Importance | |
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4 | Avelino, F. (2011). Power and mobility in transition; empowering sustainability governance. PhD thesis. Erasmus University Rotterdam. To be published. | ***** |
5 | Avelino, F. and Rotmans, J. (2011). A dynamic conceptualization of power for sustainability research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19 (8), pp. 796–804. | |
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7 | Avelino, F. and Rotmans, J. (2009). Power in Transition. An Interdisciplinary Framework to Study Power in Relation to Structural Change. European Journal of Social Theory 12(4), 543–569. | *** |
8 | Bertolini, L. (2020). From “streets for traffic” to “streets for people”: can street experiments transform urban mobility?. Transport Reviews, 1–20. | ***** |
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Concept (Strat Date). | Main Features | Key Actors |
Niche Experiments (1998) | Niches for new technologies | outsiders |
Bounded Socio-Technical Experiments (2003) | Limited experiences in time and space, of social learning, of continuous improvement, carried out with collective effort by a coalition of several stakeholders | Civil society |
Grassroots Experiments (2007) | Bottom-up experiences for sustainable development and to address the local reality and the interests and values of the communities involved. | Civil society, ecological citizens, activists. |
Transition Experiments (2008) | Innovation project with a social challenge as the starting point for learning. It includes 3 processes: deepening, broadering, scaling up. | Frontrunners for change. |
Sustainability Experiments (2010) | Planned experiment of highly innovative socio-technical configuration, implementes in developping countries, with transnational connections (stakeholders, technology, knowledge, capital and institutions) that wil lead to substantial sustainability gains. | Multi-scale networks |
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Corais, F.; Bandeira, M.; Silva, C.; Bragança, L. Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review. Future Transp. 2022, 2, 86-114.
Corais F, Bandeira M, Silva C, Bragança L. Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review. Future Transportation. 2022; 2(1):86-114.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCorais, Filipa, Miguel Bandeira, Cecília Silva, and Luís Bragança. 2022. "Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review" Future Transportation 2, no. 1: 86-114.
APA StyleCorais, F., Bandeira, M., Silva, C., & Bragança, L. (2022). Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review. Future Transportation, 2(1), 86-114.