Genetic Sex Determination of Free-Ranging Short-Finned Pilot Whales from Blow Samples
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Species
2.2. Blow Sampling at Sea
2.3. Laboratory Sample Preparation
2.4. DNA Extraction and PCR Amplification
2.5. Sex Determination
2.5.1. Classical Multiplex-PCR Methodology
2.5.2. Novel FCB17 Multiplex-PCR Methodology
3. Results
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Primer | Sequence | Amplicon Size |
SRY forward | CCC ATG AAC GCA TTC ATT GTG TGG | ~225 bp |
ZFX/ZFY forward | ATA ATC ACA TGG AGA GCC ACA AGC T | ~445 bp |
FCB17 forward | TCA GCC TCT ATA ACG TCC TGA GC | ~170 bp |
Individual ID | DNA (miniCOI) | Classical Multiplex-PCR | Novel FCB17 Multiplex-PCR | ||
Sex | R.I. | Sex | R.I. | ||
24Gm01 | + | − | 0 | F | 1 |
24Gm02 | + | − | 0 | M | 1 |
24Gm03 | + | − | 0 | F | 2 |
24Gm04 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm05 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm06 | + | − | 0 | F | 2 |
24Gm07 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm08 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm09 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm10 | + | − | 0 | M | 2 |
24Gm11 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm12 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm13 | + | M | 2 | M | 2 |
24Gm14 | + | − | 0 | U | 4 |
24Gm15 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm16 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm17 | + | − | 0 | U | 4 |
24Gm18 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm19 | 0 | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm20 | + | M | 2 | M | 2 |
24Gm21 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm22 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm23 | + | − | 0 | M | 1 |
24Gm24 | + | − | 0 | U | 4 |
24Gm25 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm26 | + | M | 2 | M | 1 |
24Gm27 | + | M | 2 | M | 2 |
24Gm28 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm29 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm30 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm31 | + | M | 2 | M | 1 |
24Gm32 | + | M | 1 | M | 2 |
24Gm33 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm34 | + | − | 0 | M | 1 |
24Gm35 | + | − | 0 | F | 2 |
24Gm36 | + | − | 0 | M | 1 |
24Gm37 | + | − | 0 | U | 4 |
24Gm38 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
24Gm39 | + | M | 2 | M | 2 |
24Gm40 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm41 | + | M | 2 | M | 2 |
24Gm42 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm43 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm44 | + | − | 0 | M | 3 |
24Gm45 | + | − | 0 | − | 0 |
24Gm46 | + | − | 0 | M | 2 |
24Gm47 | + | − | 0 | F | 3 |
eDNA C1 | + | + | 1 | + | 1 |
eDNA C2 | + | + | 3 | + | 1 |
eDNA C3 | + | − | 0 | + | 1 |
eDNA C4 | + | + | 2 | + | 1 |
eDNA C5 | + | + | 1 | + | 1 |
Sample N.C. | − | − | 0 | − | 0 |
PCR N.C. | − | − | 0 | − | 0 |
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Arranz, P.; Coya, R.; Turac, E.; Miralles, L. Genetic Sex Determination of Free-Ranging Short-Finned Pilot Whales from Blow Samples. Conservation 2024, 4, 860-870.
Arranz P, Coya R, Turac E, Miralles L. Genetic Sex Determination of Free-Ranging Short-Finned Pilot Whales from Blow Samples. Conservation. 2024; 4(4):860-870.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArranz, Patricia, Ruth Coya, Elena Turac, and Laura Miralles. 2024. "Genetic Sex Determination of Free-Ranging Short-Finned Pilot Whales from Blow Samples" Conservation 4, no. 4: 860-870.
APA StyleArranz, P., Coya, R., Turac, E., & Miralles, L. (2024). Genetic Sex Determination of Free-Ranging Short-Finned Pilot Whales from Blow Samples. Conservation, 4(4), 860-870.