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Proceeding Paper

Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of Individual Sewage Treatment Plants †

Natalia Taraszkiewicz
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Bialystok University of Technology, 45A, Wiejska Street, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
Presented at the Innovations-Sustainability-Modernity-Openness Conference (ISMO’21), Bialystok, Poland, 14 May 2021.
Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 9(1), 27;
Published: 10 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of Innovations-Sustainability-Modernity-Openness Conference (ISMO’21))


The development of sewage systems leads to an increase in people’s living standards and an improvement in the comfort of their daily lives. In 2021, the use of septic tanks is still a big issue; many of them are not properly sealed and can be harmful to the environment because of leakage. A good alternative for them is an individual sewage treatment plant. There are many types of such investment. This paper focuses on the selection between three types of sewage treatment plants (a biological wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge and a constructed wasteland) using MCDA–AHP and TOPSIS methods.

1. Introduction

One of the necessary factors that condition the level of water and sewage management in rural areas is equipping the village with water and sewage infrastructure by local authorities [1]. Water, as well as the sewage management, constitute the most important tasks of the community, and the construction, as well as the maintenance, of sewage treatment systems is considered an element that is valid in Poland’s ecological and economic measures. “Water and sewage management” operations that exist under the sub-measure “Support of the investment related to the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy and energy saving” are the part of Rural Development Program for 2014–2020. In 2021 many households still only use septic tanks, such as drainless sealed tanks, for municipal wastewater. Unfortunately, many of these cesspools are not entirely sealed, mainly as they are not maintained properly, which results in the leakage of sewage into the ground, including the ground water. In 2017, in Poland only about 234,000 households had home sewage treatment plants, and over 2.1 million households had drainage tanks. Out of the total number of home sewage treatment plants, over 8% were located in cities and 92% in rural areas. In the case of drainage tanks, almost 85% were in rural areas and 15% in cities [2]. This means that septic tanks are much more common both in urban and rural areas. In this paper two types of a household wastewater treatment plants will be analyzed using multicriteria decision aid methods.

2. Description of the Issue

In places with no sewage systems, it is worth considering building one’s own wastewater treatment plant. This is an ecological way to manage the sewage generated in the household, as the purified water is returned to the water cycle. This kind of system can also help save money, as operating it is much cheaper than operating only a sealed septic tank. It is worth mentioning that the construction of waterworks not accompanied by the development of sewage treatment plants and sewage systems opposes the basic principles of sustainable development [3]. The development of sewage systems leads to an increase in people’s living standards and an improvement in the comfort of their daily lives.

2.1. Analyzed Systems

Both of the analyzed systems are adapted for a four-person family. The first one is a hydrophyte treatment plant, which is better known as a constructed wetland and it can be used on any type soil regardless of groundwater level [4].
The second one is a biological sewage treatment plant. This system is similar to the previous one as the type of soil and the level of groundwater are not important in its construction; however, this wastewater plant requires a considerably smaller area. The purification process uses microorganisms that break down organic compounds contained in wastewater. The method of neutralizing impurities by means of activated sludge has been used worldwide for over 100 years [3] Activated sludge is formed by clusters of microorganisms that are able to mineralize the organic matter contained in the sewage when they have an adequate oxygen supply [5]. In the process, three variants were analyzed:
  • A1—SBR Primo + Wiro Tytan 5 (biological wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge);
  • A2—NV (biological wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge);
  • A3—Ekopan (constructed wasteland).
The aim of the research was to determine the optimal system out of the three presented variants, considering the spatial, economic, environmental, etc. criteria (divided into destimulants and stimulants). The chosen criteria (Table 1) that belong to the group of destimulants are price (C1), area (C2), and energy (C4); the other are stimulants (capacity, guaranty, degree of treatment). The assessment was carried out using two different multicriteria decision aid methods—AHP (for estimating the weights of the criteria) and TOPSIS methods. The Analytic Hierarchic Process is based on pairwise comparisons of the determined criteria and variants. The TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution) method selects the alternative that is the farthest from the negative ideal solution and at the same time the closest to the ideal solution [6].
At the end of each method, the ranking of the variants was created and the assessments were examined.

2.2. AHS Method

The Analytical Hierarchy Process is one of the methods of analytical hierarchy. It allows the comparison of criteria pairs with each other, as well as comparison of the decision alternatives with each other. This enables the decision maker to create a scale vector and later select the most favorable decision variant. The comparisons are made using a 9-grade steel where 1stands for equal significance, 3means a slight advantage, 5stands for a strong advantage, 7means a very strong advantage, and 9stands for the absolute advantage [7,8].
  • Space (required area may be up to 20 m2);
  • Location of the septic tank;
  • Pollution reduction.
In this analysis, only the weights of the mentioned attributes were estimated using the AHP method (Figure 1), and using two different approaches, as they were later used in TOPSIS analysis. The first approach was economical, prioritizing costs and efficiency. The second one was environmental, focusing on the environmental impact of a particular criterion, such as: a degree of wastewater treatment or the energy the system consumes.

2.3. TOPSIS Method

One of the most commonly used methods of reference points is the Technique of Order Preference by Resemblance to the Perfect Solution (TOPSIS). In this procedure, the considered decision variants are compared with important reference solutions: applying the anti-ideal (antithesis) along with the ideal (thesis). Ordering decision boundaries requires the initial consideration of decision attributes and normalization of assessments. This includes the range of values contained in the solutions referring to them and calculations of synthetic measures including comparative values [9].
In this analysis, the alternatives were evaluated with three different sets of weights. The first set was with the basic weights, where all criteria weighed the same amount. The second one was with criteria from the economical approach using the AHP method. The last set was connected to the environmental approach of the AHP method.
All of the rankings (Table 2) showed that the influence of the decision maker’s preferences had an impact on the final decisions. Subjection is clearly recognizable in the second and third approaches, which show diametrically contrasting results. Even though all of the analyses were conducted using only the TOPSIS method (with some help from the AHP method to determine the criteria’s weights) with the same algorithms of actions and rank of each alternative changes, perhaps if the decision maker had other priorities, the rankings would look completely dissimilar.
Undeniably, the only variant not chosen as the most optimal was Ekopan, which was the only one related to constructing a wasteland. This might be because of its almost double price and short guarantee period. Nevertheless, such system made on a larger scale can clean not only sewage from one household, but from many, while its structure can be used for research and educational purposes. Constructed wetland also creates a new landscape and can become a habitat.

3. Conclusions

The decision of choosing an individual sewage treatment plant needs to be considered according to three categories: money, convenience, and ecology. Multicriteria decision aid methods are a versatile tool used in many analyses. AHP and TOPSIS methods were combined to allow the carrying out of assessments of the most favorable type of individual sewage treatment plant out of the ones presented in this paper. These systems have an impact on the environment, landscape, and household economics as well as convenience for the people using them. The estimated weights of criteria (using AHP) were assessed in accordance with the preference of the decision maker using different approaches to present how the final score of the variants may be considered subjective. Nevertheless, a constructed wasteland, as well as a biological sewage treatment plant, are eco-friendly systems that effectively purify wastewater and allow it to return to the water cycle, and they are undeniably an important tool in water and sewage management in municipalities.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.


The author did not receive any funds for covering the costs to publish in open access.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Estimated criteria weights using the AHP method: (a) economical approach; (b) environmental approach; in both approaches, CR = 9.78.
Figure 1. Estimated criteria weights using the AHP method: (a) economical approach; (b) environmental approach; in both approaches, CR = 9.78.
Environsciproc 09 00027 g001
Table 1. Comparison of the variants.
Table 1. Comparison of the variants.
C1 Price (PLN)7995947119,000
C2 Area (m2)20216
C3 Capacity (m3/day)0.750.80.5
C4 Energy (kWh/day)0.750.962.5
C5 Guarantee(years)15203
Degree of wastewater treatment:
C6 suspended solids (%)979897
C7 BZT5 (%)979895
Table 2. The final rank for alternatives using the TOPSIS method (first approach); Ri—global rating.
Table 2. The final rank for alternatives using the TOPSIS method (first approach); Ri—global rating.
First ApproachSecond ApproachThird Approach
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Taraszkiewicz, N. Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of Individual Sewage Treatment Plants. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 9, 27.

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Taraszkiewicz N. Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of Individual Sewage Treatment Plants. Environmental Sciences Proceedings. 2021; 9(1):27.

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Taraszkiewicz, Natalia. 2021. "Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of Individual Sewage Treatment Plants" Environmental Sciences Proceedings 9, no. 1: 27.

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Taraszkiewicz, N. (2021). Application of Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of Individual Sewage Treatment Plants. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 9(1), 27.

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