Distance Protection of Series Capacitor Compensated Lines: Practical Considerations, Industrial Status and Development
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Paper Organization
2. Distance Protection
3. Effect of Series Capacitor on Distance Protection
3.1. Voltage and Current Inversion
3.2. Sub-Synchronous Oscillation
3.3. Sub-Synchronous Resonance Interaction
3.4. Power Swing and Out-of-Step Protection
4. Factors Influencing Effects of Series Capacitors
4.1. Capacitor Bank Operation
4.2. Source Impedance
4.3. Fault Impedance
4.4. Compensation Level
4.5. Capacitor Bank Position in the Line
4.6. Current and Voltage Transformer Position
4.7. Protection of Adjacent Lines
5. Methods in Use by Relay Manufacturers
5.1. Voltage Inversion
5.2. Current Inversion
5.3. Sub-Synchronous Oscillation
6. Implementation Examples
7. Patent Activity Overview
8. Industry Trends
9. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
SSR | Sub-synchronous resonance |
TI | Turbine interaction |
IGE | Induction generator effect |
TT | Transient torque |
SSCI | Sub-synchronous controller interaction |
HVDC | High-oltage direct current |
FACTS | Flexible alternating current transmission systems |
OSB | Out-of-step blocking |
OST | Out-of-step tripping |
SSO | Sub-synchronous oscillation |
MOV | Metal oxide varistor |
CB | Circuit breaker |
SG | Spark gap |
SIR | Source-to-line impedance ratio |
CT | Current transformer |
VT | Voltage transformer |
O&M | Operation and maintenance |
POTT | Permissive over-reaching transfer trip |
DUTT | Direct under-reaching transfer trip |
PUTT | Permissive under-reaching transfer trip |
RTDS | Real-time digital simulation |
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Utility | Voltage Level | Compensation Level | Capacitor Position | Solution Summary |
Eskom, South Africa | 400 kV | 50% and 70% | End | Relay replacement and unit type protection [46] |
National Grid, Saudi Arabia | 380 kV | 50% | Mid | Distance protection with memory voltage, zone 1 at 32.5% from ends [2] |
Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco, Brazil | 500 kV | 70% | End | Distance protection with POTT, DUTT, PUTT [48] |
Sistema Interconectado Nacional, Venezuela | 400 kV | 24–26% | End | Distance protection with reduced zone 1, increase zone 2, POTT [49] |
Sistema Interconectado Nacional, Venezuela | 765 kV | 44% and 51% | End | Distance protection with reduced zone 1, increase zone 2, POTT [49] |
BC Hydro, Canada | 500 kV | - | Multiple lines | Distance protection based on negative sequence impedance, auto-reclosing challenges are mitigated by using time delays and coordination [50] |
Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, Canada | - | 20–44% | Multiple lines | Communication dependent main protection, modified lens shaped distance as backup [51] |
Entergy Corporation, USA | 230 kV | - | End | Distance protection [30] |
Entergy Corporation, USA | 230 kV | 70% | Mid | Current differential protection [30] |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, USA | 500 kV | - | End | Distance protection with reduced zone 1, memory voltage, POTT [52] |
Idaho Power, USA | 230 kV | 70% | End | Current differential protection [9] |
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Share and Cite
Hoq, M.T.; Taylor, N. Distance Protection of Series Capacitor Compensated Lines: Practical Considerations, Industrial Status and Development. Electricity 2021, 2, 168-186. https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity2020011
Hoq MT, Taylor N. Distance Protection of Series Capacitor Compensated Lines: Practical Considerations, Industrial Status and Development. Electricity. 2021; 2(2):168-186. https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity2020011
Chicago/Turabian StyleHoq, Md Tanbhir, and Nathaniel Taylor. 2021. "Distance Protection of Series Capacitor Compensated Lines: Practical Considerations, Industrial Status and Development" Electricity 2, no. 2: 168-186. https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity2020011
APA StyleHoq, M. T., & Taylor, N. (2021). Distance Protection of Series Capacitor Compensated Lines: Practical Considerations, Industrial Status and Development. Electricity, 2(2), 168-186. https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity2020011