Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture Behavior Accelerated by Needle-like MC Carbide in IN740H Superalloy
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Initial Microstructure
3.2. Tensile Property with and without Hydrogen
3.3. Fracture Behavior
4. Discussion
4.1. Hydrogen Trapping Behavior
4.2. Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture
5. Conclusions
- For the FG-S specimen, the annealing twin boundaries developed well as the typical appearance of CTB. For the CG-S specimen, however, a larger portion of twin boundaries appeared, but their appearance was imperfect: most of the twin boundaries did not completely cross the grain and stopped along the way, which led to a large portion of ITB in the microstructure. After the aging process, needle-like MC carbides formed around ITBs only in the CG-A specimen.
- After hydrogen charging, only the elongation of CG-A specimens noticeably decreased: The ductility loss was estimated to be 32% for the CG-A specimen, while the other specimens did not decrease. In the fractography result, the fracture behavior strikingly changed in the CG-A specimen by hydrogen absorption: the fracture mode transits from the MVC process to intergranular fracture. Additionally, elongated dimples appeared, adjoining with the interface between intergranular fracture surfaces.
- TDS curves indicated that annealing with the coarse-grained condition (CG-A) resulted in the highest amount of hydrogen absorption, implying that the only characteristic difference of the CG-A, needle-like MC carbide, could be the dominant factor increasing the hydrogen absorption. Additionally, decomposition of the experimentally obtained TDS curves based on the assumption of two different trapping sites having Gaussian distribution showed that the peak area of the lower trapping energy (C1) increased more than that for higher trapping energy (C2) for CG-A compared to CG-S, which suggests that the interface between the needle-like MC carbide and the matrix could work as a weak hydrogen trapping site.
- In the presence of hydrogen in the CG-A specimen, deformation was more localized around ITBs and dislocations were promptly piled-up at the interface between the needle-like MC carbide and the matrix. This accelerated micro-void/crack formation and coalescence process at the interface. It imposed much higher load on the neighboring region, and finally led to hydrogen-induced intergranular fracture at ITBs at earlier strain.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Specimen | without H (El.N) | with H (El.H) | Ductility Loss (%) | Specimen | without H (El.N) | with H (El.H) | Ductility Loss (%) |
FG-S | 0.46 | 0.46 | 0 | CG-S | 0.48 | 0.49 | −0.02 |
FG-A | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0 | CG-A | 0.38 | 0.26 | 0.32 |
Fitted Curves | Experimental Curve | |||||
Peak 1 | Peak 2 | |||||
Specimen | Peak Temperature (K) | Hydrogen Content, C1 (wppm) | Peak Temperature (K) | Hydrogen Content, C2 (wppm) | Peak Temperature (K) | Total Hydrogen Content (wppm) |
FG-S | 503 | 19.7 | 568 | 22.1 | 555 | 41.8 |
CG-S | 496 | 19.3 | 567 | 26.2 | 552 | 45.5 |
FG-A | 505 | 15.5 | 580 | 30.0 | 571 | 45.5 |
CG-A | 524 | 26.3 | 587 | 28.9 | 573 | 55.2 |
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Lee, S.-Y.; Kim, H.-J.; Ahn, C.-H.; Baek, S.-W.; Shim, J.-H.; Suh, J.-Y. Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture Behavior Accelerated by Needle-like MC Carbide in IN740H Superalloy. Hydrogen 2022, 3, 474-487. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrogen3040030
Lee S-Y, Kim H-J, Ahn C-H, Baek S-W, Shim J-H, Suh J-Y. Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture Behavior Accelerated by Needle-like MC Carbide in IN740H Superalloy. Hydrogen. 2022; 3(4):474-487. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrogen3040030
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Seung-Yong, Han-Jin Kim, Chang-Ho Ahn, Seung-Wook Baek, Jae-Hyeok Shim, and Jin-Yoo Suh. 2022. "Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture Behavior Accelerated by Needle-like MC Carbide in IN740H Superalloy" Hydrogen 3, no. 4: 474-487. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrogen3040030
APA StyleLee, S.-Y., Kim, H.-J., Ahn, C.-H., Baek, S.-W., Shim, J.-H., & Suh, J.-Y. (2022). Hydrogen-Induced Intergranular Fracture Behavior Accelerated by Needle-like MC Carbide in IN740H Superalloy. Hydrogen, 3(4), 474-487. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrogen3040030