State-of-the-Art Techniques in RF Energy Harvesting Circuits
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Design Methology
- The procedure of choosing the right energy harvesting circuit topology.
- The selection process of a suitable diode.
- The design of an appropriate impedance matching network.
- The design, the optimization, and the simulation of the whole system [7].
3.2. Design Specification
3.2.1. Receiving Antenna
3.2.2. Impedance Matching Network
3.2.3. Diodes
3.2.4. Rectifier
3.2.5. Load
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Design/Type | Frequency Bands |
[8,9] | Bowtie Antenna | 845 MHz, 3.5 GHz EGSM-1800 |
(1800 MHz), UMTS (2100 MHz) | ||
[10] | Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna | 650 MHz–2500 MHz |
[11] | Dipole Antenna | 902 MHz–928 MHz |
[12] | Monopole Antenna | 600 MHz–1500 MHz |
[13,14] | Loop Antenna | GSM1800 DTV, Cellular radio waves |
[15,16,17] | Yagi-Uda Antenna | GSM-1800 and UMTS-2100 2.45 GHz GSM-900, GSM-1800 |
[18] | Planar Inverted-F Antenna | GSM-900, GSM-1800 |
[19] | DRA | 1.67 GHz–6.7 GHz |
[20] | Differential Microstrip Antenna | 890–960 MHz |
[21,22,23] | Microstrip Patch Antenna | GSM- 900, GSM-1800, UMTS-2100 (NB-IoT), EGSM-900 GSM-1800, UMTS |
Reference | Matching-Network | Type of Elements |
[29] | L-Type | Lumped |
[30] | T-type | Lumped |
[31] | L-Type | Distributed |
[32] | Multiband | Distributed |
[33] | L + μStrip Line Network | Distributed |
[34] | Combination of different types of Matching Networks | Distributed |
[35] | 2 Reverse L | Distributed |
Diode | Minimum Breakdown Voltage VBR (V) | Maximum Forward Voltage VF (mV) | Maximum Forward Volage VF (V) @ IF (mA) | Maximum Reverse Leakage IR (nA) @ VR (V) | Maximum Capacitance CT (pF) | Typical Dynamic Resistance RD (Ω) |
HSMS282x | 15 | 340 | 0.5–10 | 100–1 | 1.0 | 12 |
SMS7630-079 | 2 | 60–120 | 50 | - | 0.3 | 5000 |
HSMS-285C | 3.8 | 150–250 | 1 | 0.175–2 | 0.3 | - |
HSMS 286C | 3 | 250–350 | 0.35–1 | - | 0.3 | - |
Reference | Diode | Circuit |
[41] | HSMS2820 | Dual-Stage Voltage Doubler |
[42] | SMS7630-079 | 3 Rectifiers in Series |
[43] | SMS7630 | Voltage Doubler |
[45] | SMS7630 | Single Diode Rectifier |
[46] | HSMS-285C | 1-Stage Dickson Rectifier |
[47] | HSMS 286C | Rectifier |
Reference | Rectifier’s Topology | Diodes | Efficiency (Max) | Input Power | Frequency |
[29] | CMOS Reconfigurable System | - | 25% | −14.8 dBm | 915 MHz |
[35] | Dual Band Voltage | SMS-7630 | 30.40% | −20 dBm | 925 MHz |
[43] | Dual Band Voltage Doubler | SMS-7630 | 57.10% | −10 dBm to −30 dBm | 2.45 GHz, 5.8 GHz |
[49] | Single Diode Rectifier | HSMS-2860 | 1.3% | −20 dBm | 2.45 GHz |
[50] | Voltage Multiplier | HSMS-2850 | 81.65% | 0 dBm | 868 MHz |
[51] | Greinacher Rectifier with Rat-Race coupler | SMS-7630 | 5% | −20 dBm to −10 dBm | 2.45 GHz |
[52] | Greinacher Rectifier with Rat-Race coupler | HSMS-285C | 71% | 4.7 dBm | 1850 MHz |
[54] | Double Diode Rectifier | SMS7630-040LF | 21% | −15 dBm | 97.5 MHz |
[55] | Voltage Quadrupler | HSMS-2862 | 75.108% | 20 dBm | 2.4 GHz, 5.8 GHz |
[56] | Latour Structure (Doubler) | - | 38% | −10 dBm | 850 MHz |
[57] | Voltage Doubler | SMS7630–005LF | 75% | 15 dBm | 0.1 GHz to 2.5 GHz |
[58] | Voltage Doubler | SMS7630-005LF | 68% | −10 dBm | 2.45 GHz |
[59] | Half-Wave Voltage Doubler | HSMS-2852 | 57% | <200 μW/cm2 | 1.7 GHz |
[60] | Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Doubler | HSMS-2852 | - | −22.5 dBm | 900 MHz |
[61] | Karthaus-Fisher Voltage Multiplier | HSMS-2862 | 70% | 23 dBm | 2.45 GHz |
[62] | 7-Stage Villard Voltage Doubler | HSMS-2850 | - | 0 dBm | 945 MHz |
[63] | Dickson Multiplier | HSMS-2852 | 55% | 0 dBm | 575 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.45 GHz |
[64] | Differential Doubler | SMS-7630 | 53% | 2 dBm | 1800 MHz |
[65] | 3-Stage Voltage Multiplier | HSMS-285C | 80% | 8 dBm | 915 MHz |
[66] | Balanced RF Rectifier | HSMS-2860 | 74.90% | Different input power levels | 2.34 GHz |
[67] | Greinacher Voltage Doubler | HSMS-2852 | 78.70% | −10 dBm | 900 MHz |
[68] | Voltage Doubler with Multistage Wilkinson | HSMS-286B | 78.06% | 20 dBm | 1.8 GHz |
[69] | Dual Band Rectifier | HSMS-2850 | 30% | −5 dBm | 900 MHz |
[70] | Single Diode Rectifier | HSMS-2850 | 28% | −15 dBm | 2.4 GHz, 2.5 GHz |
[71] | Single Stage Voltage Multiplier | HSMS-2850 | 50.2% | 14 dBm | 900 MHz |
[72] | Rectifier with RF Combiner | HSMS-2850 | 40% | −30 to −10 dBm | GSM1800, UMTS2100, Wi-Fi |
[73] | Single Stage Full-Wave Rectifier | SMS7630-079 | 60% | - | 800 MHz |
[74] | CMOS Rectifier | - | 86% | −18.2 dBm | 900 MHz |
[75] | CMOS Reconfigurable System | - | 99.8% (MPPT) | −22 to 4 dBm | 915 MHz |
[76] | Reconfigurable System | SMS7630-005LF | 45% | −15 to 20 dBm | 900 MHz |
[77] | CMOS Reconfigurable System | - | 92.2% | - | 6.78 MHz |
[37] | CMOS Villard multiplier | - | - | 0 dBm | 400 MHz, 2.4 GHz |
[80] | DTMOS N-stage rectifier | - | 79.4% | −32 dBm | 900 MHz |
Rectifier’s Topology | References |
Dual Band Rectifier | [35,43,69] |
Single Diode Rectifier | [49,70] |
Voltage Multiplier | [50,71,73] |
Greinacher Rectifier with Rat-Race coupler | [51,52] |
Voltage Doupler | [54,56,57,58,59,60,62,64,67,68] |
Voltage Quadrupler | [55] |
Voltage Multiplier | [61,63,65] |
Balanced RF Rectifier | [66] |
Rectifier with RF Combiner | [72] |
Reconfigurable System | [29,75,76,77] |
CMOS Rectifier | [37,74,80] |
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Share and Cite
Bougas, I.D.; Papadopoulou, M.S.; Boursianis, A.D.; Kokkinidis, K.; Goudos, S.K. State-of-the-Art Techniques in RF Energy Harvesting Circuits. Telecom 2021, 2, 369-389.
Bougas ID, Papadopoulou MS, Boursianis AD, Kokkinidis K, Goudos SK. State-of-the-Art Techniques in RF Energy Harvesting Circuits. Telecom. 2021; 2(4):369-389.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBougas, Ioannis D., Maria S. Papadopoulou, Achilles D. Boursianis, Konstantinos Kokkinidis, and Sotirios K. Goudos. 2021. "State-of-the-Art Techniques in RF Energy Harvesting Circuits" Telecom 2, no. 4: 369-389.
APA StyleBougas, I. D., Papadopoulou, M. S., Boursianis, A. D., Kokkinidis, K., & Goudos, S. K. (2021). State-of-the-Art Techniques in RF Energy Harvesting Circuits. Telecom, 2(4), 369-389.