A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning
:1. Introduction
2. Reinforcement Learning
2.1. State–Action–Reward–State–Action (SARSA) Algorithm
2.2. Operation Modes
2.3. Markov Chain Modeling of the Traffic Dynamics
3. Application of the SARSA Algorithm to Solve the EV Routing Optimization
3.1. Real-Time Metadata Extraction from Google’s API
3.2. EV Energy Consumption in the MCM Traffic Model
3.3. Value Iteration Network (VIN) Model
3.4. Experimental Modeling of the EV’s Battery
3.5. Impact of Regenerative Braking
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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SARSA Algorithm |
Parameter | Value |
Gravity force (g) | 9.81 m/s2 |
Air density constant (P) | 1.2 kg/m3 |
Rolling resistance ( | 0.01 |
Drag coefficient (Cd) | 0.35 |
Forward air area (A) | 1.6 |
Acceleration constant (a1) | 3.5 m/s2 |
Deceleration constant (a2) | −3.5 m/s2 |
Mass of EV (m) | 1961 kg |
Simulated Trips | Starting Geocodes | Destination Geocodes | Energy by SARSA | Energy by Google’s Routes | Energy from Regenerative Braking | Simulation Time |
FIU College of Engineering–Doral EV Charging Station | 25.768506–80.366891 | 25.809732–80.331379 | 2.1305 Kwh at 21 min | 2.3949 Kwh at 19 min | Negligible | 3112 s |
J. Paul Getty Museum -Ventura EV Charging Station | 34.077823–118.475863 | 34.158980–118.49994 | 2.0501 Kwh at 25 min | 2.1748 at 22 min | 0.191 Kwh | 2680 s |
Simulated Trips | No. of Episode | No. of Failed Step | Steps | Unreachable Positions |
First Trip | 140 | 20 | 5715 | 1711 |
Second Trip | 143 | 18 | 7226 | 1501 |
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Share and Cite
Aljohani, T.M.; Mohammed, O. A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning. Vehicles 2022, 4, 1176-1194. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4040062
Aljohani TM, Mohammed O. A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning. Vehicles. 2022; 4(4):1176-1194. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4040062
Chicago/Turabian StyleAljohani, Tawfiq M., and Osama Mohammed. 2022. "A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning" Vehicles 4, no. 4: 1176-1194. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4040062
APA StyleAljohani, T. M., & Mohammed, O. (2022). A Real-Time Energy Consumption Minimization Framework for Electric Vehicles Routing Optimization Based on SARSA Reinforcement Learning. Vehicles, 4(4), 1176-1194. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4040062