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Simulating Daily Large Fire Spread Events in the Northern Front Range, Colorado, USA

Pyrologix, Vibrant Planet, Missoula, MT 59802, USA
Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Fire 2024, 7(11), 395;
Submission received: 27 September 2024 / Revised: 25 October 2024 / Accepted: 28 October 2024 / Published: 31 October 2024


Extreme spread events (ESEs), often characterized by high intensity and rapid rates of spread, can overwhelm fire suppression and emergency response capacity, threaten responder and public safety, damage landscapes and communities, and result in high socioeconomic costs and losses. Advances in remote sensing and geospatial analysis provide an improved understanding of observed ESEs and their contributing factors; however, there is a need to improve anticipatory and predictive capabilities to better prepare, mitigate, and respond. Here, leveraging individual-fire day-of-arrival raster outputs from the FSim fire modeling system, we prototype and evaluate methods for the simulation and categorization of ESEs. We describe the analysis of simulation outputs on a case study landscape in Colorado, USA, summarize daily spread event characteristics, threshold and probabilistically benchmark ESEs, spatially depict ESE potential, and describe limitations, extensions, and potential applications of this work. Simulation results generally showed strong alignment with historical patterns of daily growth and the proportion of cumulative area burned in the western US and identified hotspots of high ESE potential. Continued analysis and simulation of ESEs will likely expand the horizon of uses and grow in salience as ESEs become more common.

1. Introduction

Risk, complexity, and extremes are escalating with growing climatic and anthropogenic influences on modern fire regimes [1,2,3,4,5]. Extreme spread events (ESEs), often characterized by high intensity and rapid rates of spread, can overwhelm fire suppression and emergency response capacity, threaten responder and public safety, damage landscapes and communities, and result in high socioeconomic costs and losses [6,7,8]. The frequency and magnitude of ESEs are likely to increase, putting additional stress on an already strained wildfire management system in the US [9,10,11].
Advances in remote sensing and geospatial analysis provide an improved understanding of observed ESEs and their contributing factors; however, there is a need to improve anticipatory and predictive capabilities to better prepare, mitigate, and respond [6,10]. Wildfire simulation tools can capture uncertainty around ignition timing, location, and burning conditions, with widespread application to assess risk and support strategic planning [12,13,14,15,16,17]. Readers interested in more detail on wildfire simulation tools to support risk analysis are referred to [18,19]. The limitation of some of these approaches is in providing statistical expectations that mask variability and tails of distributions, highlighting a need for analytical templates that better reflect potential for extreme events [20]. This can be important to support communication recognizing that not all members of the public adhere to common actuarial interpretations of risk, and further to better anticipate and plan for low-probability, high-consequence events [21].
With these motivations in mind, here we present a simulation-based approach to characterize potential for daily ESEs. Our analysis is patterned largely after the empirical approach of Coop et al. [10], who found that extreme single-day fire spread events (>1 standard deviation) accounted for 70% of cumulative area burned. We examine whether simulated daily spread events exhibit similar patterns in terms of contributions to cumulative area burned (encompassing all simulated fire events) and quantify their contribution to individual final fire sizes. Further, we generate exceedance probability curves for magnitude of simulated daily spread events and use these results to contextualize and probabilistically benchmark observed ESEs.
We leverage the FSim fire modeling system, which simulates wildfire ignition and spread over thousands of synthetic years based on calibration against historical fire occurrence and fire size distributions [22,23,24]. FSim results have been operationalized for widespread use supporting risk analysis and planning in the US, including the Wildfire Risk to Communities project [25], the Risk Management Assistance dashboard [26], the National Risk Index [27], the Fireshed Registry [28], the Wildfire Crisis Strategy [29], the Wildfire Hazard Potential product [30], and the Cohesive Strategy science report [31], among many others. Rather than analyzing simulated burn probability grids or perimeter polygons, as is common in previous work, what is new here is analyzing the underlying fire arrival time raster data for each simulated event.
The primary aims of this work are to prototype and evaluate methods for the simulation and categorization of ESEs. The broader goal is to provide more actionable information on ESEs to support landscape fuel management and incident response planning. To our knowledge, this is the first study to leverage daily arrival times from FSim for this purpose. In subsequent sections, we describe analysis of simulation outputs on a case study landscape in Colorado, USA, summarize daily spread event characteristics, threshold and probabilistically benchmark ESEs, spatially depict ESE potential, and describe limitations, extensions, and potential applications of this work.

2. Materials and Methods

The case study landscape encompasses the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest (ARNF) in the Front Range of Colorado. This landscape has been the subject of extensive risk analysis to support management strategies and decision-making [32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]. In 2020, the ARNF experienced multiple wildfires with ESEs, including the Calwood Fire (4090 ha), the Cameron Peak Fire (84,544 ha), and the East Troublesome Fire (78,433 ha). The Cameron Peak Fire had multiple ESEs and is the largest recorded wildfire in state history. The East Troublesome Fire is the second-largest recorded wildfire in state history, with an unprecedented growth event (54,258 ha) that spotted over the Continental Divide and resulted in the evacuation of the town of Estes Park. Daily growth data for these events were obtained from the ICS-209-PLUS dataset [41].
The primary input for this analysis is a set of FSim simulation results that cover the analysis area based on fuel characteristics representative of 2021 [42]. More information on model inputs, parameterization, and calibration is available in [15,16,43]. In brief, the modeling uses gridded daily historical climatology and Remote Automated Weather Stations to generate synthetic weather streams for energy release component, dead fuel moisture, and distributions of wind speeds and directions for each pyrome (fire modeling and calibration units; [44]). Simulation outputs are compared with historical fire patterns and statistics on the mean annual number of large fires per million burnable acres and the mean annual large-fire area burned per million burnable acres and are adjusted until the validation statistics fall within an acceptable range of the historical reference value. The Fire Occurrence Database [45] provided the reference data for calibration targets over the period of 2006–2020.
We combined results for 20k to 30k synthetic fire years from multiple pyromes and selected fires larger than 400 hectares whose simulated perimeters overlapped with boundaries of the ARNF (Figure 1). In total, there were 60,441 simulated fires of all sizes, with 347,370 daily spread events. In terms of originating pyrome, 54,705 simulated fires originated in pyrome 46, 5381 in pyrome 45, 242 in pyrome 128, and 113 in pyrome 56. After filtering for fires larger than 400 hectares, there were 25,267 fires and 258,035 daily spread events. We used the FSim individual-fire day-of-arrival raster outputs to determine the daily area burned for the duration of each simulated incident. Following [10], we used a log10 transformation for area burned and calculated the mean, median, standard deviation, top 10% (>90th percentile), and top 1% (>99th percentile) of spread events. We defined ESEs as daily growth greater than one standard deviation above the logarithmic mean. We then calculated proportions of cumulative area burned for each category, as well as individual ESE contributions to final fire size and exceedance probability curves for daily spread. To spatially depict ESE potential, we created heatmaps by first rasterizing the lands within the ARNF (270 m cell size). We then overlaid the spatial map of each daily spread event with the rasterized landscape to calculate the burn frequency for each cell within the landscape. Analysis was performed using ArcGIS (10.7), Excel (2409), Python (2.7), and R (4.1.3).

3. Results

Simulated daily fire spread roughly followed a log-normal distribution, with a median value of 262 ha/day and a mean value of 869 ha/day (Figure 2). The threshold for classifying ESEs (>1 SD) was >1341 ha/day. The daily growth threshold for the top 10% of events was 2253 ha/day, and for the top 1% of events was 8777 ha/day. There were 43,782 (17%) ESEs in the simulated dataset. Table 1 compares the proportions of area burned by ESEs for the present study with the numbers presented in [10]. The results are qualitatively similar, with ESEs and top 10% events accounting for approximately 70% and 57% of cumulative area burned, but the proportion of cumulative area burned for the top 1% of simulation results was smaller than that observed in [10].
Comparisons of simulated daily spread events with their proportional contributions to final fire size reveal divergent patterns (Figure 3). Across the ESEs, the average proportion of final fire size was 12%. Points on the upper left reflect fires with comparatively shorter durations, whose final size was largely driven by singular spread events. ESEs that comprised >75% of final fire size averaged 2134 ha/day, with a range of 1341 to 5657 ha/day. On the lower right, by contrast, are comparatively longer-duration incidents with larger spread events that comprise a smaller proportion of final fire size. ESEs that were <25% of total fire size averaged 3699 ha/day, with a range of 1341 to 41,378 ha/day. Generally, the larger the simulated ESE, the lower the proportion of final fire size, indicating a scaling effect and potential for multiple ESEs.
Also shown in Figure 3 are the magnitudes and proportional contributions to fire size from observed ESEs in Colorado from 2020 (see Table 2). The Calwood Fire had a singular ESE (2833 ha/day) comprising 69% of the final fire size. By contrast, the Cameron Peak Fire had twelve ESEs ranging in magnitude from 1442 to 22,520 ha/day (2% to 27% of final fire size). Collectively, these ESEs accounted for 82% of the final Cameron Peak Fire size. The East Troublesome Fire had seven ESEs ranging in magnitude from 1346 to 54,258 ha/day (2% to 69% of final fire size), inclusive of an extreme outlier event. The FSim simulations did not generate any ESEs of such magnitude, and most simulated ESEs comprising that proportion of total fire size were much smaller.
Simulated exceedance probabilities demonstrate a steep decline with a long right tail (Figure 4). Observed ESEs are mapped to the EP curve, and benchmarked exceedance probabilities are presented in Table 2. As one example, the probability of a simulated daily spread event exceeding the size of the ESE observed on the Calwood Fire (2833 ha) is 0.0753. As described above, the Cameron Peak Fire had twelve ESEs, although nearly half the growth (46%) occurred during three top 1% ESEs with exceedance probabilities ranging from 0.0003 to 0.0088. The largest ESE on the East Troublesome Fire was outside of the simulated dataset, resulting in an exceedance probability of less than 1 in 258,035 (the number of simulated daily spread events for fires larger than 400 ha).
The unique East Troublesome Fire spread event notwithstanding, exceedance probabilities suggest potential for ESEs as large as or larger than observed on the Calwood Fire and the Cameron Peak Fire. In fact, there were many simulated fires with characteristics similar to those of the Cameron Peak Fire. Of the 785 simulated fires with at least one top 1% ESE, 91 had three top 1% ESEs similar to the Cameron Peak, and 211 had more than three such events. The largest simulated fire had 33 top 1% ESEs with a final fire size nearly an order of magnitude larger than that of the Cameron Peak or East Troublesome (757,795 ha).
A heatmap reveals concentrations of higher ESE potential in the central-eastern portion of the ARNF landscape (Figure 5). This is likely due to several factors, including prevailing west-to-east winds and lower montane dry forest types with more frequent fire regimes. Further, the footprint of recently burned areas, including the Cameron Peak Fire, dampens ESE potential to the north of the hotspot. Note that this heatmap was generated using simulated perimeter polygons that intersected the ARNF boundaries and is not a comprehensive, cross-boundary depiction of ESE potential.
For illustrative purposes, we map arrival time raster data for four simulated analogs to the Cameron Peak Fire, filtered first based on the presence of three top 1% ESEs (Figure 6). We then applied separate filters based on similarity in duration, final fire size, proportion of total size contributed by top 1% ESEs, and magnitude of the largest ESE (Panels A–D, respectively). Simulated analogs reveal different growth patterns and trajectories, perimeter length and sinuosity, and perimeter-to-area ratio, and reflect the landscape potential to experience varied manifestations of multiple ESEs.

4. Discussion

Simulating daily fire spread events offers a potentially valuable tool for wildfire preparedness and mitigation. Given both the inevitability and uncertainty surrounding future wildfire events, the use of simulation models can support proactive risk analysis and management. The focus here on quantifying ESEs and their exceedance probabilities aims to provide a foundation for advancing wildfire disaster prediction. By modeling extreme events and worst-case scenarios, local managers can better gauge landscape fuels management and firefighting resource needs.
Simulation results generally showed strong alignment with historical patterns of daily growth and the proportion of cumulative area burned in the western U.S. [10]. In the case study location, observed ESEs on the 2020 Calwood and Cameron Peak fires were within the range of simulated events, corresponding to simulated exceedance probabilities ranging from 0.0003 to 0.1589. As observed on the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome fires, large fires can result in multiple ESEs, highlighting a strength of FSim in that it can capture the potential for multiple ESEs over the duration of a single incident. Although calibrated to final fire size distributions, it appears that the underlying mechanistic process of simulating the contributing daily fire spread events closely approximates observed daily growth distributions.
It is noteworthy that the largest ESE on the East Troublesome Fire exceeded simulated results. Without reading too much into a singular event, this may warrant more analysis into whether FSim underestimates the magnitude of right-tail ESEs (despite generating simulated final fire sizes much larger than those observed historically). This potential pattern is reflected in the finding that the top 1% of FSim simulated ESEs contributed 6% less to cumulative area burned than the empirical findings of [10]. Underprediction of an observed extreme event highlights the challenges of simulating extremes that accurately account for driving factors, which in the case of the East Troublesome fire included wind events and dead, downed timber due to beetle infestation [46]. It could be the case that additional simulation runs would produce extreme events of greater magnitude, which could be the subject of further simulation and analysis.
Here, our analysis focused on estimating the frequency and magnitude of simulated ESEs and comparing them to observed ESEs. Through a heatmap and simulated analogs, we illustrated spatial landscape patterns that could be further queried to identify extreme spread hotspots or vulnerable areas and refugia, or the comparative influence of factors such as fuels and wind in variable ESE potential. Several other extensions are possible. First, calibration against daily spread distributions in addition to fire size distributions could enhance the reliability of ESE simulation, and this will likely become more plausible with improved availability and quality of fire progression maps. Simulation results could be probed in more depth to examine patterns of extreme spread in relation to factors like burning conditions, ignition location, and timing. Results could also be probed to identify the potential for simultaneous extreme spread events or multiple extreme events in the same year, or to quantify reduced potential for extreme spread on treated or disturbed landscapes.
There are several potential near-term applications, beginning with wildfire response planning and suppression strategy development. By analyzing how extreme fires behave under different conditions, fire managers can run sandbox scenario-based experiments with various tactics and deployments of resources. This can help identify key suppression trigger points, determine the most effective ways to contain fires, and efficiently allocate resources during extreme events. Such scenarios could be useful in response planning workshops where local managers identify the most suitable locations for containment by leveraging the potential operational delineation (POD) concept [38,47,48]. Overlaying simulated spread patterns on top of pre-identified POD boundaries could help identify particularly challenging or exposed potential control locations.
Similarly, modeling ESEs could support prioritization and design of landscape fuels management and community mitigation strategies. This could take the form of interrupting critical fire spread pathways, hardening fire control boundaries and other fuel break networks for containment, or targeting high-value areas to reduce high-severity patch size, among others [49,50]. Results could also inform transmission and exposure pathways for high-risk communities for more targeted local fuels management and community risk reduction efforts [51]. Lastly, pairing extreme wildland fire event simulation with models of urban fire spread and housing survival could have implications for civil, structural, and fire protection engineering [52,53,54,55].

5. Conclusions

Prototype analysis of individual-fire day-of-arrival raster outputs from calibrated FSim simulation outputs demonstrated promising results for emulating observed frequencies and magnitudes of ESEs. Improvements in many areas, including fire progression data, model calibration, and computational efficiency, would facilitate application at scale. Continued analysis and simulation of ESEs will likely expand the horizon of uses and grow in salience as ESEs become more common.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.P.T.; methodology, M.P.T., D.N., C.J.M. and J.S.; formal analysis, D.N. and M.P.T.; data curation, D.N. and C.J.M.; writing—original draft preparation, M.P.T.; writing—review and editing, D.N., C.J.M., J.S. and Y.W.; visualization, M.P.T., D.N. and B.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was partially funded by the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station through cost share agreement 22-CS-11221636-189.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data can be made available from the authors upon reasonable request.


The Wildfire Risk Management Science Team at the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station helped support and inform this work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Case study landscape depicting the boundaries of pyromes with simulated wildfires that intersected the footprint of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest, which is located in Colorado, USA.
Figure 1. Case study landscape depicting the boundaries of pyromes with simulated wildfires that intersected the footprint of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest, which is located in Colorado, USA.
Fire 07 00395 g001
Figure 2. Distribution of simulated daily fire spread events. Extreme events ≥ 1341 ha/day (>1 SD) account for 71% of the area burned.
Figure 2. Distribution of simulated daily fire spread events. Extreme events ≥ 1341 ha/day (>1 SD) account for 71% of the area burned.
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Figure 3. Scatterplot of daily fire spread against the proportion of total area burned, along with observed ESEs.
Figure 3. Scatterplot of daily fire spread against the proportion of total area burned, along with observed ESEs.
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Figure 4. Simulated exceedance probability curve for daily spread events, along with observed ESEs from the Cameron Peak, East Troublesome, and Calwood fires. Vertical lines from left to right correspond to thresholds for ESEs, the top 10% spread events, and the top 1% spread events.
Figure 4. Simulated exceedance probability curve for daily spread events, along with observed ESEs from the Cameron Peak, East Troublesome, and Calwood fires. Vertical lines from left to right correspond to thresholds for ESEs, the top 10% spread events, and the top 1% spread events.
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Figure 5. Heatmap (burn frequency) of spread events simulated for ARNF. (A): All spread events (347,370 events across fires of all sizes). (B): Extreme spread events (43,782 events across fires with a size above 400 ha). (C): Top 10% spread events (25,750 events across fires with a size above 400 ha). (D): Top 1% spread events (2579 events across fires with a size above 400 ha).
Figure 5. Heatmap (burn frequency) of spread events simulated for ARNF. (A): All spread events (347,370 events across fires of all sizes). (B): Extreme spread events (43,782 events across fires with a size above 400 ha). (C): Top 10% spread events (25,750 events across fires with a size above 400 ha). (D): Top 1% spread events (2579 events across fires with a size above 400 ha).
Fire 07 00395 g005
Figure 6. Perimeters and daily arrival times for a set of analogs to the Cameron Peak Fire with three top 1% ESEs. Y-axis on the right corresponds to the count of daily growth events. Panel (A) shows an analog fire with similar duration; Panel (B), an analog fire with similar final size; Panel (C), an analog with similar proportional contribution of ESE to final size; and Panel (D), an analog with similar magnitude of the largest ESE.
Figure 6. Perimeters and daily arrival times for a set of analogs to the Cameron Peak Fire with three top 1% ESEs. Y-axis on the right corresponds to the count of daily growth events. Panel (A) shows an analog fire with similar duration; Panel (B), an analog fire with similar final size; Panel (C), an analog with similar proportional contribution of ESE to final size; and Panel (D), an analog with similar magnitude of the largest ESE.
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Table 1. Comparison of ESE thresholds and the proportion of cumulative area burned for simulated results on the ARNF with empirical results from [10].
Table 1. Comparison of ESE thresholds and the proportion of cumulative area burned for simulated results on the ARNF with empirical results from [10].
ESE MetricSimulation ResultsEmpirical Results [10]
ESE threshold>1341 ha/day>1100 ha/day
Proportion of cumulative area burned by ESEs71%70%
Proportion of cumulative area burned by top 10% ESEs57%58%
Proportion of cumulative area burned by top 1% ESEs14%20%
Table 2. Magnitudes, ESE thresholds, and simulated exceedance probabilities (EP) for observed ESEs from the Calwood, Cameron Peak, and East Troublesome Fires in Colorado, USA, in 2020.
Table 2. Magnitudes, ESE thresholds, and simulated exceedance probabilities (EP) for observed ESEs from the Calwood, Cameron Peak, and East Troublesome Fires in Colorado, USA, in 2020.
IncidentObserved ESE Size (ha)Simulated ESE ThresholdSimulated EP
Calwood2833>1 SD0.0753
Cameron Peak1442>1 SD0.1589
1527>1 SD0.1502
1577Top 10%0.1461
2482Top 10%0.0889
2575Top 10%0.0852
2583Top 10%0.0849
3583Top 10%0.0552
5378Top 10%0.0285
5829Top 10%0.0243
9219Top 1%0.0088
10,449Top 1%0.0061
22,520Top 1%0.0003
East Troublesome1346>1 SD0.1689
1417>1 SD0.1617
1494>1 SD0.1537
1681>1 SD0.1367
7094Top 10%0.0164
7250Top 10%0.0156
54,258Top 1%<4 × 10−6
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MDPI and ACS Style

Thompson, M.P.; Nguyen, D.; Moran, C.J.; Scott, J.; Wei, Y.; Young, B. Simulating Daily Large Fire Spread Events in the Northern Front Range, Colorado, USA. Fire 2024, 7, 395.

AMA Style

Thompson MP, Nguyen D, Moran CJ, Scott J, Wei Y, Young B. Simulating Daily Large Fire Spread Events in the Northern Front Range, Colorado, USA. Fire. 2024; 7(11):395.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Thompson, Matthew P., Dung Nguyen, Christopher J. Moran, Joe Scott, Yu Wei, and Bryce Young. 2024. "Simulating Daily Large Fire Spread Events in the Northern Front Range, Colorado, USA" Fire 7, no. 11: 395.

APA Style

Thompson, M. P., Nguyen, D., Moran, C. J., Scott, J., Wei, Y., & Young, B. (2024). Simulating Daily Large Fire Spread Events in the Northern Front Range, Colorado, USA. Fire, 7(11), 395.

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