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Study of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement in Lithium Ceramics under High-Temperature Irradiation

Dmitriy I. Shlimas
Artem L. Kozlovskiy
Maxim V. Zdorovets
1,2 and
Ainagul A. Khametova
Laboratory of Solid State Physics, The Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty 050032, Kazakhstan
Engineering Profile Laboratory, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan 010008, Kazakhstan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Ceramics 2022, 5(3), 447-458;
Submission received: 21 July 2022 / Revised: 12 August 2022 / Accepted: 16 August 2022 / Published: 17 August 2022


The aim of this work is to study the hydrogenation processes in lithium-containing ceramics under high-temperature irradiation. Irradiation was carried out with protons with an energy of 1 MeV and fluences of 1015–1017 ion/cm2 at irradiation temperatures of 300–1000 K. The choice of irradiation conditions is due to the possibility of simulation of the radiation damage accumulation processes in the near-surface layer of Li2TiO3 ceramics, as well as establishing the dependences of changes in structural parameters during temperature heating of samples during irradiation. It has been established that at irradiation fluences of 1015–1016 ion/cm2, the formation of dislocation defects is observed, the density of which has a pronounced dependence on the irradiation temperature. At irradiation fluence above 5 × 1016 ion/cm2, an increase in the crystal structure deformation is observed, due to swelling processes as a result of implanted hydrogen accumulation in the near-surface layer structure. At the same time, an increase in the irradiation temperature leads to a decrease in the swelling value, which is due to the accelerated migration of implanted hydrogen in the near-surface layer and its release through the existing pores. Results of mechanical tests showed that the swelling of the crystal structure and its deformation leads to embrittlement and a partial decrease in the strength of the near-surface layer. The obtained research results will further allow us to evaluate the resistance of lithium ceramics to the processes of hydrogenation and destruction as a result of the formation of gas-filled cavities in the structure of the near-surface layer.

1. Introduction

The use of lithium-containing ceramics to solve the problem of production and accumulation of tritium for thermonuclear reactors with the aim of uninterrupted supply of tritium to nuclear reactions is a very promising area of research [1,2,3]. Interest in it is due to the great potential of thermonuclear energy in the near future to resolve issues related to decarbonization and the energy crisis caused by the depletion of fuel energy resources. However, to solve these problems, a stable supply of tritium to thermonuclear reactors is required, the production of which today is only a few kilograms, with expected needs in much larger volumes in the future [4,5].
One way to solve the problem of tritium production is to use the classical n + Li→He + T reaction in thermonuclear reactors, which allows not only to produce tritium, but also to accumulate it [6,7,8]. At the same time, there is enough lithium used to produce tritium in nature, which will solve the problem of tritium production and its accumulation.
In the process of tritium production during nuclear reactions, not only tritium is accumulated, but also helium with hydrogen, which, due to low solubility in the substance and high mobility and penetrating ability, can accumulate in cavities or pores, and forming complexes with vacancies can form gas bubbles. In several works on the tritium accumulation in lithium ceramics, it was shown that during the tritium production, a sufficient amount of helium and hydrogen are formed, which are recorded in large quantities [9,10,11]. At the same time, the filling of micropores with helium and hydrogen in ceramics can lead to gas-swelling processes and the subsequent destruction of ceramics as a result of the deformation caused by an increase in gas-filled bubbles and their density in the structure [12,13,14].
The processes of gaseous swelling and embrittlement are well studied in steels used as structural materials, as well as in ceramics based on oxides, nitrides, or carbides, which have a great potential for use in nuclear power engineering [15,16]. However, these effects and their consequences are rather poorly considered in lithium ceramics used as blanket materials. Most of the known studies are aimed at studying the processes of outgassing, both in the case of reactor tests and in model experiments aimed at studying the absorption properties of ceramics. At the same time, the processes and mechanisms of helium and hydrogen accumulation, as well as their effect on embrittlement and swelling, are practically not studied. In this regard, the relevance and purpose of the study presented in this work is to describe and interpret the observed structural and strength changes in Li2TiO3 ceramics under high-temperature proton irradiation, which makes it possible to simulate hydrogenation processes in the structure of ceramics that are closest to real ones [17,18]. As is known, high-temperature irradiation is accompanied by processes of partial annihilation of formed point and dislocation defects due to a change in the magnitude of thermal vibrations, as well as the mobility of atoms. At the same time, irradiation at elevated temperatures also affects the migration rate and mobility of implanted hydrogen, which can affect the accumulation and subsequent formation of gas-filled bubbles [19,20]. The choice of Li2TiO3 ceramics as an object of research is due to their high potential for use as blanket materials for thermonuclear reactors for the tritium production.

2. Experimental Part

Lithium ceramics (Li2TiO3), which have a high potential for tritium multiplication under the action of neutrons, were chosen as objects of study. These ceramics were obtained by solid-phase synthesis by mixing TiO2 and LiClO4·3H2O components in equal stoichiometric ratios, followed by thermal sintering at a temperature of 1000 °C. The starting components in the form of powders were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, USA; the chemical purity was 99.95%. After sintering, the samples were pressed into spheres, the porosity of which, according to the obtained images, was less than 3–4%, which is quite acceptable for this type of ceramics. The presence of porous inclusions will make it possible to extract tritium in the future, as well as to partially remove the accumulated gas inclusions in the structure of ceramics.
Figure 1a shows the SEM image of the synthesized ceramics pressed into ceramic spheres used for further research. The general appearance of the obtained ceramics indicates their nanostructural grain sizes, of which they are composed.
According to an analysis of the results of X-ray diffraction of the obtained diffraction pattern of the test sample (see the data in Figure 1b), it was found that the observed diffraction reflections corresponded to the Li2TiO3 monoclinic phase with the crystal lattice parameters a = 5.0242 Å, b = 8.7836 Å, c = 9.8205 Å, β = 100.224°, V = 426.5 Å3. The phase composition was determined using the PDF-2 (2016) database, the phase and the presence or absence of impurity inclusions was determined using the DiffracEVA v.4.2 program code. According to the conducted X-ray phase analysis, the presence of any impurity inclusions associated with incomplete dissolution of the initial powders during sintering was not established in the studied samples.
The samples were irradiated at the UKP-2.1 accelerator (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The samples for irradiation were placed on special ceramic target holders, which made it possible to heat the samples for high-temperature irradiation. The irradiation temperature was controlled using a special mine holder with thermocouples, which made it possible to control the target temperature during heating and then maintain it during irradiation. Irradiation for the purpose of studying the processes of hydrogenation was carried out with protons with an energy of 1 MeV and fluences of 1015–1017 ion/cm2 at irradiation temperatures of 300–1000 K. The particle flux density was no more than 109 ion/cm2·s to prevent the occurrence of a heating effect at high irradiation density, which could lead to uncontrolled changes in the damaged layer. The radiation dose was controlled using Faraday cups, which made it possible to measure the current with high accuracy, and the accumulated radiation dose was determined using a conversion system.
The maximum depth of the path of incident particles, as well as energy losses in the material, was assessed using the SRIM Pro 2013 program code. According to the calculated data using the Kinchin-Pease model (the “monolayer collisions” mode was used for calculations), the energy losses during the interaction of incident particles with electron shells (dE/dxelectron) and nuclei (dE/dxelectron) were 56 keV/µm and 0.04 keV/µm, the maximum penetration depth of protons in ceramics was over 12 µm. Figure 2 shows the results of theoretical calculations of atomic displacements (dpa) and the concentration of implanted hydrogen over the depth of path of incident particles in ceramics depending on the irradiation fluence. An analysis of the obtained values indicates that the maximum value of atomic displacements during proton irradiation is no more than 0.07–0.08 dpa at the maximum irradiation fluence, and the concentration of implanted hydrogen at these fluences is more than 2 at.%. At the same time, the maximum damage is observed at a depth of 10–12 µm. According to calculations, the main contribution at most of the depth of the path of incident particles is made by interactions of protons with electron shells, which leads to the ionization effect, although at depth the effect of implantation and the formation of agglomerations is more pronounced due to the introduction and accumulation of implanted hydrogen.
The study of disordering processes associated with destruction as a result of the radiation damage accumulation caused by irradiation was carried out by analyzing the obtained X-ray diffraction patterns of samples before and after irradiation, followed by calculation of changes in structural parameters. The diffraction patterns were taken in the Bragg-Brentano geometry in the angular range 2θ = 25–75°. DiffracEVA v.4.2 software (Bruker, Berlin, Germany) was used for analysis.
Mechanical tests, reflecting the resistance of ceramics to destruction during the radiation damage accumulation, were carried out by the indentation method, which makes it possible to determine the hardness of the near-surface layer, as well as to establish the softening and destruction degree of the surface exposed to radiation.
The change in strength properties and their change depending on the irradiation conditions was carried out by indentation using the standard method for determining microhardness. A Vickers pyramid was used as an indenter with an indenter load of 50 N. To determine the microhardness and its change as a result of external influences during irradiation, all experiments were performed in the form of successive series of 10–15 samples, on the basis of which the measurement errors were determined, as well as the convergence of results because of external influences.
Determination of crack resistance was carried out by the single compression method at a loading rate of 0.2 mm/min. The crack resistance index was defined as the value of the maximum pressure that ceramics can withstand under compression.
The heat-conducting properties of lithium-containing ceramics were measured by determining the magnitude of the longitudinal heat flux in the temperature range of 100–700 °C. Based on the data obtained from measurements of the heat flux on both sides of the ceramics, the thermal conductivity coefficients and their changes as a result of external influences were calculated. For measurement, a KIT—800 device was used, which makes it possible to determine the temperature difference on both sides of the sample when it is heated.

3. Result and Discussion

Analysis of temperature dependencies of change in crystal lattice deformation in case of change in irradiation conditions and irradiation fluence is shown in Figure 3. Assessment of crystal lattice deformation as a function of fluence and temperature was performed based on analysis of crystal lattice parameters change before and after irradiation. This value characterizes the degree of influence of point defects and the defective fraction formed during irradiation on the crystal lattice distortion, as well as its deformation resistance.
Analyzing the observed changes in structural parameters (lattice parameters) depending on the irradiation conditions, it was found that the nature of deformation of the crystal lattice axes is characteristic of tensile deformation, which is due to the radiation damage accumulation effect. The presented data on the deformation of the crystal lattice axes indicate an anisotropic effect of distortions, which manifests itself with an increase in the irradiation fluence. At the same time, a more pronounced anisotropy of distortions is manifested for b and c axes, which indicates that the crystal lattice of Li2TiO3 is anisotropically deformed during radiation-induced defect accumulation. Also, the observed changes in the crystal lattice deformation value indicate a strongly pronounced dependence of the distortion on the irradiation temperature. In the case of irradiation temperatures of 300 K and 500 K, the deformation in relative terms (%) has close values, which indicates that an increase in the irradiation temperature from 300 K to 500 K does not lead to significant differences in the defect formation mechanisms, as well as the formation and subsequent accumulation of defective distortions and deformations in the structure. In this case, an increase in the irradiation temperature to 700–1000 K leads to an almost twofold decrease in the deformation value; however, the effect of anisotropic distortion remains, but is less pronounced for all crystal lattice axes. Such a behavior of changes in structural parameters depending on the irradiation temperature indicates a strong influence of the value of thermal vibrations and thermal expansion of the crystal lattice, which at elevated temperatures has a positive effect on reducing the deformation of the structure, due to the partial relaxation of defects and a decrease in their concentration.
Figure 4 shows the results of estimating the content of the defective fraction in the structure of ceramics. The content of the defective fraction (Fd) was determined using Formula (1):
F d = 1 V 0 V ,
where V0, V are the crystal lattice volume in the initial and irradiated states. This value characterizes the effect of a change in the crystal lattice volume due to structural distortions and the accumulation of point defects with their subsequent evolution. The estimation of the change in the crystal lattice volume was estimated based on the change in these crystal lattice parameters depending on the irradiation fluence.
The general view of the trend in changing this value of the defective fraction indicates that the accumulation of defects has a pronounced dependence on the irradiation fluence and the irradiation temperature. As is known from the calculated data upon irradiation with protons with given values of the initial energy, the main contribution over most of the trajectory to the formation of defects and changes in the structure is made by the interactions of incident particles with electrons and electron shells. This interaction leads to local changes in the electron density distribution along the path of the incident particles, which in turn initiates the processes of ionization and the formation of an anisotropic electron density distribution in the damaged layer. In this case, under high-dose irradiation, processes are possible that will lead to an increase in distortions and deformations in the structure, as well as the formation of a large number of point or vacancy defects.
According to the obtained calculated data, the content of the defective fraction and its accumulation has a pronounced dependence on the irradiation temperature, which indicates that with an increase in the irradiation temperature, the processes of annihilation of point defects play a significant role in structural changes. An increase in thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice at elevated temperatures leads to the fact that most of the formed defects annihilate or relax with each other, and the structural damage accumulation rate, depending on the irradiation fluence, at elevated temperatures is significantly reduced than when irradiated at a temperature of 300–500 K, at which the structural damage accumulation effect is more pronounced.
The value of swelling as a result of accumulated point and dislocation defects, as well as implanted hydrogen, was estimated from the results of changes in the crystal lattice volume depending on the irradiation conditions. Figure 5 shows the results of changes in the crystal lattice swelling value, reflecting the radiation damage accumulation degree due to the concentration of implanted hydrogen and structural changes under the action of irradiation. These changes are presented for all measured irradiation temperatures depending on the accumulated fluence.
The general form of changes in the swelling value depending on the irradiation fluence is non-linear, which indicates that radiation damage has a cumulative effect, and a change in the crystal lattice swelling indicates the deformation nature of changes in the damaged layer structure. For samples irradiated with fluences above 1016 ion/cm2, a sharp increase in the swelling degree is observed, which can be due to both an increase in the value of atomic displacements and the formation of an anisotropic nature of the crystal lattice deformation. At the same time, in the case of the maximum irradiation fluence of 1017 ion/cm2 in this experimental series, the swelling value for samples irradiated at a temperature of 300 K is no more than 4%, which indicates a sufficiently high swelling resistance degree of ceramics. In the case of irradiation of samples at a temperature of 500 K, the nature of the change in the crystal lattice swelling value, as well as the swelling degree, is comparable with the similar value of irradiated samples at a temperature of 300 K. Small differences for temperatures of 300 and 500 K indicate that the so-called expansion factor of thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice, which leads to partial stabilization and annihilation of point defects at low irradiation temperatures, does not significantly affect the decrease in the swelling degree. At the same time, in the case of irradiation fluences of 5 × 1016–1017 ion/cm2, this effect almost completely disappears, which is associated with the dominance of deformation processes and anisotropic distortion of the structure.
A different picture is observed for samples irradiated at temperatures of 700 K and 1000 K. In this case, irradiation with fluences of 1–5 × 1015 ion/cm2 does not lead to significant changes in the swelling value, which indicates that all point defects formed, as well as deformation distortions, are annihilated by thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice, as well as by thermal annealing of defects formed during irradiation. Such a behavior of the structural properties of Li2TiO3 ceramics under high-temperature irradiation indicates a high stability of the crystal structure, as well as the possibility of the so-called self-healing process under high-temperature irradiation in the case of irradiation fluences of 1–5 × 1015 ion/cm2. With an increase in the irradiation fluence above 1016 ion/cm2, an increase in the swelling value to 1–1.5% is observed, which indicates the dominance of deformation distortions in the structure due to the accumulation of radiation-induced defects, their agglomeration, as well as hydrogen implantation with the possibility of the formation of gas-filled bubbles leading to damaged layer destruction. At the same time, the analysis of the swelling value depending on the irradiation temperature showed that an increase in the irradiation temperature above 500 K leads to a 2–3-fold decrease in the swelling value at maximum irradiation fluences. At the same time, high-temperature irradiation at low fluences does not lead to significant changes in the swelling of the crystal lattice, which indicates that, at low fluences, the dominant processes in the case of high temperatures are the processes of thermal annihilation of point defects due to a change in the value of thermal vibrations.
Analyzing the observed changes in structural parameters depending on the irradiation fluence, as well as the irradiation temperature, and comparing them with the results of atomic displacements and the concentration of implanted hydrogen simulation, we can draw the following conclusions.
Firstly, the most pronounced structural changes associated with deformation processes are observed for fluences above 1016 ion/cm2, for which, according to calculations, the value of atomic displacements is more than 0.04 dpa, although the concentration of implanted hydrogen is more than 1 at.%. In this case, at irradiation temperatures of 300 and 500 K, the main structural changes should be caused by the electron density changing processes as a result of the damaged layer ionization effects, leading to the appearance of metastable states, but also processes associated with partial agglomeration of implanted hydrogen, leading to deformation and swelling of the crystal lattice. At the same time, the differences in the change in the structural damage degree at temperatures of 700–1000 K in comparison with irradiation at a temperature of 300–500 K indicate that in heated samples during irradiation, some defects are able to annihilate, which leads to a decrease in their concentration, as well as a decrease in the contributions of the crystal lattice deformation and distortion effects.
Secondly, the observed effects of the crystal lattice anisotropic distortion at irradiation temperatures of 300–500 K are due to the partial destruction effects as a result of ionization, and in the case of high fluences, effects associated with atomic displacements and the implanted hydrogen accumulation.
Thirdly, by analyzing and comparing the simulation results with data on changes in structural parameters, we can conclude that the observed structural changes have a good correlation with the results of atomic displacements and the concentration of implanted hydrogen in the case of irradiation at temperatures of 300–500 K, for which thermal effects, structural distortions associated with partial annihilation, are less pronounced than at elevated temperatures. In the case of irradiation at temperatures of 700–1000 K, the data have significant differences, which are due to the fact that the simulation does not take into account the effects associated with the partial annihilation of defects at high temperatures associated with thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice.
Figure 6 shows the results of microindentation of the surface layer of ceramics before and after irradiation, on the basis of which the values of hardness and softening degree were calculated depending on the type of exposure and irradiation conditions.
The general form of changes in hardness values depending on the irradiation fluence and irradiation temperature indicates a destructive change in the strength properties during the accumulation of radiation-induced damage with an increase in the irradiation fluence, and also has a pronounced dependence on the irradiation temperature, similar to a change in the swelling value.
In the case of irradiation at temperatures of 300–500 K with low irradiation fluences of 1–5 × 1015 ion/cm2, the decrease in hardness is no more than 3–5%, althouigh irradiation at temperatures of 700–1000 K leads to a decrease in hardness by no more than 0.5–1.5%, which is significantly less. With an increase in the irradiation fluence in the case of irradiation temperatures of 300–500 K, a divergence of hardness results is observed, which has somewhat different tendencies than in the case of swelling and accumulation of a defective fraction in the damaged layer, for which a change in the irradiation temperature from 300 K to 500 K did not lead to significant changes. This behavior of the strength properties of the near-surface layer with increasing irradiation temperature can be explained by the effect of partial relaxation or annealing of defects, as well as by a decrease in disorder regions and a decrease in the anisotropic distortion of the crystal lattice.
In the case of irradiation temperatures of 700–1000 K, the maximum decrease in hardness is no more than 5–8%, which is 64 and 78% less than the similar decrease in hardness at an irradiation temperature of 300 K. Such a strong difference in the hardness values in the case of irradiation at temperatures of 700–1000 K compared to irradiation at a temperature of 300 K may be due to the effects of relaxation and annihilation of defects due to an increase in thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice at elevated temperatures.
Thus, analyzing the dependences obtained, we can conclude that irradiation at temperatures of 700–1000 K leads to small changes in strength characteristics, and high resistance to softening in this case is associated with a decrease in the effect of anisotropic distortion of the crystal lattice on deformation processes in the near-surface damaged layer.
Figure 7 shows the results of changes in the crack resistance of the studied lithium-containing ceramics depending on the conditions of external influences, reflecting the change in the resistance of the near-surface damaged layer to cracking processes.
As can be seen from the data presented, the change in the crack resistance value of ceramics, as well as the crack formation resistance, has a similar pronounced dependence on the irradiation temperature. According to the data obtained, the greatest changes in crack resistance are observed at irradiation temperatures of 300–500 K, which are characterized by a decrease in the crack resistance at the maximum irradiation fluence by 42 and 18% for temperatures of 300 K and 500 K, respectively. At the same time, irradiation of samples at temperatures of 700 and 1000 K leads to smaller changes in the stability of crack resistance, which indicates that in the case of high-temperature irradiation, an important role is played by the defect annihilation effects, which contribute to an increase in crack resistance due to a decrease in deformation stresses in the damaged layer.
Figure 8 shows the results of changes in the thermophysical parameters of the studied ceramics depending on the conditions of external influences.
An analysis of changes in thermal conductivity indicates, under high-dose irradiation, the formation of a defective fraction and an increase in the crystal lattice deformation, which leads to the creation of additional obstacles to heat transfer, and, consequently, an increase in heat losses in the damaged layer of ceramics. At the same time, irradiation at high temperatures of 700–1000 K, for which a decrease in the defect structure was observed, does not lead to significant changes in thermal conductivity in a wide fluence range (1015–1016 ion/cm2), and the main changes associated with the deterioration of thermal conductivity are observed at fluences above 5 × 1016 ion/cm2.
In conclusion, we can summarize the observed effects with similar effects that were previously obtained for other types of oxide ceramics [15,21,22,23,24,25]. In most works related to the study of lithium ceramics intended for tritium propagation and its subsequent accumulation, special attention is paid to the processes associated with the production of tritium and its release, which are also accompanied by the accumulation of helium and hydrogen accompanying the occurrence of nuclear reactions. At the same time, it was pointed out in a number of works [26,27] that the tritium release processes are accompanied by partial destruction and degradation associated with the incorporation of helium and hydrogen into the structure of ceramics, leading to its swelling [28,29,30]. Analyzing the effects associated with implantation and the results of irradiation, we can conclude that the observed structural changes are of a similar nature, which indicate that proton beam irradiation can be used to simulate the effects of swelling and destruction of ceramics, which can then be used as a priori data on the resistance of ceramics to tritium production processes accompanied by the formation of gas inclusions.

4. Conclusions

The paper presents data on changes in the structural, strength, and heat-conducting properties of Li2TiO3 ceramics under proton irradiation in the irradiation temperature range of 300–1000 K. During an analysis of structural changes in irradiated samples, it was found that changes in structural parameters are characteristic of tensile stresses and the crystal lattice swelling effects due to the accumulation of radiation-induced damage and defects in the damaged layer. At the same time, the value of changes in structural parameters has a pronounced dependence on the irradiation temperature, which indicates that during high-temperature irradiation, the effects of thermal expansion of the crystal lattice play an important role, contributing to the partial annihilation of defects.
An analysis of changes in strength characteristics as a result of a change in the irradiation temperature showed that in the case of irradiation at temperatures of 700–1000 K, the decrease in strength characteristics is less pronounced than in the case of irradiation at lower temperatures. This behavior of the strength characteristics is due to the effects associated with a change in deformation distortions and anisotropic broadening of the crystal lattice, which are more pronounced at irradiation temperatures of 300–500 K.
Summing up the results of the experimental work, we can conclude that in the case of the operation of the studied Li2TiO3 at temperatures of 700–1000 K, the degree of radiation damage effect on the change in the structural, mechanical, and heat-conducting properties is much less due to the effects associated with partial annihilation of defects due to increased temperatures.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.I.S. and A.L.K.; methodology, M.V.Z., A.A.K. and A.L.K.; formal analysis, M.V.Z., A.A.K., D.I.S. and A.L.K.; investigation, M.V.Z., A.A.K., D.I.S. and A.L.K.; resources, A.L.K.; writing—original draft preparation, review, and editing, D.I.S. and A.L.K.; visualization, A.L.K.; supervision, A.L.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No. AP08855734).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. (a) SEM—image of the studied ceramics; (b) X-ray diffraction pattern of the studied ceramics.
Figure 1. (a) SEM—image of the studied ceramics; (b) X-ray diffraction pattern of the studied ceramics.
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Figure 2. Results of calculations using the SRIM Pro 2013 program code: (a) calculations of the value of atomic displacements in the material of ceramics; (b) calculations of the concentration of implanted hydrogen by the depth of the path of incident particles.
Figure 2. Results of calculations using the SRIM Pro 2013 program code: (a) calculations of the value of atomic displacements in the material of ceramics; (b) calculations of the concentration of implanted hydrogen by the depth of the path of incident particles.
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Figure 3. Results of the crystal lattice deformation depending on the irradiation conditions: (a) a-axis deformation; (b) b-axis deformation; (c) c-axis deformation.
Figure 3. Results of the crystal lattice deformation depending on the irradiation conditions: (a) a-axis deformation; (b) b-axis deformation; (c) c-axis deformation.
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Figure 4. Results of changes in defective fraction depending on irradiation conditions.
Figure 4. Results of changes in defective fraction depending on irradiation conditions.
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Figure 5. Results of the change in the crystal lattice swelling value depending on the fluence and irradiation temperature.
Figure 5. Results of the change in the crystal lattice swelling value depending on the fluence and irradiation temperature.
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Figure 6. (a) Results of changes in the hardness of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of the change in the softening value at change of irradiation conditions.
Figure 6. (a) Results of changes in the hardness of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of the change in the softening value at change of irradiation conditions.
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Figure 7. (a) Results of the change in the crack resistance value of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of the change in the crack resistance value, depending on the irradiation conditions.
Figure 7. (a) Results of the change in the crack resistance value of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of the change in the crack resistance value, depending on the irradiation conditions.
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Figure 8. (a) Results of changes in the thermal conductivity of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of thermal conductivity losses depending on the irradiation conditions.
Figure 8. (a) Results of changes in the thermal conductivity of ceramics depending on the irradiation conditions; (b) Results of thermal conductivity losses depending on the irradiation conditions.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Shlimas, D.I.; Kozlovskiy, A.L.; Zdorovets, M.V.; Khametova, A.A. Study of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement in Lithium Ceramics under High-Temperature Irradiation. Ceramics 2022, 5, 447-458.

AMA Style

Shlimas DI, Kozlovskiy AL, Zdorovets MV, Khametova AA. Study of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement in Lithium Ceramics under High-Temperature Irradiation. Ceramics. 2022; 5(3):447-458.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Shlimas, Dmitriy I., Artem L. Kozlovskiy, Maxim V. Zdorovets, and Ainagul A. Khametova. 2022. "Study of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement in Lithium Ceramics under High-Temperature Irradiation" Ceramics 5, no. 3: 447-458.

APA Style

Shlimas, D. I., Kozlovskiy, A. L., Zdorovets, M. V., & Khametova, A. A. (2022). Study of Radiation Damage Processes Caused by Hydrogen Embrittlement in Lithium Ceramics under High-Temperature Irradiation. Ceramics, 5(3), 447-458.

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