Short-Term Climatic Oscillations in the Central Region of the East-European Plain at the Beginning of the Holocene Based on Palynological Studies of Lacustrine Deposits
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Dating of Sediment Sequence from Seltso
3.2. Pollen Analysis
4. Discussion
4.1. Interpretation of the Seltso Record
4.2. Short-Term Changes in Central East European Plain at the Turn of the Late Glacial and Holocene According to the Studies of Key Sections
4.2.1. Changes in the Composition of Lacustrine Sediments
4.2.2. Changes in Vegetation and Climate
Late Glacial
Early Preboreal
Preboreal Oscillation
Late Preboreal
4.3. Comparison with the PBO in Northwest and Central Europe
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Lab. No | Depth (cm) | Material | 14C BP (±1σ) | Calibrated Age (cal a BP) | ||
IGRAN | UGAMS | from (+1σ) | to (−1σ) | |||
5984 | 25 | Bulk sample | 580 ± 20 | 625 | 545 | |
5985 | 75 | Bulk sample | 1450 ± 25 | 1350 | 1305 | |
5986 | 130 | Bulk sample | 5490 ± 30 | 6310 | 6220 | |
5670 | 30223 | 175 | Bulk sample | 8945 ± 30 | 10,195 | 9960 |
5669 | 30222 | 230 | Bulk sample | 9670 ± 30 | 11,185 | 10,895 |
5408 | 29028 | 275 | Bulk sample | 9730 ± 30 | 11,215 | 11,160 |
5409 | 29029 | 308 | Peat | 9970 ± 30 | 11,600 | 11,270 |
Site Number | Site Name | Latitude, N | Longtitude, E | Altitude (m a.s.l.) | Data Sources | Number of 14C Dates |
1 | Protva River, core PR-10 | 55°12′09″ | 36°29′33″ | 137 | [38,39] + non-published pollen data | 8 |
2 | Lake Dolgoye | 56°04′02″ | 37°20′00″ | 201 | [25,40] | 8 |
3 | Lake Seliger, core SP-2 | 57°02′21″ | 33°18′13″ | 205 | [40,41] | 7 |
4 | Lake Terebenskoye | 58°08′ | 32°59′ | 153 | [42] | 6 |
5 | Zmeinoe Mire | 56°16′53″ | 31°15′36″ | 165 | [43] | 22 |
6 | Lake Sudoble | 54°03′ | 28°24′ | 165 | [44,45] | 8 |
7 | Lake Velikoye | 54°09′37″ | 28°08′56″ | 164 | [46] | 4 |
8 | Lake Staroje | 52°51′ | 30°58′ | 130.5 | [47] | 4 |
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Borisova, O.; Naryshkina, N.; Panin, A. Short-Term Climatic Oscillations in the Central Region of the East-European Plain at the Beginning of the Holocene Based on Palynological Studies of Lacustrine Deposits. Quaternary 2024, 7, 22.
Borisova O, Naryshkina N, Panin A. Short-Term Climatic Oscillations in the Central Region of the East-European Plain at the Beginning of the Holocene Based on Palynological Studies of Lacustrine Deposits. Quaternary. 2024; 7(2):22.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBorisova, Olga, Natalia Naryshkina, and Andrey Panin. 2024. "Short-Term Climatic Oscillations in the Central Region of the East-European Plain at the Beginning of the Holocene Based on Palynological Studies of Lacustrine Deposits" Quaternary 7, no. 2: 22.
APA StyleBorisova, O., Naryshkina, N., & Panin, A. (2024). Short-Term Climatic Oscillations in the Central Region of the East-European Plain at the Beginning of the Holocene Based on Palynological Studies of Lacustrine Deposits. Quaternary, 7(2), 22.