1. Introduction
Since 25 years ago, solar energy has become one of the main contributors among other forms of renewable energy resources [
1]. A photovoltaic (PV) system can be operated conveniently, requiring little maintenance. Using current-voltage (
I-V) tracing approaches, performances of a PV module or even solar panels of a utility-size PV system, a power plant can be measured by system operators [
2]. These online diagnosis and cost-efficient techniques provide accurate data needed for effectively operating a PV system power plant [
3]. In Canada, the use of the solar PV system has been growing from 16.7 megawatts in 2005 to 3040 megawatts in 2018 [
4]. The convenience of installing a PV system has motivated residential and commercial users to consider it as an important source of energy for their needs. It means that consumers with minimum or basic knowledge about a solar panel must deal with the process of the PV system planning. However, the planning of an efficient system requires an expert’s knowledge, especially when modules operate under shading conditions [
5]. PV shadings are caused due to various ambient terms. Adjacent buildings, trees, clouds, pollution, dust, and snow considerably reduce energy generations of a solar panel. The performance of a solar panel is degraded when operating under shading conditions. The online inspection of PV modules allows us to identify the shading status of multiple different panels at a time [
6]. In the case of shading, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method, it aids the system to perform in its optimal operation. An MPPT-based control system implements the algorithm and controls the produced energy.
The importance of improving power efficiency in the solar sector market has motivated researchers with different scientific backgrounds to study MPPT approaches. There exist numerous published papers and scientific contributions linked to the subject of tracking a maximum power point. Researchers’ diverse backgrounds [
7] and their non-technical points of view have produced an overwhelming amount of information in this topic [
9]. It is difficult to evaluate their results and practically utilize the proposed methods since dissimilar terminologies and research interests are applied in their works. Moreover, the rule of environmental factors and external parameters have been neglected even in most literature reviews, for instance in [
11]. Consequently, many research studies provide algorithms, techniques, and hybrid methods which are nonpractical solutions in the context of power conversion. Choosing an appropriate algorithm based on the application and determining its parameters and initial values are among some of the problems concerning PV system design [
8]. For instance, control parameters of an MPPT-based control system can be adjusted to change the functionality of an MPPT algorithm and its efficiency [
12]. In addition, the problem concerning ambient conditions is more complex, since they involve meteorological data and environmental factors requiring different knowledge domains.
During recent years, developing conceptual frameworks has grown significantly, allowing researchers to reuse and share information within interested communities [
13]. Modelling disparate conceptual data from different domains implies using artificial intelligence, that involves semantics and computer processable languages [
14]. Semantic Web technologies offer software languages for representing knowledge-based models. In this work, we propose an ontology model representing the semantics and information required for planning PV systems to operate efficiently in various ambient conditions. The presented ontology aids to define required parameters for an MPPT-based controller. It provides Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) guidelines for extracting information about power degradations due to snow-covered modules and several airborne particles. The designed ontology, named MPPT-On, is developed using reasoning and queries. The evaluation of the proposed ontology is performed using a case study. As the most reliable PV planning software [
15], which is broadly used by PV practitioners and researchers, the System Advisor Model (SAM) is employed for planning the PV project. We apply the applicable rules to adjust the hourly power estimations provided by SAM for snowy months, considering environmental factors as well. Then, we compare power estimations reported by SAM and MPPT-On with the actual power productions collected onsite for the case study. The results indicate that the application of the proposed ontology helps to estimate more accurate output results for months expecting snowfalls. Furthermore, the proposed model offers technical recommendations and design-related parameters associated with an MPPT-based controller.
This paper is structured as follows: the next section aims to demonstrate the impacts of shading conditions on the
P-V and
I-V characteristics of a partially shaded solar arrays using a MATLAB simulation. In
Section 3, the application of an MPPT method in the control system is described briefly. MPPT classifications and algorithms, the key elements of the proposed model, are reviewed in this portion as well. The concept of the Semantic Web and the application of ontology in the energy sector are introduced in
Section 4. We design the proposed ontology using Ontology Development 101 in Protégé. Then, ontology reasoning and the rule-based system are developed, considering shading conditions. The effects of several airborne particles, snow, and cloud on PV performances are presented at the end of this section. Moreover, power degradations related to different panel inclinations are outlined. The proposed ontology is evaluated in
Section 5 by using a case study. We design the PV system and plan the case study employing SAM. In
Section 5.1, the hourly power estimations calculated by SAM are manipulated using the rules defined in the proposed model. The results of the hourly power estimations reported by SAM are compared with the application of MPPT-On in
Section 6. We use the real data of power productions gathered onsite as the comparison for our analysis. Finally, a conclusion is presented in
Section 7.
5. Validation of the Proposed Model
The evaluation of an ontology is as important as developing it. Evaluation can be deemed as an approval for the application of a developed ontology. It indicates how suitable the ontology model is for what it is supposed to be used for. The proposed ontology was semantically validated by a case study that its power generations are publicly available [
90]. The measured system performance data for the project are accessible in Excel files for the entire year of 2012. These files include hourly power productions, snow data, and technical features of the PV system.
The case study was a PV system installed in one of the buildings at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States, known as Research Support Facility 2 (RSF 2), in 2011. The system was a 408-kW solar array on the roof of the new A-wing expansion of the RSF located in Golden, Colorado at 39.74° (N), 105.18° (W), with an elevation of 1829 (m). The complete technical description of the case study can be found in [
91]. Using the SAM simulation (version 2020.2.29), we designed the PV power generation system choosing the same inverter and module of the actual project in order to compare our simulation and power estimations with the real data gathered from the site. The technical characteristics and the sizing summary of the system designed is presented in
Table 5.
The complete simulation file and related Excel files are available in [
60]. SAM provided the PV system designed and several reports presenting hourly and monthly power productions.
Figure 7 illustrates the differences between the energy estimated by SAM and the actual data especially for the months of February and July. The purpose of this work requires to focus on the cold months of the year to apply the snow-related rules. Therefore, we excluded the hot months of the year or months with no snow. As observed in
Figure 7, the differences between the power estimations reported by SAM and collected onsite were significant for the three months of January, February, and December. We argue that SAM failed to contemplate the effect of snow. The application of the ontology model can provide more accurate results in power estimations for the three snowy months.
5.1. Adjusting Hourly Power Estimations Using the SWRL Rules
The following steps present the processes of applying the rules for adjusting hourly power estimations reported by the SAM software for the case study.
5.1.1. Investigating Environmental Factors at the PV Site
In the first step, ambient conditions of the case study were investigated to determine the environmental factors that might affect snowfall. These factors can be detected as airborne particles due to pollution and air quality of the location. Therefore, the air quality of the site was inspected. There are six criteria pollutants for which the United States federal government has launched several standards in the Federal Clean Air Act and its amendments [
92]. Among diverse elements, carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O
3), sulfur dioxide (SO
2), nitrogen dioxide (NO
2), and lead (Pb) are concerned directly to protect sensitive members of the population. Two standard size fractions were considered for these measures: PM
2.5 and PM
10. These measures were set to protect such factors known as “visibility in scenic areas” [
92]. They could affect the results of PV power productions due to the severity of shading that originally happened because of snowfall. The standard level of PM
2.5 was set at 15 µg/m
3 (averaged over 3 years) and 150 µg/m
3 for PM
10 for the location of the PV system, Golden, CO. The NREL site experienced no exceedance of particulate matters of both PM
2.5 and PM
10 for 2012, which are the most recent data available. The pollution data indicate that particles with the source of air pollution cannot affect the PV productions for the NREL site plant. Hence, none of the rules were applied for the adjustment of power outputs reported by SAM considering airborne particles.
5.1.2. Studying Climate Conditions of the Site Location
Comparable with the previous step, climate and weather terms of the PV plant were reviewed to define whether the snow rules are relevant or not. Cold months with a maximum possibility of precipitation were detected. This helped us to predict durations of shadings. Furthermore, weather related elements, including humidity, wind speed, and elevation of the environment can influence the impact of snow and consequently PV shadings. For instance, wind can blow away the PVs covered by snow or change the shading conditions and create partial shadings. In addition, humidity, especially at high temperature, makes the surface of a PV module suitable for airborne particles to remain on the surface, causing extended shadings.
5.1.3. Defining Shading Conditions due to Snowfall
By reviewing snow data, the exact days and hours of snow can be defined in addition to snow depths. In this way, durations of snow-covered modules were determined as well. The data about snow depths, durations, temperatures, and severity of precipitations aided us to detect the shading status of PV panels. It also identified whether full shadings occurred. In the case of full shading, there were no PV productions because no irradiance reached the surface of the PV modules. At the end of this phase, the affected hours of shadings and their snow depths were spotted. It is crucial to mention that there was no maintenance at the site for snow removal. Hence, snow shedding was considered as the only reason for clearing the surface from surfaces of the solar panels.
Table 5 shows the information about shading conditions for the case study, including the date, depths of snowfall, and the detected full shadings.
5.1.4. Applying the Applicable Rules to the Hourly Productions
The rules had to be implemented to the hourly power estimations of SAM. These rules introduced correction factors needed for the affected hours of shadings. The exact dates and durations of shadings for our case study were already identified. Thus, the correction factors were applied to the affected hours in the SAM’s Excel files for the related months. These files include the hourly power estimations for the three months of predicting shading conditions.
Table 6 presents information about snowfall, including days and depths for the considered months.
Now, we needed to review the rules defined in the SQWRL plug-in to identify the applicable rules. The applicable rules can be found in the SQWRLTab environment as:
The application of rule 28 recommends that snow depth of more than 2.54 (cm) causes 45% of daily loss for a 30° module angle and causes 26% of daily loss for 40°. Tilt angles were not considered as the main factor of changing parameters herein. The PV arrays were designed in a fixed angle (30°) in our SAM simulation for the case study.
Applying rule 29, which is about snow depths of less than one inch, cause a 11% daily loss for a 30° module angle and a 5% daily loss for 40°.
5.1.5. Implementing the Rules to the SAM Report
The applicable rules had to be implemented to the hourly power estimations for the days of shadings defined in
Table 6. The power reductions were applied to the affected days in the Excel file of SAM created for the case study. As a result, the new Excel file represents the application of the ontology model, named as MPPT-On results hereafter. In the next section, these adjusted hourly power productions were compared with the actual power productions measured onsite.
6. Discussion and Analysis of the Results
Taking the previous step built the third set of data for the case study (RSF 2), the application of MPPT-On. The first set of data is the simulation results created by SAM. The second set of data is the hourly power production measured at the site (the data are available on the SAM website [
90]). The complete output reports and the associated Excel files can be found in [
60]. With regard to the zero productions, it is crucial to emphasis that we took into account every zero productions in our study regardless of their origins. The fact is that the purpose of the analysis indicates which output data should be weighted more.
To project a better understanding of the results, the t-test was implemented for the three sets of data. To perform the t-test, the hourly data with no power generations were removed from the datasets. The data for night-time hours, system shutdowns, and any type of system interruptions, causing zero PV productions, were eliminated. It is crucial to notify that when the full shading was happening, the hourly results related to the rules and onsite were arbitrarily defined as 0.1515 (hourly production of zero is stated as −0.1515 in the SAM files). The reason is that to separate hours with no production results caused by night times and system failures with the hours of full shadings. In this way, full shadings hourly data were included in the t-test. In the second phase, the ratios of SAM/onsite and MPPT-On/onsite were produced. Then, the three sets of data for shading hours of December, January, and February were gathered. In the final stage, the t-test was performed for each month representing samples of hourly results when shadings occurred. The one tail t-test formula in Excel was used for calculating the results of the table, considering
p = 0.05. It is defined that if the null hypothesis was rejected, it was interpreted as significant differences between the forecast accuracy of SAM and the rules. Taking these steps, the monthly power productions for the case study (RSF 2 PV project) are presented in
Table 7. As observed, the p-value results for every month with snowy days were significantly lower than
p = 0.05. The
p-value results for the months of February and December demonstrated that the application of the snow-related rules corrected the power estimations reported by SAM for the case study.
Although the results of the three months indicate the significant effectiveness of snow-related rules, power adjustments for the other cold months of winter were noticeable as well. As observed in
Figure 8, the overestimated powers reported by SAM were reduced perceptibly for the months of March, April, and October.
The application of the proposed model and the rule-based system was independent from the technical characteristics of the PV system, ambient conditions, geographical parameters, and different formats of weather data (TMY or P50/P90) used by the simulation model. MPPT-On depended on the rules defined in the rule-based system. Thus, if the impact of a specific factor, for instance altitude, on PV shading was included in the model, it could be applied for manipulating the power estimations.
7. Conclusions
In this paper, we demonstrated the application of Semantic Web technologies in solar PV systems by proposing an ontology model. The model consists of essential parameters and factors which are required for designing MPPT controllers. These parameters were presented in the form of OWL class axioms. Characteristics of the classes were defined as objective properties and data properties. Furthermore, the developed knowledge-based model represented MPPT methods with a focus on an SWRL reasoning that provides information about power reductions caused by snowfall, clouds, and several airborne particles, including dust, sand, red soil, ash, calcium carbonate, and silica gel. The role of inclination was also defined in the rule-based system. The proposed model was validated using a real-world PV project as the case study. We showed that the application of the proposed model improved the power estimation reports of PV planning software failing to consider shading conditions. MPPT-On offered power corrections regardless of the technical characteristics of the project or the simulation used in the planning tool. The effectiveness of the model depended on the defined rules and correction factors outlined in the rule-based system. Furthermore, in addition to the rule-bases system, the proposed model offered valuable planning and designing recommendations in the form of queries. The SQWRL rules acted to evoke information out of the ontology model instead of manipulating data or changing values of a class assertion.
To extract information about MPPT methods and applying the rule-based system, the ontology model needed to be run in the Protégé environment. In future work, this setback can be eliminated by developing an application to automate the process of navigating the ontology. Furthermore, defining different rules addressing various ambient conditions and climate related factors, especially temperature, could help to improve the functionality of the proposed model.