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Extended Abstract

Coupling Phytoremediation with Bioenergy †

HORTINVEST Center, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 59 Mărăști Boulevard, 011464 Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of R&D for Biological Sciences, Department of Biomaterials and Bioproducts, 296 Splaiul Independentei, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
Research Center for Advanced Materials, Products and Processes (CAMPUS), University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313 Spaiul Independentei, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 16th International Symposium “Priorities of Chemistry for a Sustainable Development” PRIOCHEM, Bucharest, Romania, 28–30 October 2020.
Proceedings 2020, 57(1), 89;
Published: 16 November 2020

1. Introduction

The increased salinity of soils may be induced by natural causes and anthropic activities. Salted soils have no suitability for agriculture crops, thus inducing the decline of regional economies. To restore the quality of these soils, different remediation practices can be applied, among which the use plant species for salt extraction seems to be suitable for developing synergistic green technologies coupling phytoremediation with biofuel production [1,2].
HaloSYS Project—funded within the frame of FACCE SURPLUS Programme—aims to develop the cultivation of selected halophytes species in salt-affected soils and explore how to use the obtained biomass in new value chains.

2. Materials and Methods

To test the ability of halophyte species to extract salts from soils, laboratory trials have been organized. The plants were monitored from germination to the end of life cycle and soil analysis using ICP-MS was performed to determine the decline of salinity. On the biomass side, enzymatic hydrolysis was applied on dried samples and free glucose was determined using a UV-VIS spectrometer.

3. Results

It was found that Limonium sp., Festuca sp. and Portulaca sp. have good adaptability on soils with moderate salinity. To produce second-generation biofuels, the ability of cellulosic biomass to be hydrolyzed is the main step in ensuring sustainable path for fermentation. In our work, it appears that the produced halophytic biomass can be hydrolyzed with cellulase and xylanase up to 48% (wt) in 4 h, as it can be seen in Figure 1.

4. Conclusions

Halophyte species can be successfully used for salts extraction in phytoremediation practices and obtain biomass suitable for biofuel production.


This work was supported by the ERANet FACCE SURPLUS programme, HaloSYS Project (ctr. no. 44/2018, UEFISCDI) (


  1. Farzi, A.; Borghei, S.M.; Vossoughi, M. The use of halophytic plants for salt phytoremediation in constructed wetlands. Int. J. Phytoremed. 2017, 19, 643–650. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  2. Gerhardt, K.E.; MacNeill, G.J.; Gerwing, P.D.; Greenberg, B.M. Phytoremediation—Chapter: Phytoremediation of Salt-Impacted Soils and Use of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) to Enhance Phytoremediation; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 2017. [Google Scholar]
Figure 1. Enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass.
Figure 1. Enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass.
Proceedings 57 00089 g001
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MDPI and ACS Style

Constantin, C.G.; Berteanu, E.; Zuav, A.; Serafim, V.; Paraschiv, M. Coupling Phytoremediation with Bioenergy. Proceedings 2020, 57, 89.

AMA Style

Constantin CG, Berteanu E, Zuav A, Serafim V, Paraschiv M. Coupling Phytoremediation with Bioenergy. Proceedings. 2020; 57(1):89.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Constantin, Carmen Gabriela, Elena Berteanu, Adina Zuav, Vlad Serafim, and Maria Paraschiv. 2020. "Coupling Phytoremediation with Bioenergy" Proceedings 57, no. 1: 89.

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