1. Introduction
Most of the inequalities relative to the integration and differentiation have their analog for sums and differences. Earlier, about thirty two years ago, these results were investigated separately as continuous and discrete cases. In 1988, Stephan Hilger introduced the theory of time scales that provides a platform to deal with discrete and continuous cases together [
English mathematician G. H. Hardy has introduced the following integral inequality ([
3], Theorem 327):
, then:
. The constant is best possible.
Inequality (
1) is called Hardy’s integral inequality.
In [
4], Hardy proved the following generalization of inequality (
is defined by:
. The constant is the best possible.
In [
5], Oguntuase et al. established the following new multidimensional Hardy-type inequality:
k(r, s) be a locally integrable kernel and
. Then,
holds. The arithmetic mean operator and general positive kernel are given by:
respectively, where
is a positive convex function.
Some variants of Hardy’s inequality are studied via time scale calculus in [
11]. The study of integration theory for functions of two variables on time scales is started in [
12], after that many researchers used these integrals. The study of Hardy type inequalities for different recent settings are found in [
18] and the references therein. In [
19], Nosheen et al. studied Hardy-type inequalities for functions of several variables with general kernels using the delta-integral.
are two time scale measure spaces and
, such that
, such that
is convex and
is closed convex set, then:
holds for all
-integrable functions,
In [
20], George A. Anastassiou generalized Hardy-type inequalities with general kernel, using Diamond-
integral, are given as:
Consider a continuous weight function
and the function:
is not necessarily an increasing function and
, then:
In this paper, Hardy-type inequalities via diamond integrals using a multivariable convex function with general kernels are proved.
Firstly, in
Section 2, some necessary preliminary facts are recalled and Fubini’s Theorem for Diamond Integrals is proved. We have discussed Jensen’s Inequality and Hardy-type inequalities with general kernels for diamond integrals in
Section 3. In
Section 4, some inequalities with certain kernels are discussed. In
Section 5, Hilbert-type and Polya–Knopp type inequalities are proved in two ways. Lastly, some particular cases of Hardy-type inequalities are discussed. Our results generalize the results of [
Time scale is a nonempty closed subset of real numbers.
For Example: , and .
, forward jump operator
is given as:
and backward jump operator
Classification of points:
Point v is a right-scattered point, if .
Point v is a left-scattered point, if .
Point v is a isolated point, if and .
Point v is a right-dense point, if sup and .
Point v is a left-dense point, if inf and .
Point v is a dense point, if .
A mapping is rd-continuous if it is continuous ∀, and exist (finite) ∀, . The set of such functions is represented by .
A mapping g is ld-continuous if it is continuous ∀, and exists (finite) ∀, , .
A mapping
is said to be delta antiderivative of
holds true
. The delta integral of
h from
d to
e is:
A mapping
is said to be nabla antiderivative of
. The nabla integral of
h from
d to
e is
For introduction to time scales calculus see [
In [
21], real valued function
is given as:
In [
22], the authors provided the more refined form of diamond-
integrals, which are called diamond integrals, and are of tremendous interest including in the classical case
Diamond Alpha Integral ([
to be a continuous mapping and
. The diamond alpha integral of
l from
c to
d is defined by:
is constant and
to be a continuous mapping and
. The diamond(or ⋄-integral) integral of
l from
c to
d is defined by:
is △ and
is ∇ integrable on
For additive, multiplicative, reflexive and monotonicity properties of ⋄-integral, see [
2. Main Results
Firstly, Jensen’s inequality for the diamond integral via the function of several variables is being proved in this section. Then, Hardy-type inequalities with general kernels for the diamond integral are deduced.
Let the m-tuple of functions be , where are ♢-integrable for all . Then, denotes the m-tuple that is, the ♢-integral acts on each component of .
Further, suppose
; define the
n-dimensional time scale by the Cartesian product of given time scales
, as
Assume the finite dimensional time scale measure spaces
, define the product measure space
, where
is the product
-algebra generated by
2.1. Jensen’s Inequality for Diamond Integrals
Theorem 1. Assume is time scale measure space and is convex, where is convex and closed. Consider are -integrable on Θ such that Let be non negative and -integrable functions such that then Proof. Let
be convex on
for every
(see Theorem 1.31 of [
23]) such that:
and hence the proof is complete. □
2.2. Fubini’s Theorem for Diamond Integrals
We prove Fubini’s Theorem for diamond integrals by taking the procedure used in [
Lemma 1. Let function be continuous and is Δ
and be ∇-
integrable on and respectively. Then,
where Proof. By using Fubini’s theorem for
and ∇-integrals [
20], we find that:
The proof is therefore complete. □
Theorem 2. Consider two time scale measure spaces and . Assume is such thatand is such that:if where is closed and convex, then:holds functions such that: Proof. By using (the Diamond integral version of) Jensen’s inequality and the Fubini’s Theorem, we have:
Remark 1. Inequality (2) holds in the reverse direction, if ψ is concave. Corollary 1. Assume two time scale measure spaces , then the following results hold for all functions , where on .
If or , then: If , then (2)
Proof. (1). By using
in Theorem 2, we get (
3). Since, in this case,
is convex for all
By using
in Theorem 2, we get (
4). Since
is concave for all
(2) Here, by using
in Theorem 2 we get (
5). Since, in this case,
is convex on
Corollary 2. Let be a continuous function and If is convex, then:holds and continuous monotone functions , where are Proof. Replace
so that
This completes the proof. □
Corollary 3. Let with . If , then ∀
Proof. If , , , in Corollary 2, then is concave in Theorem 2. □
Corollary 4. If , then: ∀
, where Proof. If we use , , and in Corollary 2 then is concave in Theorem 2. □
Remark 2. If , then reverse inequalities hold in Corollaries 3 and 4.
3. Applications to Special Kernels
Assume that the following hypothesis holds throughout this paper:
Let and holds for delta and nabla integrals respectively, ∀ where is an arbitrary time scale. Moreover, let and , where ∀ .
Corollary 5. If is a closed convex set, is continuous and convex, then ∀
-integrable functions such that , where Proof. In Theorem 2, use:
. In this case,
Corollary 6. If is a closed convex set, is continuous and convex, then ∀
-integrable functions, such that , where Proof. In Theorem 2, use
, if
Since in this case:
Theorem 3. Consider such that: ∀
If is a closed convex set such that is continuous and convex, then: ∀
-integrable functions such that , where Proof. The statement follows from Theorem 2 by using:
Since, in this case,
. □
Corollary 7. If ∀
and is a closed convex set such that is continuous and convex, , ∀
-integrable functions such that , where: Proof. In Theorem 3, use
, since in this case:
4. Particular Cases
Firstly, in this section, Hilbert-type inequality on time scales are discussed.
Theorem 4. For define:andthen ∀
-integrable functions , where . Proof. Use
in Corollary 3, to obtain:
Using this value in (
9), we obtain:
Now, if we replace
, we obtain:
The proof is therefore complete. □
Proof. (
Second proof of (
8)). Assume the L.H.S of (
9), applying H
ölder’s inequality ([
22], Theorem 4) and Fubini’s Theorem, we get:
Theorem 5. Under the same assumptions of Theorem 5, the inequality, ∀
-integrable functions, where . Proof. Put
in Corollary 4 to obtain:
Now, if we replace
in (
11), we obtain (
10). □
Proof. (
Second proof of (
10)). Assume L.H.S of (
11) and applying Minkowski’s inequality ([
22], Theorem 5) and Fubini’s Theorem, we get:
Remark 3. For , we have reverse inequalities to (8) and (10). Now we prove generalized Pόlya-Knopp type inequalities.
Corollary 8. Consider (6), and is a closed convex set such that is convex, then:∀
-integrable functions and . Proof. Using in Theorem 3, the statement is proved. □
Corollary 9. Assume (6), then∀
-integrable functions , Proof. Using in Corollary 3, statement is proved. □
Corollary 10. Consider (6), then:∀
-integrable functions , where Proof. Using in Corollary 4, the statement is proved. □
5. Applications
Some applications of dynamic Hardy type inequalities are given in this section.
Theorem 6. Assume , is ld-continuous and is rd-continuous. If contains only isolated points, then:∀
. Proof. The statement follows from Theorems 1.79 and 8.48 of [
Theorem 7. Assume , rd-continuous function and ld-continuous function . If contains only isolated points, then:∀
where and . Example 1. If contains only isolated points, take and consider that is such that:andthen, from Theorem 2,for all integrable functions. Example 2. For . If and consider that is such that:andthen, from Theorem 2for all integrable functions. Example 3. If contains only isolated points, from Corollary 9, we getwhere Remark 4. In case for all , inequality (12) is the same as (51) in [19]. Example 4. If contains only isolated points, from Corollary 10, we getwhere Remark 5. In case for all , inequality (13) is the same as (52) in [19]. Example 5. If where , and , then∀
Inequality (12) becomesInequality (13) becomes Remark 6. For , inequalities (14) and (15) are the same as (1.7) and (1.9) in ([24], Corollary 1.3). Example 6. If , and , then. Inequality (12) takes the form Inequality (13) takes the form: Remark 7. Inequalities (16) and (17) are the same as (1.6) and (1.8) in ([24], Corollary 1.3). If , then from the definition of the gamma function for dense points for all , we have: .
Corollary 11. Assume that if , where is closed and convex then:for all integrable functions such that Proof. The statement follows from Theorem 2 by taking
, since in this case
Remark 8. Inequality (18) is the same as (8.13) in [23]. Example 7. For , and with assumptions of Corollary 7, (7) takes the form: Remark 9. Inequality (19) is same as (37) in [19]. Example 8. For and , (19) takes the form: Remark 10. Inequality (20) is proved in [25]. Example 9. and . If from (8), we have: Remark 11. Inequality (21) is same as (45) in [19]. 6. Conclusions
In this research, the study of Jensen’s inequality and Hardy’s inequality is conducted for functions of several variables involving a generalized class of diamond integrals of time scales calculus. The method is very adequate and can be applied to other inequalities. The outcomes will be the inventions of new inequalities, both integral and discrete types.