Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Render-3d
Render3d Class
- __construct method is for initialing a root path for the Render-3d class.
- workingDir method is for getting and/or setting the current working directory. The working directory needs full permission to read, write, and execute (777).
- sceneDir method is for getting the scene directory that is used by Render-3d. This scene directory cannot be changed.
- filename method is for getting and setting the current working file. This method copies the original 3-D model file to the working directory and calls the file and filetype method.
- file method is for getting and setting the current base name of the processing files.
- fileType method is for getting and setting the current file type.
- dirMask method is for getting and setting the current directory permission for creating new directory.
- executable method is for getting and setting the location for the given command. This method is used for setting path and command for OpenSCAD and POV-Ray.
- convertTo method is for converting the current file to the given file type.
- render method is for rendering the 3-D model file into the image file and returning the full path of the image.
- getConverter method is for getting a converter to convert fromType to toType variables.
- getRenderer method is for getting renderer object of the given engine. The default engine is POV-Ray.
- registerConverter method is for registering a new converter object.
- registerRenderer method is for registering a rendering engine.
- cmd method is for running commands on the command line.
- options method is for getting and setting options used by converters and renderers.
- getBufferAndClean method is for getting contents in the buffer and then cleaning the buffer.
- startBuffer method is for starting the buffer.
- stopBuffer method is for stopping the buffer.
2.2. Free 3D Customizer
- readSCAD method is for reading SCAD files and extracting all the adjustable parameters.
- writeSCAD method is for writing new SCAD files with customized parameter vales.
- generateVarname method is for generating formatted parameter names and returns a string of these.
- generateElement method is for generating HTML elements according to the possible values of each parameter. Elements are textbox, dropdown boxes, sliders, or ranges.
2.3. Variables in SCAD File
// descriptionvariable_name = value; // possible values
Possible Values Format
hole_diameter = 2.5;
- ○
- Numbers// How deep should the center hole be?hole_depth = 1; // [0,1,5,50]
- ○
- Textsshow_wheels = “yes”; // [yes,no]
- ○
- Values with labelscube_size = 20; // [10:Small,20:Medium,30:Large]
- ○
- Max value only (min value is set to zero)// How thick should the side wheels be?wheel_thickness = 1; // [40]
- ○
- Min and max value// How thick should the side wheels be?wheel_thickness = 1; // [1:40]
- ○
- Min, step, and max value// How thick should the side wheels be?wheel_thickness = 1; // [1:0.5:40]
3. Results
3.1. PHP Files
3.2. Practical Example: External Breast Prosthesis
- //Two methods to measure for breast prosthetic either width of desired breast size (substitute in b directly) or Length over top of breast where l = b × (3/4)
- // Using width of breast size or length over top of breast?
- measure_choice = “width”; // [width,length]
- // What is the value in mm?
- value = 150;
- // Flat or rounded back?
- flat_or_rounded = “flat”; // [flat,rounded]
- //ignore these
- b = (measure_choice == “width”? value:value × 4/3);
- w = b × 2/3; //hidden sphere
- $fn = 100/1;
- module breast(){
- difference(){
- hull(){
- sphere(w/1.75);//Sphere main
- translate([w/5,w/2,−w/8])sphere(w/3);//sphere left
- translate([w/5,−w/2,−w/8])sphere(w/3);//sphere right
- translate([0,0,w/2])sphere(w/5);//sphere top
- }
- if (flat_or_rounded == “flat”) {
- translate([w,0,0])cube([w*2,w*2,w*2],center=true);//cleaving back with flat back
- }
- else {
- translate([w*5,0,0])sphere(w*5);//cleaving back with big sphere for round back
- }
- }
- }
- rotate([0,90,0])breast(); //print flat
3.3. Technical Details
$ php composer.phar dump-autoloader.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Nilsiam, Y.; Pearce, J.M. Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD. Designs 2017, 1, 5.
Nilsiam Y, Pearce JM. Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD. Designs. 2017; 1(1):5.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNilsiam, Yuenyong, and Joshua M. Pearce. 2017. "Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD" Designs 1, no. 1: 5.
APA StyleNilsiam, Y., & Pearce, J. M. (2017). Free and Open Source 3-D Model Customizer for Websites to Democratize Design with OpenSCAD. Designs, 1(1), 5.