The Relationship between Posture and Muscle Tensive Dysphonia in Teachers: A Systematic Scoping Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Data Collection and Extraction
2.3. Quality Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Description of Studies
3.2. Articles Evaluation
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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First Author, Year | Patient (Number), (f), [m]; Age; Years of Employment | Aims | Outcomes | Treatment | Results |
Randomized Controlled Trials | |||||
Andriollo (2021) [36] | (56) 28 controls 21–60 years 5–18 years, aver. 9.1 | Study the changes after pompage in teachers with vocal complaints | PPT, audiometry, laryngoscopy, NDI, visual postural analysis, craniocervical frames | No | Improvement in NDI, craniocervical posture, and laryngoscopy. |
Cardoso (2021) [37] | (18) [6] 12 controls 27–60 years No info | Study the effect of myofascial release on teachers’ posture and MTD | Frames, palpation of muscle tension, algometer, voice aerodynamic, acoustic-auditory perceptual voice | Myofascial release | Improvement in vertical alignment of the head, pelvis, scapula, and vocal parameters. |
Marszalek (2012) [38] | (38) [2] 38–59 years No info | Assess the use of osteopathic procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of MTD | Laryngostroboscopy MPT calculation, VHI visual postural assessment performed by an osteopath | Osteopathic treatment and speech therapy | Improvement in head and neck position correlated with more improvement in VHI than in MPT. Hypertone at the sternocleidomastoid level of the geniohyoid and cricothyroid. |
Cross-Sectional | |||||
Cardoso (2020) [39] | (18) [6] 11 controls 27–60 years No info | Study the differences in posture, muscle tension, and voice | Postural assessment (photograms, palpation), aerodynamic, acoustic, and perceptual assessment of voice | No treatment | Teachers with voice disorders had greater hypertone of laryngeal and hyoid muscles. |
Colla (2022) [40] | 57 21–60 years No info | Study the results of self-assessment of teachers with and without voice disorders | Videolaryngoscopic evaluation, Hearing screening, VAPP, V-RQOL, VHI, VoiSS, VTDS, HADS, URICA-VOICE, NMQ | Self-assessment results, reference parameters | There are higher values concerning voice impairment, musculoskeletal pain, and emotional disorders than the reference parameters. |
Prospective Cohort | |||||
Faralli (2017) [41] | (34) [3] 15–35 years | Examine postural control in MTD after a treatment based on speech rehabilitation | Romberg, laryngoscopy, laryngostroboscopy, VHI, acoustic voice analysis through CSLM and MDVP, postural analysis through SPeV, ECR, and ECO | Rehabilitation speech | Altered proprioceptive signals at the cervical level altered posture and voice, which in turn was altered by them. Speech rehabilitation led to improvement in subjective symptoms. |
Qualitative | |||||
Kooijman (2005) [42] | 25 No info | Study the relationship between body posture and voice disorders in teachers | VHI and DSI, Postural assessment, palpation of muscle tension | No treatment | Some postures predispose to voice disorders: posteriorly shifted weight, anterior protraction of the head, hypertonia of the sternocleidomastoid, and cricothyroid. |
Controlled Clinical Trials | |||||
Rantala (2018) [43] | (32) [8] 27–57 years Up to 10 years | Evaluate the associations between the voice and working postures of teachers | VEAW, VHI, and evaluation of the voice through recording it during a reading and one-day class | No treatment, posture correction | Teachers with greater vocal disorders tended to tilt their heads, rotate their torsos, and raise their arms when explaining the lesson. |
Andriollo (2021) [36] | Cardoso (2021) [37] | Marszalek (2012) [38] | Cardoso (2020) [39] | Colla (2022) [40] | Faralli (2017) [41] | Kooijman (2005) [42] | Rantala (2018) [43] | |
OUTCOME: VHI | ||||||||
Mean value pre-intervention/treatment or baseline evaluation | X | X | Total: undeclared | X | Total: 22.07 ± 17.12 | Total: 42.77 ± 8.71 | Total: 72 | Physical subsection: 13.4 ± 5.72 |
Mean value post-intervention/treatment | X | X | Total: lower of 19.6 | X | No intervention | Total: 26.72 ± 8.11 | No intervention | Physical subsection: 7.9 ± 5.32 |
OUTCOME: Postural analysis without palpation | ||||||||
Mean value pre-intervention/treatment | Evaluation with SAPO [37] HFE: 158.02 AP: 35.31 | Evaluation with SAPO [37] HAH: 2.29 HAASIS: 1.67 HAA: 1.66 HAP: −2.75 HAST3: −1.59 VAB: 1.25 VAHA: 2.54 | X | Evaluation with SAPO [37]. VCG: HAH: 1.78 ± 1.37 HAASIS:1.42 ± 1.13 HAA: 1.55 ± 1.28 HAP: −3.21 ± 5.50 HAST3:−1.34 ± 4.18 VAB: 1.20 ± 1.03 VAHA: 2.68 ± 2.15 | X | Postural analysis through SPeV [41] SEC: 410.73 SECR: 544.69 | X | X |
Mean value post-intervention/treatment | HFE: 155.33 AP: 35.28 | HAH: 1.56 HAASIS: 1.63 HAA: 1.59 HAP: −2.66 HAST3: −1.60 VAB: 1.22 VAHA: 2.14 | X | WVCG: HAH: 1.17 ± 2.76 HAASIS:0.81 ± 2.30 HAA: 0.87 ± 2.30 HAP: −3.78 ± 4.26 HAST3: −1.83 ± 3.89 VAB: 0.45 ± 2.01 VAHA: 3.23 ± 3.74 | X | SEC: 333.15 SECR: 465.07 | X | X |
Question | Andriollo, 2021 [36] | Cardoso, 2021 [37] | Faralli, 2017 [41] | Kooijman, 2005 [42] | Marszalek, 2012 [38] | Rantala, 2018 [43] |
Are the characteristics of the patients in terms of gender, age, and average weight specified? | YES, not gender | YES, not gender | YES | YES, not gender | YES | YES |
Is there a control group present? | YES | YES | NN | NN | NO | High |
Are the operators and measurers blind? | YES | YES | NO | NN | NO | Mod |
Are the descriptions of the treatments or any protocols done on the patients explained in a clear and illustrative manner? | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | Mod |
Are all outcomes listed and explained? | YES | YES | NO | YES | YES | High |
How reproducible is it considering patient characteristics, outcomes, and interventions? | High | High | Mod | Mod | High | High |
How high is the risk of bias considering the validity of the selected outcomes, the blindness of the operators, and the explanation of the interventions? | Low | Low | Low | Mod | Mod | Mod |
Quality | High | High | Mod | Mod | Mod | Mod |
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Franzone, R.; Petrigna, L.; Signorelli, D.; Musumeci, G. The Relationship between Posture and Muscle Tensive Dysphonia in Teachers: A Systematic Scoping Review. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2024, 9, 60.
Franzone R, Petrigna L, Signorelli D, Musumeci G. The Relationship between Posture and Muscle Tensive Dysphonia in Teachers: A Systematic Scoping Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2024; 9(2):60.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFranzone, Roberta, Luca Petrigna, Daniele Signorelli, and Giuseppe Musumeci. 2024. "The Relationship between Posture and Muscle Tensive Dysphonia in Teachers: A Systematic Scoping Review" Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 9, no. 2: 60.
APA StyleFranzone, R., Petrigna, L., Signorelli, D., & Musumeci, G. (2024). The Relationship between Posture and Muscle Tensive Dysphonia in Teachers: A Systematic Scoping Review. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 9(2), 60.