Researching Homosexuality in Difficult Contexts
:1. Introduction
“On the return flight [from Addis in the two-seater plane], the motor sputtered and died. We were directly over the gorge—5000 feet… above the Blue Nile”[1] (p. 226).
2. Homosexuality as Sensitive Research
3. Autoethnography as Method
4. Discussion
4.1. Experiences in the Project Design Stage
4.2. Experiences during Data Collection
“My God! Is this you? Why on earth will such a young person engage in homosexual research in Cameroon? Look at me! You can see that I am already old and retired so it’s not so bad if I should die now. But you are just starting your life”(laughter).
4.3. Experiences at the Data Analysis and Publishing Stage
“I tried very hard, but could not find any point of weakness in this manuscript. The intro is without a doubt one of the best I have ever read, and the framework is presented in a way that attracts the reader and provides him/her with a convincing overview of evidence”.
“Overall, I think this paper makes a very interesting contribution to how we can think about the ‘shades of homophobia.’ I can see how researchers would be able to take this as a starting point, either to expand on the different typologies outlined within, challenge them, or suggest new ways of thinking”.
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Lyonga, F. Researching Homosexuality in Difficult Contexts. Sexes 2023, 4, 569-586.
Lyonga F. Researching Homosexuality in Difficult Contexts. Sexes. 2023; 4(4):569-586.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLyonga, Frida. 2023. "Researching Homosexuality in Difficult Contexts" Sexes 4, no. 4: 569-586.
APA StyleLyonga, F. (2023). Researching Homosexuality in Difficult Contexts. Sexes, 4(4), 569-586.