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Influence of Frustration Effects on the Critical Current of DC SQUID

Iman N. Askerzade
Department of Computer Engineering, Ankara University, Ankara TR06100, Turkey
Center of Excellence of Superconductivity Research, Ankara University, Ankara TR06100, Turkey
Institute of Physics Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, H. Cavid 33, Baku AZ1143, Azerbaijan
Condens. Matter 2023, 8(3), 65;
Submission received: 6 June 2023 / Revised: 6 July 2023 / Accepted: 26 July 2023 / Published: 28 July 2023


In this paper, we conducted the calculation of the critical current of DC SQUID based on the Josephson junction on a multi-band superconductor with frustration effect. It is shown that the critical current of DC SQUID on the frustrated multi-band superconductor with a small geometrical inductance of the loop is determined by the supercurrent amplitude in different channels and by the external magnetic field. In the case of a DC SQUID with high inductance, frustration effects can be ignored.

1. Introduction

A Direct Current (DC) Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) consists of two Josephson junctions including a superconducting loop in parallel (Figure 1). The foundation of DC SQUID on low-temperature superconductor-based Josephson junctions is presented in Refs. [1,2]. In the calculation of DC SQUID characteristics and dynamical effects, the sinusoidal current–phase relation of Josephson junctions [1,2] was used. For low-temperature superconductor-based junctions, the relationship I = I c 0 sin ϕ was fulfilled with high accuracy [3]. In the case of Josephson junctions between single- and multi-band compounds, the dynamics were influenced by the frustration effects. The result of frustration effects on the characteristics of systems with Josephson junctions should be taken into account [4,5]. In particular, the presence of a frustrated ground state in multi-band superconductors causes ϕ -junction peculiarity [4]. The frustration effects in many-band superconductors and Josephson junctions based on them are described in several papers [6,7,8,9,10,11]. The influence of frustration effects in multiband superconductors on the escape rate in Josephson junctions was considered in Refs. [12,13]. The theoretical analysis of the escape rate for the AC SQUID based on the junction with a non-sinusoidal current–phase relation was analyzed in Ref. [14].
In this study, we carried out a calculation of the critical current of the DC SQUID on the junction based on many-band superconductors with frustration effects.

2. Basic Equations

It is well known that the dynamics of DC SQUID in general cases can be described by the system of equations.
I 1 + I 2 = I e ,
Φ = Φ e L 1 I 1 + L 2 I 2 ,
ϕ = ϕ e 2 π L + I L Φ 0 ;   I L = ( L 1 I 1 L 2 I 2 ) / ( L 1 + L 2 ) .
In Equation (1), I1 and I2 are the currents on the left and right sides of the ring, where Φ0 is the quantum of magnetic flux and Φe is external magnetic flux. ϕe = 2π Φe0 is the normalized external flux. It is also well known that [1], in the case of DC SQUID, the small total inductance of the loop is L 1 I 1 , L 2 I 2 < < Φ 0 , l = 2 π L I c Φ 0 < < 1 (total inductance is the sum of left and right inductances L = L1 + L2) and with the sinusoidal current–phase relation is equivalent to a single Josephson junction with effective critical current
I e = I m sin χ
and with effective phase
χ = ϕ 1 + η = ϕ 2 + η ϕ e ,
where ϕ1 and ϕ2 are the phases of junctions on the left and right sides of the ring.
η = 2 I c 1 tan ( ϕ e / 2 ) I c 1 + I c 2 + ( I c 1 I c 2 ) tan 2 ( ϕ e / 2 ) .
In Equation (3), the effective critical current can be calculated as
I m 2 = I c 1 2 + I c 2 2 + 2 I c 1 I c 2 cos ϕ e .
where Ic1 and Ic2 are the critical currents of the junctions in DC SQUID (Figure 1).
For the study of frustration effects in DC SQUID, we considered that the left junction had a single-/single-band and the right junction a single-/multi-band character (see Figure 1). For the Josephson junctions between single- and multi-band superconductors (in single-band/single-band case, I = I c sin χ ), the supercurrent was the sum of different tunneling channel currents [14,15]:
I = I c 1 sin χ + I c 2 sin ( χ + ϕ ) + I c 3 sin ( χ + θ ) + ,
where I c 1 , 2 , 3 , are the different channel critical currents and ϕ , θ ,…. are the phase differences between order parameters in a frustrated state of the multi-band superconductor. In the single-band superconductor with the zeroes phase, we have Ψ 0 = Ψ 0 exp ( 0 ) . For the multi-band superconductor, the following expressions are true: Ψ 1 = Ψ 1 exp ( χ ) , Ψ 2 = Ψ 2 exp ( χ + ϕ ) , Ψ 3 = Ψ 3 exp ( χ + θ ) , …… The critical currents in the different channels I c 1 , 2 , 3 , in Equation (8) are proportional to the product of amplitude of wave functions above, i.e., Ic.n = Ψ0Ψn. The Ginzburg–Landau free energy functional of the multiband character of the superconducting state can be written as [16,17,18]:
F = d 3 r ( i j ( F i i F i j + H 2 8 π ) ,
F i i = 2 4 m i 2 π i A Φ 0 Ψ i 2 + α i ( T ) Ψ i 2 + β i Ψ i 4 / 2 ,
F i j = ε i j ( Ψ i * Ψ j + c . c . ) + ε 1 i j + 2 π i A Φ 0 Ψ i * 2 π i A Φ 0 Ψ j + c . c .
where Ψi is the superconducting order parameter in the superconductor Ψ exp(iϕ), A is the vector potential of magnetic field H = rotA, mi are the effective masses of the electrons in different bands, (i = 1–3); αi= γi(TTci) are the quantities linearly dependent on temperature T; βi and γi are constants; and εij = εji and ε1ij = ε1ji describe the interaction between order parameters and their gradients in different bands, respectively. H is the magnetic-field-applied superconductor and Φ0 is the magnetic flux quantum. In the case of single- and two-band junctions, for the phase differences ϕ of order parameters, we can find the effective critical current as [15]:
I c e f f = ( I c 1 + I c 2 ) for ϕ = 0 ,
I c e f f = ( I c 1 I c 2 ) for ϕ = π .
For single-/three-band junctions, in the case of an identical and positive interband interaction term εij = εji = ε > 0, one of the phase differences will be zero and other phase differences in frustration states are given as ϕ θ = 2 π / 3 2 π / 3 and ϕ θ = 2 π / 3 2 π / 3 [15]. Another frustration state corresponds to phase differences ϕ θ = 0 π ; π 0 and ϕ θ = π π . From the expression for potential energy for single-/three-band junctions under an external current I e = I e 1 + I e 2 + I e 3 , we can obtain the following for effective critical current:
I c e f f = I c 1 ( 1 I c 2 2 I c 1 I c 3 2 I c 1 ) 2 + ( I c 3 I c 1 I c 2 I c 1 ) 2 1 / 2
In the derivation of Equation (13), we use the Josephson junction reveal φ -junction peculiarity I = I c e f f sin ( ϕ φ ) , with φ = arctan I c 3 I c 2 I c 1 I c 2 2 I c 3 2 . In the other frustration state ϕ θ = 2 π / 3 2 π / 3 , the terms Ic2 and Ic3 in Equation (12) were replaced by the places. The frustration case ϕ θ = 0 π corresponded to the effective critical current:
I c e f f = ( I c 1 + I c 2 I c 3 )
In the state ϕ θ = π π for effective critical current, the following expression is true:
I c e f f = ( I c 1 I c 2 I c 3 )

3. Results

The inclusion of frustration effects in the current–phase relation (See Equations (12) and (13)) leads to the renormalization of the critical current of DC SQUID Im in comparison without similar effects. The normalized critical current of a DC SQUID with a frustrated Josephson junction is a maximum value of the superconducting current and can be written as:
i m = ( 1 + i c 2 2 ) 1 / 2 ( 1 + A cos ϕ e ) 1 / 2
where the modulation function A is calculated as:
A = 2 i c 2 ( 1 + i c 2 2 )
The calculated critical current I m of DC SQUID on the SB/two-band (SB-single band) Josephson junction with a frustrated state of 0 and π using Equation (12) is presented in Figure 2. In calculations without a restriction of generality, we considered the critical current of the left junction to be Ic1 = 1. For the corresponding normalization of critical currents in different channels in SB/MB in Equations (12) and (13), we also used the same scale. The monotonic increasing and decreasing character of the critical current in 0 and π cases is correspondingly clear. In Figure 3, we plotted the results of calculations of the modulation coefficient A in DC SQUID based on the SB/two-band Josephson junction. The changing of this parameter is clearly crucial in the frustrated π case. When the high ratio parameter ic2 is close to 1, the sensitivity of DC SQUID to the external magnetic field becomes very small.
In Figure 4, we present the results of calculations of the critical current of DC SQUID based on SB/three-band junctions for different ratios, ic2 versus ic3. The minimum in the dependence of im(ic3) at a small ic2 in contrast to the SB/two-band case is clear. Another important moment is related to the changing of the critical current in restricted regions close to 1. In Figure 5, the modulation coefficient A in DC SQUID on the SB/three-band Josephson junction is presented. It means that the sensitivity in the case of the DC SQUID on the SB/three-band Josephson junction is higher than in the SB/two-band case.
For the small values of geometrical inductance l < < 1 , the calculations show that in all cases of the current–phase relation the changing of the inductance of DC SQUID had a small impact on the presented results; see Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5. For the high values of inductance of DC SQUID l >> 1, the Josephson inductance of junctions can be ignored in consideration of the dynamical effects [1]. As a result, the phase of Josephson junctions on the superconducting loop of DC SQUID (Figure 1) changes independently and in this limit is a true system of linear equations for currents [1]:
i 1 = i e 2 + ϕ e l
i 2 = i e 2 ϕ e l
This means that in a DC SQUID with high geometrical inductance l >> 1, the frustrated effects in the current–phase relation can be neglected.

4. Conclusions

Finally, in this paper, the influence of the frustration effect in the many-band superconductor on the critical current Im of DC SQUID was investigated. The renormalization of the critical current in such frustrated junctions under an external magnetic field was taken into account in the limit of the small geometrical inductance of DC SQUID. In the opposite case of high geometrical inductance (l >> 1), the influence of frustration effects in the current–phase relation was negligibly small.


This study is partially supported by TÜBİTAK grant No 118F093.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Schematic presentation of a DC SQUID (SB/MB means single band/multi band junction).
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of a DC SQUID (SB/MB means single band/multi band junction).
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Figure 2. Critical current of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/two-band junction as function of normalized current in second channel of SB/two-band junction.
Figure 2. Critical current of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/two-band junction as function of normalized current in second channel of SB/two-band junction.
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Figure 3. Modulation coefficient of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/two-band junction as function of normalized current in second channel of SB/two-band junction.
Figure 3. Modulation coefficient of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/two-band junction as function of normalized current in second channel of SB/two-band junction.
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Figure 4. Critical current of DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/three band junction as function of normalized current in the third channel of SB/three-band junction for different values of ic2.
Figure 4. Critical current of DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/three band junction as function of normalized current in the third channel of SB/three-band junction for different values of ic2.
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Figure 5. Modulation coefficient of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/three band junction case as function of normalized current in the third channel of SB/three-band junction for different values of ic2.
Figure 5. Modulation coefficient of the DC SQUID with small inductance of l for SB/three band junction case as function of normalized current in the third channel of SB/three-band junction for different values of ic2.
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Askerzade, I.N. Influence of Frustration Effects on the Critical Current of DC SQUID. Condens. Matter 2023, 8, 65.

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Askerzade IN. Influence of Frustration Effects on the Critical Current of DC SQUID. Condensed Matter. 2023; 8(3):65.

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Askerzade, Iman N. 2023. "Influence of Frustration Effects on the Critical Current of DC SQUID" Condensed Matter 8, no. 3: 65.

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