Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
- A set of keys S with the parameter , consisting of polynomials with small coefficients: , where ;
- A set C with parameter k consisting of binary and sparse polynomials: , where .
- 1.
- Knowledge of any t or more pieces makes D easily computable;
- 2.
- Knowledge of any or fewer pieces leaves D completely undetermined (in the sense that all its possible values are equally likely).
- Secret sharing.Let p is a prime number such that , the dealer builds a ring of polynomials on it and generates a polynomial of degree as follows:Let each user have their unique identifier , such that there are no two and such that ; the dealer sends each participant his share of the secret as the value of the previously generated polynomial at the point of his , calculated as follows:Thus, each participant eventually gets a pair , which is his part of the secret.
- Recovering a secret.In order to recover the secret, a group of t participants gathers together and calculates a polynomial using the Lagrange interpolation formula. Each user computes the Lagrange coefficient, using of each user, which is known by the following formula:Next, the polynomial is restored using the following formula:The resulting polynomial as a free term will contain a secret value D, i.e., the group of participants successfully obtains the secret data.
3. Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme
- Parameter setting. Receives the security parameter , which defines the security level of the scheme, as input and returns the parameters [47].
- Key generation. Generates the commitment key , consisting of matrix , which is defined as follows:
- Commitment generation. Receives a value as input, randomly calculates , where , and returns the commitment :It is known from [47] that the commitment scheme has the binding property; that is, it is hard for a published commitment , obtained by the vector and the value x, to find the vector and the value for which since it reduces to solving the Ring-SIS problem, which is a hard problem. It is also proved in [47] that the commitment scheme has the hiding property since the distribution is close to uniform.
- Commitment opening. Receives a commitment, a value , and a random vector as input and checks that and the Equation (15) is being fulfilled.
- Key generation with a trapdoor. Generates the matrix according to (14) and randomly chooses a trapdoor, , which is equal to a matrix . Then, the commitment key is formed as follows , where is a gadget matrix, which is defined as follows:
- Commitment generation with a trapdoor. Randomly chooses a vector and outputs as a commitment.
- Equivocation algorithm. Uses the trapdoor and the Micciancio–Peikert algorithm [40] in order to generate a vector from a discrete Gaussian distribution on the coset of the lattice , which is defined as follows:
- Parameters setting. Having received the security parameter as input, the public parameters of the system are generated, namely, the rings of polynomials, the public matrix rank l and dimension k, the sets S and C, the parameters of distributions, the boundary B for the length of the signature vector, as well as random oracles , , and [46].
- Key generation. After initializing public parameters, keys are generated, consisting of two phases: matrix generation and key pair creation. All subsequent steps of the algorithm are performed by each user of the system, where and n is the total number of users.
- (a)
- Matrix generation
- i.
- A random matrix is calculated and a commitment is generated and sent to other users.
- ii.
- After receiving all for each , matrix is sent out for each one.
- iii.
- After obtaining all matrices for each , the equalities are checked. If at least one equality is not met, then an ABORT is sent, otherwise a public matrix is set, where .
- (b)
- Generation of a key pair
- i.
- A secret vector is randomly selected, and a part of the public key is calculated: . A commitment is generated and sent to other users.
- ii.
- After receiving all for each , the vector is sent to other users.
- iii.
- After obtaining all vectors for each , the equalities are checked. If at least one equality is not met, then an ABORT is sent, otherwise a public key is set.
If the protocol does not return ABORT, then each user, , gets .
- Secret sharing. To separate the secret, the Shamir secret sharing scheme is used [48]. The user has a unique own and knows the of other users. Then it performs the following actions:
- (a)
- Generates polynomials (; i is an index of ) of degree , where free terms are specified as entries of secret vector .
- (b)
- For each user , including himself, the user generates a vector consisting of polynomials generated in advance with values substituted in them, which is a vector , and sends this vector only to user .
- (c)
- After receiving all the vectors for each , user calculates his secret key share , with which he will then carry out the signature procedure.
As it can be seen, users, in this case, perform distributed secret sharing; that is, they get the share of a common secret without calculating the secret polynomial directly. This approach differs from the classical one when the dealer forms a secret polynomial and distributes shares of the secret to users. - Signature generation. For signing message t users are selected. Let the users be selected. Each receives a unique session ID () and a message that needs to be signed. The user checks that the has not been used before and calculates locally the key for the commitment scheme . A new random oracle function is also used for the signature procedure . Next, the user performs the following actions.
- (a)
- Randomly selects a vector and calculates .
- (b)
- Calculates the commitment , where , and sends it to all other users.
- (c)
- After receiving all calculates .
- (d)
- Next, the user calculates the Lagrange coefficient
- (e)
- Then receives the challenge and calculates the partial signature . For the next step user also computes vector .
- (f)
- For the received value , the user checks that ; if the condition is not met, then the user sends out RESTART. If the condition is met, then the user with the probability
- (g)
- After obtaining all for each , the partial signature is sent to other users.
- (h)
- After receiving all the partial signatures , checks that , and if all conditions are met, calculates the values and . Then, calculates , checks that and . If errors occur, then send ABORT.
If the protocol is not interrupted, the signature will be received at the end of the protocol. - Signature verification. Having received the message , signature and public key , the commitment key is generated , and the challenge is calculated and restored . The signature is accepted if , and .
4. Security
- Split the incoming value x into ;
- If then set ;
- Return .
- The commitment is calculated and sent to other users.
- After receiving all for each , the message signature is calculated as follows:
- (a)
- is set.
- (b)
- Challenge is calculated.
- (c)
- is generated randomly and sent to other users.
- (d)
- After receiving all for each , the following actions are performed:
- i.
- The table is searched for values according to the obtained .
- ii.
- Then vector is generated and the Lagrange coefficients are calculated.
- iii.
- The vector is calculated, and then the vector of partial signature is obtained.
- iv.
- Next, the vector is calculated and with the trapdoor , and the value of randomness is obtained.
- v.
- The value of is obtained, using the property of homomorphism by addition of the commitment function.
- vi.
- If , then signature generation fails, otherwise is set, and a partial signature is sent with probability . Otherwise, RESTART is sent, and the algorithm returns to step 1.
- After receiving all partial signatures for each , the final signature of the message is formed:
- (a)
- It is checked that . If all the equalities are met, then the values and are calculated.
- (b)
- Next, the value is calculated and it is checked that and . If one of the checks fails, an ABORT is sent.
- If , where is the set of messages for which the adversary requested a signature from , then the algorithm returns ⊥.
- Next, calculates and .
- If or , then returns ⊥.
- If , that is, there was a request to generate a commitment key and a trapdoor for the message , then also returns ⊥.
- If the signature successfully passes checks 1–4, then algorithm returns.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Security Level | Algorithm | Execution Time, ms |
2 | Key generation | 22.1 |
Secret sharing | 1.1 | |
Signature generation | 20.4 | |
Signature verification | 2.7 | |
3 | Key generation | 27.8 |
Secret sharing | 1.5 | |
Signature generation | 26.5 | |
Signature verification | 2.8 | |
5 | Key generation | 37.9 |
Secret sharing | 1.8 | |
Signature generation | 37.8 | |
Signature verification | 4.0 |
Parameter | Actual Size of Proposed Scheme, Bytes | Actual Size of tECDSA Scheme, Bytes |
Partial signature size | 7360 | 64 |
Signature size | 11,775 | 64 |
Secret data size | 13,247 | 32 |
Size of transmitted data by signature generation |
Parameter | CLRS Scheme [32] | Feng’s Scheme [34] | Choi Scheme [37] | PET Scheme [38] | Proposed Scheme |
Partial signature size, kB | 451 | 1.8 | 40.5 | 7.2 | |
Signature size, kB | 1.8 | 60.4 | 11.5 | ||
Secret data size, kB | 128 | 3.5 | 1,081,600 | 275,808 | 12.9 |
Size of transmitted data by signature generation, kB |
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Leevik, A.; Davydov, V.; Bezzateev, S. Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices. Cryptography 2023, 7, 33.
Leevik A, Davydov V, Bezzateev S. Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices. Cryptography. 2023; 7(3):33.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLeevik, Anton, Vadim Davydov, and Sergey Bezzateev. 2023. "Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices" Cryptography 7, no. 3: 33.
APA StyleLeevik, A., Davydov, V., & Bezzateev, S. (2023). Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices. Cryptography, 7(3), 33.