The Post-Harmonisation Health and Safety Challenges of Construction Industry Managers
:1. Introduction
- Protecting workers and other persons against harm to their health, safety and welfare through the elimination or minimisation of risks arising from work;
- Ensuring appropriate scrutiny and review of actions taken by persons exercising powers and performing function under the Act;
- Providing a framework for continuous improvement and progressively higher standards of work health and safety.
2. Methodology
2.1. Research Design and Ethics
2.2. Focus Groups
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Understanding of Obligations
I do have a broad understanding of the requirements of exercising due diligence.(P3)
It would be intriguing to understand how far the term due diligence actually goes. I’m not 100% clear on it myself.(P6)
Managers and leaders in larger organisations tend to have a little more knowledge about the Act’s obligations.(P8)
Smaller entities generally have, in my experience, quite limited knowledge of the legislation and in particular some of the newer elements like officer duties.(P8)
When we look at other jurisdictions that have had the officer provisions under WHS harmonised law for a while, the officers who seem to be at the greatest legislative risk of being prosecuted are those small businesses.(P8)
3.2. Preparedness
Everyone is very time poor in the industry at the moment and training will never go astray.(P5)
There is definitely more that can be done to prepare managers.(P8)
If they’ve come up through the blue-collar ranks, I think they’ll have a pretty good clue.(P3)
How do you make that (safety knowledge and training) applicable on a major construction site where you’ve got 300, 400, 500 people involved there? This has a lot to do with mentoring, constant mentoring and guiding that is required past the learning stage. They go and do their training, and they probably understand that, but how do you actually apply that in the field?(P5)
I don’t think you are ever going to go into a new role feeling like you’re fully prepared and 100% capable.(P5)
There’s projects I was on previously and you get up to sites and you might have a new supervisor up there acting as a project manager. And in those cases, it felt a bit exposed, and you’re trying to figure out what has to be done in terms of safety requirements. Potentially, you can end up a little bit out of your depth.(P6)
In my mind it’s health, safety and culture and I suppose we hold a really high importance of what sort of culture we have on site. We’ve got multinationals, we’ve got male and female, we’ve got all ages, but we’re all there to do one job and have a common goal. So it’s that education piece as well around the culture and making sure you know people go to work and feel respected no matter what their job title is within that team.(P5)
People think that a shortcut can be made in a situation, or they think it’s not a shortcut until something goes wrong.(P5)
There’s people outside the culture that you are trying to create.(P6)
There are still some behavioural influences and cultural influences within some industries where you can still find, I guess, what you might call a cowboy mentality.(P7)
We’ve seen so much work go on in the mining sector around culture and I think we’d be probably fooling ourselves if we think the issues that have been highlighted in the media around the sector are not also found in the (construction) sector.(P8)
3.3. Rapid Promotion
A lot of our supervisors are promoted too quickly, if you like, because of a shortage in the industry.(P2)
People have moved into a management role, and in the current economic context, people can move into those roles relatively quickly and perhaps more so than when the economy is moving a little bit more slowly. So you do get that quick transition into that role that can place people at a higher risk, both because of the lack of life and work experience at that point and less opportunities for that kind of training along the way.(P8)
Have we jumped in too quickly: do we understand what we need to do to meet our obligations?(P1)
We quite often see a lot of times where we put people into roles purely and simply because we think they’re going to be OK in that role.(P2)
You’ve been made up to superintendent, which happens all the time, and all of a sudden your requirements change. Yeah, you might not be a duty holder, you’re definitely not an officer yet, but you still have an obligation under the Act.(P1)
If we step back in the Western Australian construction industry over the last 10 or 12 years where we went through the boom times, there was a lot of people coming through the ranks very quickly and they may not have had a broadband of experience…so I think we’ve got a lot of people out there that have the information available to them, but it’s whether they’ve got the wherewithal or not to be able to execute that information.(P2)
From my perspective being part of a big company there is corporate support services that provide that sort of overarching governance, compliance and requirements.(P5)
Processes are already built by the safety manager…and it usually gets signed. No one’s read it, and it’s been typed up in an office devoid of what’s actually happening on site.(P4)
When I am defending a prosecution, that’s the biggest thing: it’s got everyone’s signature on it. No one’s read it. They never discuss it. It was a beautiful document with everything beautifully in it but is has no link to reality.(P4)
3.4. Bureaucracy
All the paperwork…sometimes paperwork is your friend and sometimes it is not your friend. And when it’s that time when it is not your friend is when you have said that you will do things and haven’t done them.(P8)
Are people being asked to spend time on things that might be less pertinent from a risk perspective?(P8)
They get training on why they have to fill out paperwork and they get all the reasons why they have to do it. They don’t often get training on how to do it successfully and that’s across the board, all the way from supervisors, superintendents, all the way down to staff on the floor. They get told what they have to do, not particularly how they have to do it or to have a better understanding of why they have to do it.(P3)
There is a huge focus of key performance indicators for us and sometimes it feels quite overbearing in how much we’re reporting statistics through.(P5)
Are they actually meaningful? Arguably no sometimes.(P5)
There is a lot of weight put on them.(P6)
What else could we be doing that would add value?(P8)
My view is that there’s a risk of too much talk of safety, too much safety and people just switch off.(P4)
People are past it and they just want to get on and get the job done. I think that is quite a risk.(P5)
There is a huge focus on key performance indicators for us and sometimes it feels quite overbearing in how much we’re reporting statistics through.(P5)
Are your people being asked to spend time on things that might be less pertinent from a risk perspective?(P8)
Supervisors are using Artificial Intelligence to do things for them: draft a letter, draft a Safe Work Method Statement, draft a topic for discussion…and it is a bit worrying because let alone what they (the supervisors) know. But what about what the bot knows?(P4)
4. Discussion
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Phelps, R.; Jansz, J.; Chang, P.; Ghosh, A. The Post-Harmonisation Health and Safety Challenges of Construction Industry Managers. Safety 2024, 10, 98.
Phelps R, Jansz J, Chang P, Ghosh A. The Post-Harmonisation Health and Safety Challenges of Construction Industry Managers. Safety. 2024; 10(4):98.
Chicago/Turabian StylePhelps, Richard, Janis Jansz, Ping Chang, and Apurna Ghosh. 2024. "The Post-Harmonisation Health and Safety Challenges of Construction Industry Managers" Safety 10, no. 4: 98.
APA StylePhelps, R., Jansz, J., Chang, P., & Ghosh, A. (2024). The Post-Harmonisation Health and Safety Challenges of Construction Industry Managers. Safety, 10(4), 98.