A Novel Trademark Image Retrieval System Based on Multi-Feature Extraction and Deep Networks
:1. Introduction
- The system must consider all possible interpretations of a trademark image. It is consensual in the literature that the process of human perception of an abstract image is complex. However, most of the automation solutions of these systems are based on low-level characteristics, such as shape, color or texture [6,14]. Several approaches have been proposed for the interpretation of the images, from their analysis as a whole to the analysis by segments, from the analysis of regions to the analysis by edges. However, with the exception of some projects, such as the System for Trademark Archival and Registration (STAR) [34], the solutions do not contemplate the multiple possibilities of interpreting an image.
- The system must be able to search large databases in a timely manner. Most of the solutions proposed so far have been studied with databases with just over 1000 images, and research efficiency has not been considered a development priority. However, the analysis of several low-level characteristics (color, shape and texture) and the respective variations (rotation, scaling, inversion or noise) require high computation times, which prove to be an impediment in the analysis of large databases. As such, there is an urgent need to improve the efficiency of these solutions to enable their application in a real context [30]. This efficiency improvement, absolutely necessary in view of the high number of records with which the system must work, requires the application of parallel processing techniques, segmenting the search into several sub-searches (for example, the division into 45 sub-searches, in accordance to the Nice Classification method), which must then be integrated and processed together after each sub-search is completed.
- Images very similar to the searched image cannot be omitted (zero tolerance). This is a fundamental requirement for trademark image recovery systems. Thus, for the application of these solutions in a real context, the systems must be thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with this criterion. It should be noted that these tests are essential, not only to ensure “zero tolerance”, but also to ensure that the amount of false positives is reduced enough to allow further analysis by humans, thus enabling the application of the respective systems in a real context of use.
Document Organization
2. Related Work
2.1. Conventional Feature Based Methods
2.2. Deep Learning Approaches
3. Methods
3.1. System Description
- The submitted data data normalized to ensure proper reading and extraction in the following steps. In this scenario, normalizing an image means ensuring it conforms to a set of predefined rules. Images are resized to 224 resolution, and must contain a bit depth of 8 per color channel in the RGB format (24-bit depth total). Finally, images are converted to the jpeg format for faster processing and easier background recognition.
- Upon preprocessing, a series of metadata information is extracted from the image. This information is stored and will improve filtering capabilities in a future process by allowing us to filter image data by additional parameters, including Nice classes, textual components and country of registration.
- At this point, our image processing block starts extracting relevant features and components from images. There are two main algorithms at work here. First, we use a modified version of the VGG16 Classification Network [89], designed to extract a numeric representation of image features (feature vector). Secondly, we developed a hybridization algorithm centered around using image segmentation techniques, such as K-Means and Watershed, to extract individual significant visual components from images. This algorithm is fully documented in another paper we have published [90]. The combination of data regarding a specific image is then saved to a database as that specific image’s signature.
- Upon applying user-defined filters, the algorithm computes a comparison pool comprised of all images that will be compared to the submitted data. This comparison process is achieved through the application of a mathematical formula specially develop to factor in neural network features and data regarding image components, such as its regions of interest. The result of this formula is guaranteed to be a number between 0 and 1, reflective of the similarity level found between two images, with 1 representing total visual equivalence (maximum similarity) between two images and 0 representing absolute visual discordance (maximum dissimilarity).
- Results obtained in the previous step are further filtered according to post-search filters, usually reserved to setting a minimum threshold for two images to be regarded as visually similar and adequate for result presenting. This process results in much easier readability and faster result evaluating from the user. All presented results are also reversely ordered and organized into a performant python dataframe for easier indexing.
3.2. Data Preprocessing
3.3. Parallel Computing
3.4. Image Signatures
- A 50-position feature vector extracted with a VGG16 transfer-learning convolutional neural network to which we removed the top 2 layers of the classification header, resulting in the architecture seen in Figure 5. To achieve the results we present onwards, there was no additional fine-tuning of the network as we do not perform any sort of classification on the images we process, but rather fully utilize the feature extraction capabilities of these deep neural networks. These features are originally represented by a 4096 position vector, later reduced to a more manageable and performant 50 positions through the application of the principal component analysis (PCA) dimensionality reduction algorithm.
- A 50-position edge feature vector achieved in a similar manner through the application of the network on a simplified canny edge version of the original image. Our canny algorithm contains an additional step responsible for applying four levels of K-Means clustering with the goal of consolidating similarly colored areas into more easily distinguishable shapes and blobs, resulting in very high quality edge representations in both clean and extremely noisy images. Figure 6 shows results when processing a visually dense and noisy image with a default canny implementation versus our canny implementation.
- The image’s K-Means assigned cluster computed with a centroid assignment function (K-Nearest Neighbors) immediately after feature extraction. A cluster label is used to quickly identify a set of images in the entire database that, by default, already contain a relatively similar feature vector. This is especially useful for performance reasons, as the overall length of comparison becomes far smaller.
- The image’s objects extracted with a hybrid K-Means and Watershed algorithm designed to automatically record object location, size and individual feature description [90]. This last component is specifically designed to improve algorithm robustness in cases where the overall image disposition may not be similar, but there may be an individual component on the image which automatically flags it as plagiarism. This attention to the image’s objects is specially useful in trademark image comparison due to enterprise’s tendency to resort to simpler graphical brand images rather than natural imagery.
3.5. Search Parameterization
- The assigned image cluster is the main pre-filter and search argument, directly reducing the image comparison pool. To avoid performing comparisons on the entire dataset, the system defaults to comparing the input image with the remainder of the images belonging to the same cluster.
- The 34 goods and 11 services class system known as Nice Classes can also be used to further reduce the comparison pool of the search algorithm. For instance, a user may only want to search for visually similar logos referring to companies registered in the same Nice classes.
- Similarly, the remaining image metadata, such as textual components, country of registration and Locarno classification can be used to specify searches regarding more or less information.
3.6. Similarity Compound Formula
4. Results
4.1. Dataset
4.2. Experimental Phase
4.3. Test Scenarios
4.4. System Performance Evaluation
4.5. Comparison with State-of-the-Art CBIR Systems
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CBIR | Content Based Image Retrieval |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
DCNN | Deep Convolution Neural Network |
RGB | Red, Green, Blue |
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Jurisdiction | Image Count | Formats | Resolution |
Europe | 682,009 | .JPG, .PNG | 140 × 140 to 4128 × 2322 |
Portugal | 238,893 | .JPG | 256 × 144 to 5000 × 5000 |
World | 549,673 | .JPG, .PNG | 90 × 90 to 4200 × 4200 |
Angola | 44,033 | .JPG | 128 × 128 to 1024 × 1024 |
Moçambique | 200,990 | .JPG | 128 × 128 to 1024 × 1024 |
Cabo Verde | 2713 | .JPG | 50 × 50 to 2000 × 2000 |
Brazil | 434,456 | .JPG, .PNG | 64 × 64 to 4096 × 4096 |
Spain | 989,791 | .JPG, .PNG | 128 × 128 to 5000 × 5000 |
São Tomé e Príncipe | 5332 | .JPG | 128 × 128 to 1024 × 1024 |
DarwinGSE Processing Times (in Seconds) | |||||
Test Sample | Signature Extraction | Database Querying | Pool Size | Comparison | Total |
Input A | 3.34 | 0.14 | 64,530 | 0.84 | 4.32 |
Input B | 2.88 | 0.19 | 92,358 | 1.02 | 4.09 |
Input C | 3.17 | 0.12 | 54,362 | 0.63 | 3.92 |
Average | 3.61 | 0.23 | - | 0.75 | 4.36 |
Input | TP | FP | FN | Precision | Recall | F-Score | AP |
A | 459 | 23 | 12 | 95.2% | 97.4% | 96.1% | 95.7% |
B | 71 | 27 | 8 | 72.4% | 89.8% | 80.2% | 73.1% |
C | 132 | 9 | 7 | 93.6% | 94.9% | 94.2% | 93.9% |
System | Dataset | Size | Classes | Algorithm | mAP |
Darwin (ours) | Global Brand Database | Unlabelled | Combined Multiple Features | 93.7% | |
Tzelepi and Tefas [82] | Paris-6k [91] | 6392 | 11 | Model Retraining for Compact Descriptors | |
Monowar et al. [86] | CIFAR-10 [92] | 10 | Self-Supervising and Recurrent Networks with Spatial Pooling | ||
Alzu’bi et al. [81] | Oxford | 5062 | 11 | Bilinear Root Compact Pooling of Deep Convolutional Features |
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Share and Cite
Jardim, S.; António, J.; Mora, C.; Almeida, A. A Novel Trademark Image Retrieval System Based on Multi-Feature Extraction and Deep Networks. J. Imaging 2022, 8, 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8090238
Jardim S, António J, Mora C, Almeida A. A Novel Trademark Image Retrieval System Based on Multi-Feature Extraction and Deep Networks. Journal of Imaging. 2022; 8(9):238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8090238
Chicago/Turabian StyleJardim, Sandra, João António, Carlos Mora, and Artur Almeida. 2022. "A Novel Trademark Image Retrieval System Based on Multi-Feature Extraction and Deep Networks" Journal of Imaging 8, no. 9: 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8090238
APA StyleJardim, S., António, J., Mora, C., & Almeida, A. (2022). A Novel Trademark Image Retrieval System Based on Multi-Feature Extraction and Deep Networks. Journal of Imaging, 8(9), 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8090238