Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy
:1. Introduction
1.1. Multi-Camera Systems
1.2. Image Stitching in Current Multi-Camera Systems
1.3. Analysis
1.4. Goals and Contributions
2. State-of-the-Art in Image Stitching
3. Material: A New Simulated Environment
- Organs, with corresponding realistic image textures, e.g., intestines, blood vessels, abdomen;
- Tools: laparoscopic forceps and a 5 mm endoscope with LEDs;
- Multi-camera prototypes, where the number of cameras and their focals, FoVs and inter-spaces can be modified. In this study, we simulated the multi-camera prototype of [6] with two deployable Misumi TD-VBL31105L-77 cameras (1.83 mm focal, 69° × 43° FoV) and an inter-space of 4.5 cm. These specifications were established according to the results of a specifically performed experiment, provided in Supplementary Material Figures S4 and S5, which showed that this was a good compromise between overlap and the enlargement of the field of view.
- Tools: e.g., the number/position/orientation of forceps;
- Endoscope: the depth inside the abdomen cavity, camera parameters (e.g., focal, resolution), the power of the LEDs;
- Multi-camera system: the position/orientation of the device, camera parameters (e.g., focal, resolution), the power of the LEDs;
- Rendering parameters: the type of rendering engine, output image resolution and exposure.
4. Benchmarking of Image Stitching Algorithms
4.1. Methodology
4.2. Experiments
5. Results
5.1. Experiment 1: On a Non-Laparoscopic Scenario
5.2. Experiment 2: Laparoscopic Scenarios
6. Analysis
- The lack of keypoints in textureless areas, such as tools: Figure 9a–c illustrates this lack of keypoints on laparoscopic tools, resulting in the poor alignment of the aforementioned tools. This issue is not specific to our simulated environment, as laparoscopic tools are generally mostly uniform. As previous research that has attempted to propose more textured instruments has never been translated into clinical use, this issue remains a challenge to solve. Kim et al. [10] tried to handle this by replacing keypoint detection with a disparity-based approach that was more robust to textureless areas. However, since their evaluation was performed without any visible instruments, there is no guarantee that it would help to find keypoints on the tools;
- Mesh-based methods are intrinsically inadequate in situations containing objects in very different planes. Since mesh-based models compute the continuous deformation of a grid, they expect the parallax issue to be some kind of continuous problem through space too. While being somewhat true in outdoor panoramic photography, this is incorrect in laparoscopy, which contains very thin objects in the foreground. This issue is illustrated in Figure 9d–f. In this experiment, we manually added keypoints along the left tool to force REW to align them. As shown in Figure 9f, it induced a significant local deformation along the tool due to the brutal variation of parallax between the foreground tool and the background. There was not a smooth transition of parallax here.
- A pre-alignment is performed using global homography, which introduces projective distortions, as illustrated in Figure 4d;
- Optical flow is then computed in the overlap area and extrapolated to outer areas, as illustrated in Figure 10b,c. This extrapolation, also called “weighted warp extrapolation”, was designed by Perazzi to smoothly join the overlap and non-overlap areas in the panorama. However, this extrapolation is performed uniformly in all directions, ignoring the structures in the image. In the laparoscopic situations, it bent the tools to join them, without considering the expected straightness of forceps, as illustrated in Figure 10d.
- The distortions: UDIS relies on a two-step pipeline, with the first step of homography estimation and the second step of refinement. This first homography estimation was not designed to minimise projective distortions and the following step of refinement cannot correct the resulting distortions;
- The duplicated elements: since deep learning approaches are data-driven approaches, it may be more appropriate to train the model with more adapted data, i.e., using thousands of laparoscopic data from our simulated environment. It would, however, require more varied scene backgrounds than those currently available in the environment.
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ANR | French National Research Agency |
CPW | Content-preserving warp |
FoV | Field of view |
LED | Light-emitting diode |
SIFT | Scale-invariant feature transform |
SURF | Speeded-up robust features |
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Basic | Graph Cuts-Based | Mesh-Based Models | Non-Mesh-Based Models | ||||||
Method | Global Homograpĥy [16] | Graphcut | APAP [21] | PTIS [22] | ANAP [23] | NIS [24] | REW [25] | Perazzi [27] | UDIS [34] |
Alignment over an/along a … | Overlap region | Seam | Overlap region | Seam | Overlap region | Overlap region | Overlap region | Overlap region | Seam and overlap region |
Features | SIFT | SIFT | SIFT | SIFT | SIFT | Grid keypoints derived from APAP [21] | SURF | Optical flow | CNN-based |
Method | Global homography | • Global homography [16] • Graph cuts [19] | • Grid with local homo- graphies • Extrapolation outside of the over- lapping area | Iterative process: • Find a locally coherent homography • Estimate the alignment quality • Refine the alignment using CPW | • Grid with local homo- graphies • Smooth combination of homography and global similarity | Grid with local warp using CPW | • Elastic warp • Grid model to speed up computations | • Pre-alignment with global homography [16] • Optical flow alignment in the overlapping areas • Extrapolation in non-overlapping areas | • Unsupervised global homography estimation • Alignment refi- nement with reconstruction networks, perceptual losses and L1 loss along the seams |
Similarity guidance | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Content-Preserving Warp (CPW) | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | N/A |
Advantages | • Real time | • Fast • May handle some parallax issues | • Better alignment accu- racy compared to global homography [16] • Solves medium parallax issues | • Combines advantages of seam-based methods and mesh-based methods • May handle important parallax issues | • Fewer projective distor- tions than APAP [21] | • Distortions are globally minimised • Better estimation of the global similarity trans- form compared to ANAP [23] • More natural-looking | • Fast • Minimised distortions | • Adapted to video • Does not rely on keypoints only | • Completely un- supervised • Limited GPU memory requirement • 2 fps |
Drawbacks | • Not robust to parallax at all (blur, projective distor- tions, duplicated elements) | • Fails on some large parallax issues (discontinuity, projective distortions) | • Projective distortions in non-overlapping areas • Does not handle important parallax issues | • Randomness in the search for optimal homography | • Local distortions when the number of images increases • Non-robust estimation of the global similarity trans- formation (unnatural rotation or scaling) | • Computationally expen- sive | • Fails on important parallax issues | • Bottleneck of optical flow computation | • Do not address the projective distortions. |
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Guy, S.; Haberbusch, J.-L.; Promayon, E.; Mancini, S.; Voros, S. Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy. J. Imaging 2022, 8, 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8030052
Guy S, Haberbusch J-L, Promayon E, Mancini S, Voros S. Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy. Journal of Imaging. 2022; 8(3):52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8030052
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuy, Sylvain, Jean-Loup Haberbusch, Emmanuel Promayon, Stéphane Mancini, and Sandrine Voros. 2022. "Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy" Journal of Imaging 8, no. 3: 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8030052
APA StyleGuy, S., Haberbusch, J.-L., Promayon, E., Mancini, S., & Voros, S. (2022). Qualitative Comparison of Image Stitching Algorithms for Multi-Camera Systems in Laparoscopy. Journal of Imaging, 8(3), 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging8030052