Explainable Deep Learning Models in Medical Image Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Taxonomy of Explainability Approaches
2.1. Model Specific vs. Model Agnostic
2.2. Global Methods vs. Local Methods
2.3. Pre-Model vs. In-Model vs. Post-Model
2.4. Surrogate Methods vs. Visualization Methods
3. Explainability Methods—Attribution Based
3.1. Perturbation Based Methods—Occlusion
3.2. Backpropagation Based Methods
4. Applications
4.1. Attribution Based
4.1.1. Brain Imaging
4.1.2. Retinal Imaging
4.1.3. Breast Imaging
4.1.4. CT Imaging
4.1.5. X-ray Imaging
4.1.6. Skin Imaging
4.2. Non-Attribution Based
4.2.1. Attention Based
4.2.2. Concept Vectors
4.2.3. Expert Knowledge
4.2.4. Similar Images
4.2.5. Textual Justification
4.2.6. Intrinsic Explainability
5. Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
AI | artificial intelligence |
AMD | Age-related macular degeneration |
ASD | autism pectrum disorder |
CAD | Computer-aided diagnostics |
CAM | Class activation maps |
CNN | convolutional neural network |
CNV | choroidal neovascularization |
CT | computerized tomography |
DME | diabetic macular edema |
DNN | deep neural networks |
DR | diabetic retinopathy |
EG | Expressive gradients |
EHR | electronic healthcare record |
fMRI | functional magnetic resonance imaging |
GBP | Guided backpropagation |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GMM | Gaussian mixture model |
GradCAM | Gradient weighted class activation mapping |
GRU | gated recurrent unit |
HITL | human-in-the-loop |
IG | Integrated gradients |
kNN | k nearest neighbors |
LIFT | Deep Learning Important FeaTures |
LRP | Layer wise relevance propagation |
MLP | multi layer perceptron |
MLS | midline shift |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
OCT | optical coherence tomography |
PCC | Pearson’s correlation coefficient |
RCV | Regression Concept Vectors |
ReLU | rectified linear unit |
RNN | recurrent neural network |
SHAP | SHapley Additive exPlanations |
SVM | support vector machines |
TCAV | Testing Concept Activation Vectors |
UBS | Uniform unit Ball surface Sampling |
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Method | Description | Notes |
Gradient | Computes the gradient of the output of the target neuron with respect to the input. | The simplest approach but is usually not the most effective. |
DeConvNet [20] | Applies the ReLU to the gradient computation instead of the gradient of a neuron with ReLU activation. | Used to visualize the features learned by the layers. Limited to CNN models with ReLU activation. |
Saliency Maps [23] | Takes the absolute value of the partial derivative of the target output neuron with respect to the input features to find the features which affect the output the most with least perturbation. | Can’t distinguish between positive and negative evidence due to absolute values. |
Guided backpropagation (GBP) [24] | Applies the ReLU to the gradient computation in addition to the gradient of a neuron with ReLU activation. | Like DeConvNet, it is textbflimited to CNN models with ReLU activation. |
LRP [25] | Redistributes the prediction score layer by layer with a backward pass on the network using a particular rule like the -rule while ensuring numerical stability | There are alternative stability rules and limited to CNN models with ReLU activation when all activations are ReLU. |
Gradient × input [26] | Initially proposed as a method to improve sharpness of attribution maps and is computed by multiplying the signed partial derivative of the output with the input. | It can approximate occlusion better than other methods in certain cases like multi layer perceptron (MLP) with Tanh on MNIST data [18] while being instant to compute. |
GradCAM [27] | Produces gradient-weighted class activation maps using the gradients of the target concept as it flows to the final convolutional layer | Applicable to only CNN including those with fully connected layers, structured output (like captions) and reinforcement learning. |
IG [28] | Computes the average gradient as the input is varied from the baseline (often zero) to the actual input value unlike the Gradient × input which uses a single derivative at the input. | It is highly correlated with the rescale rule of DeepLIFT discussed below which can act as a good and faster approximation. |
DeepTaylor [17] | Finds a rootpoint near each neuron with a value close to the input but with output as 0 and uses it to recursively estimate the attribution of each neuron using Taylor decomposition | Provides sparser explanations, i.e., focuses on key features but provides no negative evidence due to its assumptions of only positive effect. |
PatternNet [29] | Estimates the input signal of the output neuron using an objective function. | Proposed to counter the incorrect attributions of other methods on linear systems and generalized to deep networks. |
Pattern Attribution [29] | Applies Deep Taylor decomposition by searching the rootpoints in the signal direction for each neuron | Proposed along with PatternNet and uses decomposition instead of signal visualization |
DeepLIFT [30] | Uses a reference input and computes the reference values of all hidden units using a forward pass and then proceeds backward like LRP. It has two variants—Rescale rule and the one introduced later called RevealCancel which treats positive and negative contributions to a neuron separately. | Rescale is strongly related to and equivalent in some cases to -LRP but is not applicable to models involving multiplicative rules. RevealCancel handles such cases and using RevealCancel for convolutional and Rescale for fully connected layers reduces noise. |
SmoothGrad [31] | An improvement on the gradient method which averages the gradient over multiple inputs with additional noise | Designed to visually sharpen the attributions produced by gradient method using class score function. |
Deep SHAP [32] | It is a fast approximation algorithm to compute the game theory based SHAP values. It is connected to DeepLIFT and uses multiple background samples instead of one baseline. | Finds attributions for non neural net models like trees, support vector machines (SVM) and ensemble of those with a neural net using various tools in the the SHAP library. |
Method | Algorithm | Model | Application | Modality |
Attribution | Gradient*I/P, GBP, LRP, occlusion [36] | 3D CNN | Alzheimer’s detection | Brain MRI |
GradCAM, GBP [37] | Custom CNN | Grading brain tumor | Brain MRI | |
IG [38] | Inception-v4 | DR grading | Fundus images | |
EG [39] | Custom CNN | Lesion segmentation for AMD | Retinal OCT | |
IG, SmoothGrad [41] | AlexNet | Estrogen receptor status | Breast MRI | |
Saliency maps [42] | AlexNet | Breast mass classification | Breast MRI | |
GradCAM, SHAP [49] | Inception | Melanoma detection | Skin images | |
Activation maps [50] | Custom CNN | Lesion classification | Skin images | |
DeepDreams [46] | Custom CNN | Segmentation of tumor from liver | CT imaging | |
GSInquire, GBP, activation maps [47] | COVIDNet CNN | COVID-19 detection | X-ray images | |
Attention | Mapping between image to reports [56] | CNN & LSTM | Bladder cancer | Tissue images |
U-Net with shape attention stream [57] | U-net based | Cardiac volume estimation | Cardiac MRI | |
Concept vectors | TCAV [59] | Inception | DR detection | Fundus images |
TCAV with RCV [60] | ResNet101 | Breast tumor detection | Breast lymph node images | |
UBS [61] | SqueezeNet | Breast mass classification | Mammography images | |
Expert knowledge | Domain constraints [63] | U-net | Brain MLS estimation | Brain MRI |
Rule-based segmentation, perturbation [64] | VGG16 | Lung nodule segmentation | Lung CT | |
Similar images | GMM and atlas [6] | 3D CNN | MRI classification | 3D MNIST, Brain MRI |
Triplet loss, kNN [65] | AlexNet based with shared weights | Melanoma | Dermoscopy images | |
Monotonic constraints [66] | DNN with two streams | Melanoma detection | Dermoscopy images | |
Textual justification | LSTM, visual word constraint [67] | Breast mass classification | CNN | Mammography images |
Intrinsic explainability | Deep Hierarchical Generative Models [68] | Auto-encoders | Classification and segmentation for Alzheimer’s | Brain MRI |
SVM margin [69] | Hybrid of CNN & SVM | ASD detection | Brain fMRI |
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Singh, A.; Sengupta, S.; Lakshminarayanan, V. Explainable Deep Learning Models in Medical Image Analysis. J. Imaging 2020, 6, 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging6060052
Singh A, Sengupta S, Lakshminarayanan V. Explainable Deep Learning Models in Medical Image Analysis. Journal of Imaging. 2020; 6(6):52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging6060052
Chicago/Turabian StyleSingh, Amitojdeep, Sourya Sengupta, and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan. 2020. "Explainable Deep Learning Models in Medical Image Analysis" Journal of Imaging 6, no. 6: 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging6060052