1. Introduction
Circular cone-beam (CCB) Computed Tomography (CT) has become an integral part of non-destructive imaging in a broad spectrum of applications, such as industrial quality control [
1], materials sciences [
3] and medical imaging [
5]. Especially in industrial and medical applications, the scanning time, reconstruction time and the scanning dose are limited resources. Such limitations lead to trade-offs between computation time and scanning time—i.e., number of projections, noise level—on the one hand, and reconstruction accuracy on the other hand. Additionally, CT reconstruction has become a
big data problem due to the development of readily available high-resolution CT-scanners [
8]. This stresses the need for computationally efficient reconstruction methods that are applicable to a broad spectrum of high-resolution problems and produce accurate results from data with high noise levels, low numbers of projection angles or large cone angles.
In practice, if computational efficiency is a constraint and especially for high-resolution problems,
direct methods (e.g., the filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm [
9], the Feldkamp–Davis–Kress (FDK) algorithm [
10] and the Katsevich algorithm [
11]) are still the common choice of reconstruction method [
12]. While
iterative methods have been shown to be more accurate for noisy and limited data problems [
18], they have a significantly higher computational cost. Consequently, there have been efforts to improve the accuracy of direct methods by computing data-specific or scanner-specific filters [
23]. Although these strategies do improve the reconstruction accuracy, they also add significant computational effort or are specific to one modality, e.g., tomosynthesis [
An emerging approach for improving direct methods is to use
machine learning to remove artifacts from the reconstructions. The idea is to use high-quality reconstructions to train a neural network that removes artifacts from low-quality reconstructions using a supervised learning approach. This
post-processing approach has shown promising results for computed tomography using deep neural networks (DNNs) [
27]. Deep neural network structures contain a large number of layers, leading to millions of trainable parameters and, therefore, require a large amount of training data [
28]. This is problematic in CT imaging, since there is often a limited amount of training data available, e.g., due to scanning time, dose, and business-related concerns. Moreover, for the available data, there are often no reference datasets or annotations available [
29]. The large amount of training data and large number of parameters also lead to long training times. While for standard 2D networks, the training time ranges between a couple of hours and a couple of days (see
Section 5.1.2), for 3D networks the training time becomes prohibitively long [
30] (i.e., weeks). Therefore, to apply post-processing to 3D problems, the reconstruction volume can be considered as a stack of 2D problems [
31] for which one 2D network is trained and then applied in a
slice-by-slice fashion to the 3D volume. Although this strategy reduces the training time and the training data constraints, applying a 2D network to all slices can still be computationally intensive due to the number of slices in the 3D volume. A more in-depth discussion on current developments related to machine learning methods in CT imaging is given in
Section 2.
In this work, we propose the Neural Network FDK (NN-FDK) reconstruction algorithm. It is a direct reconstruction method that is designed to produce accurate results from noisy data, data with a low number of projection angles, or a large cone angle, but still maintains a similar computational efficiency and scalability as the standard FDK algorithm. Moreover, the algorithm has a fast training procedure, and requires a limited amount of training data.
The NN-FDK algorithm is an adaptation of the standard FDK algorithm using a shallow multilayer perceptron network [
32] with one fully connected hidden layer, a low number of trainable parameters and low memory constraints. We will show it is possible to interpret the weights of the first layer of the perceptron network as a set of learned filters for the FDK algorithm. We can then use the FDK algorithm to evaluate the network efficiently for all voxels simultaneously to arrive at an accurate reconstruction for the CCB CT problem.
The NN-FDK algorithm is an extension of the method proposed in [
33] for the Filtered Backprojection (FBP) algorithm [
9]. The derivation of the approach outlined in [
33] relies on the shift-invariance property of the FBP algorithm. We will show that, although the FDK algorithm does not have this shift-invariance property, we can derive a similar method for the FDK algorithm. Moreover, the proposed strategy can be extended to any linear filtered backprojection type reconstruction method.
Using both simulated and experimental data, we compare the proposed method with the standard FDK algorithm, SIRT [
34] with a nonnegativity constraint (SIRT
+), which is a commonly used iterative algorithm for CT problems, and two 2D deep neural networks (U-net [
31] and MSD-net [
26]) trained to remove reconstruction artifacts from slices of standard FDK reconstruction. We show that the NN-FDK algorithm is faster to evaluate than all but the standard FDK algorithm and orders of magnitude faster to train than the considered DNNs, with only a slight reduction in reconstruction accuracy compared to the DNNs.
The paper is structured as follows. In
Section 3, we give definitions and introduce our method. In
Section 4, we introduce the data and the parameters used for the experiments. The experiments and their results are shown and discussed in
Section 5. The paper is summarized and concluded in
Section 6.
2. Related Work
machine learning methods is an emerging approach in CT imaging [
Deep learning methods have shown promising results for many applications within the development of CT reconstruction methods [
35]. For the sake of exposition, we split these machine learning approaches into two categories: (i) Improving standard reconstruction methods by replacing components of the reconstruction method with networks specifically trained for the application; and (ii) improving the image quality of reconstructions computed with existing reconstruction methods by training neural networks to perform
post-processing in order to remove artifacts or reduce noise.
Examples of the first strategy (improving standard reconstruction methods) applied to iterative methods are the learned primal-dual reconstruction algorithm [
37], variational networks [
39], plug and play priors [
42], and learned regularizers [
44]. These methods achieve promising results in reconstruction accuracy and generalizability. However, their high computational cost limits the applicability if high throughput is required. Examples for this strategy applied to direct methods are the NN-FBP method [
33], and also the NN-FDK method introduced in this paper. These methods are designed to improve the image quality of direct methods for data with limitations (e.g., data with noise or a low number of projection angles), while maintaining their computational efficiency.
Examples of the second strategy (learned post-processing) have demonstrated substantial improvements in reconstruction quality for CT imaging [
35]. This is aided by the fact that the post-processing problem can be viewed as a classic imaging problem—e.g., denoising, segmentation, inpainting, classification— for which many effective machine learning methods have already been developed [
47]. Although the general trend is towards deeper networks to make such networks more expressive [
48], this can lead to problems with scalability for large 3D image datasets.
The rise in popularity of machine learning in CT is driven by the increased computational possibilities and although these advances are sufficient to handle most 2D problems, scaling towards 3D problems can be problematic, due to memory constraints. This is illustrated in
Section 5.1.1, where we plotted the memory constraints for applying a 2D and 3D U-net and MSD-net in terms of gigabytes (GB) of memory as a function of the size of the image. This shows that, in theory, one could apply a 2D MSD-net to images of
pixels (with a 24GB GPU), but in 3D, this limit lies around
voxels. Considering that CT problems range between
(small image size) up to
images, this gives an indication that scalability can become an issue, especially for 3D problems.
When applying machine learning techniques for improving the reconstruction quality in CT, a balance must be struck between image quality, running time, and memory requirements. Here, we propose a method that achieves relatively high accuracy, while also being computationally efficient and scalable.
6. Summary and Conclusions
We have proposed the Neural Network FDK (NN-FDK) algorithm, a reconstruction algorithm for the circular cone-beam (CCB) Computed Tomography (CT) geometry with a machine learning component. The machine learning component of the algorithm is designed to learn a set of FDK filters and to combine the FDK reconstructions done with these filters. This leads to a computationally efficient reconstruction algorithm, since one only needs to compute and combine the FDK reconstructions for this learned set of filters. Due to parametrization of the learned filters, the NN-FDK network has a low number of trainable parameters () and can be trained efficiently with the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with approximate quadratic convergence rate.
We compared the NN-FDK algorithm to SIRT with a nonnegativity constraint (SIRT), the standard FDK algorithm and two deep neural networks (DNNs), namely a 2D U-net and a 2D MSD-net applied in a slice-by-slice fashion to a 3D volume. We have shown that the NN-FDK algorithm has the lowest reconstruction time after the standard FDK algorithm. We have also shown that the NN-FDK algorithm achieves a reconstruction accuracy that is similar to that of SIRT for simulated data and a higher accuracy than that of SIRT for experimental data. The DNNs achieved the highest reconstruction accuracy, but training those networks took between 2 days (1 training and validation dataset) and 2 weeks (15 training and validation datasets), whereas all the NN-FDK networks were trained within 1 minute.
To conclude, the NN-FDK algorithm is a computationally efficient reconstruction algorithm that can reconstruct CCB CT reconstruction problems with high-noise, low projection angles or large cone angles accurately. The training process is efficient and requires a low amount of training data, making it suitable for application to a broad spectrum of large scale (up to ) reconstruction problems. Specifically, the NN-FDK algorithm can be used to improve image quality in high-throughput CT scanning settings, where FDK is currently used to keep pace with the acquisition speed using readily available computational resources.