Impacts of Cigarette Smoke (CS) on Muscle Derangement in Rodents—A Systematic Review
:1. Background
2. Methodology
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.3. Risk of Bias of Included Studies
2.4. Data Extraction
3. Results
3.1. Included Studies
3.2. Characteristics of the Rodents
3.3. CS Exposure Protocol
3.3.1. CS Exposure System
3.3.2. Experiment Duration
3.3.3. Frequency and Duration of CS Exposure
3.3.4. Concentration of CS Exposure
3.4. Risk of Bias in the Included Studies
3.4.1. Selection Bias
3.4.2. Performance Bias
3.4.3. Detection Bias
3.4.4. Attrition Bias (Drop-Out)
3.4.5. Reporting Bias
3.5. Primary Outcomes
3.5.1. The Proportion of Muscle Fiber Types
Respiratory Muscle—Diaphragm
Lower Limb Muscle—Rectus Femoris
Lower Limb Muscle—Soleus
Lower Limb Muscle—Gastrocnemius
Lower Limb Muscle—Other Muscles
3.5.2. Muscle CSA
Respiratory Muscle—Diaphragm
Lower Limb Muscle—Quadriceps
Lower Limb Muscle—Soleus
Lower Limb Muscle—Gastrocnemius
Lower Limb Muscle—EDL
3.6. Secondary Outcomes
3.6.1. Nutritional Status
3.6.2. Inflammatory Markers
3.6.3. Functional Outcomes
4. Discussion
4.1. Effects of Exposure to CS on the Percentage of Muscle Fiber Types in Skeletal Muscles
4.2. Effects of Exposure to CS on the CSA of Muscle Fiber Types in Skeletal Muscles
4.3. Effects of Exposure to CS on Body Mass
5. Limitation and Recommendation
5.1. Limitations of the Studies Involved
5.2. Recommendation
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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ID | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
1. | COPD |
2. | COAD |
3. | COBD |
4. | Chronic Airflow Obstruction |
5. | Airflow Obstruction, Chronic |
6. | Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease |
7. | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
8. | Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease |
9. | Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive |
10. | Lung Diseases, Obstructive |
11. | Emphysema* |
12. | (Obstruct* and (pulmonary or lung or airway* or airflow* or bronchitis* or respirat*)) |
13. | 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 |
ID | Muscle Derangement |
14. | Muscle Derangement |
15. | Muscle Dysfunction |
16. | Muscle Weakness |
17. | 14 OR 15 OR 16 |
ID | Cigarette Smoking |
18. | Cigar Smoking |
19. | Smoking, Cigar |
20. | Tobacco Smoking |
21. | Smoking, Tobacco |
22. | Cigarette Smoking |
23. | Smoking, Cigarette |
24. | 18 OR 19 OR 20 OR 21 OR 22 OR 23 |
ID | Animal |
25. | No human |
26. | Animal |
27. | 25 OR 26 |
28. | 13 AND 17 AND 24 AND 27 |
Author (Year) | Rodents | Cigarette Smoke (CS) Exposure Protocol | |||||||
Species | Strain | Age (Weeks) | Exposure Period (Weeks) | Sample Size | Type of CS Exposure | No. of Cigarettes/Week | The Concentration of CS Exposure | ||
SA (n) | CS (n) | ||||||||
Ma (2018) [24] | Mouse | Balb/c | 6–8 | 24 | 15 | 15 | Whole body | 45 |
Basic (2012) [28] | Mouse | 129/SvJ | 8–10 | 24 | 8 | 6 | Whole body | - |
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | Mouse | C57Bl/6 | 8 | 12 | 6 | 6 | Nose-only | 40 |
24 | 12 | 12 | |||||||
Tang (2010) [30] | Mouse | C57Bl/6 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | Whole body | 60 |
16 | 6 | 6 | |||||||
Barreiro (2010) [9] | Guinea pig | Hartley | 4 | 12 | 7 | 7 | Whole body | 35 |
16 | 7 | 7 | |||||||
24 | 7 | 7 | |||||||
Gosker (2009) [26] | Mouse | C57Bl/6 | 7–9 | 24 | 13 | 13 | Whole body | 100 |
De Paepe (2008) [25] | Mouse | C57Bl/6 | 8 | 18 | 4 | 4 | Whole body | 100 |
Krüger (2015) [23] | Mouse | C57Bl/6 | 6–8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | Whole body | - |
16 | 10 | 10 | |||||||
24 | 10 | 10 | |||||||
32 | 10 | 10 | |||||||
Nakatani (2003) [31] | Rat | Wistar-Kyoto | 10 | L: 8 | 20 | 20 | Whole body | 115 |
M: 8 | 20 | 20 | 130 | ||||||
H: 8 | 20 | 20 | 150 | ||||||
Nakatani (2002) [32] | Rat | Wistar-Kyoto | 10 | L: 8 | 20 | 20 | Whole body | 115 |
M: 8 | 20 | 20 | 130 | ||||||
H: 8 | 20 | 20 | 150 |
Author (Year) | Selection Bias | Performance Bias | Detection Bias | Attrition Bias | Reporting Bias | |
Random Sequence Generation | Allocation Concealment | Blinding of Researcher | Blinding of Outcome Assessment: Objective Measures | Incomplete Outcome Data: All Outcomes | Selective Reporting | |
Ma (2018) [24] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Basic (2012) [28] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | High risk | Unclear risk |
Tang (2010) [30] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Barreiro (2010) [9] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Gosker (2009) [26] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
De Paepe (2008) [25] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Krüger (2015) [23] | High risk | High risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Nakatani (2003) [31] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Nakatani (2002) [32] | High risk | Unclear risk | Unclear risk | Low risk | Low risk | Unclear risk |
Muscles | Species /Strain | Author (Year) | Muscle Fiber Type | CS Exposure Period (Weeks) | Groups | Summary | |
SA | CS | ||||||
Diaphragm | Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type I (%) | 12 | 37 ± 5 | 34 ± 2 |
16 | 29 ± 3 | 30 ± 4 | |||||
24 | 35 ± 5 | 30 ± 2 * | |||||
Type II (%) | 12 | 63 ± 5 | 66 ± 2 |
| |||
16 | 71 ± 3 | 70 ± 4 | |||||
24 | 65 ± 5 | 70 ± 2 * | |||||
Rectus femoris | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | Type I (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Type II (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
32 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Soleus | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | Type I (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
Tang (2010) [30] | No significant difference | ||||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 12 | No significant difference | |||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 16 | No significant difference | |||||
Tang (2010) [30] | 18 | No significant difference | |||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 24 | ↓* CS vs. SA | |||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | |||||
Wistar-Kyoto rats | Nakatani (2002) [32] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | Type II (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
32 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Wistar-Kyoto rats | Nakatani (2002) [32] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Tang (2010) [30] | Type IIa (%) | 8 | ↓* CS vs. SA |
| ||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 12 | No significant difference | |||||
Tang (2010) [30] | 18 | 54.4 ± 7.3 | 44.0 ± 8.0 * | ||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Gosker (2009) [26] | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Tang (2010) [30] | Type IIb (%) | 8 | 0.53 ± 0.37 | 2.56 ± 1.34 * |
| ||
18 | 0.53 ± 0.37 | 12.9 ± 3.8 * | |||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | Type IIb/x (%) | 12 | No significant difference |
| |||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | 9.8 ± 0.7 | 15.1 ± 1.2 * | ||||
Gastrocnemius | Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type I (%) | 12 | 10 ± 3 | 10 ± 4 |
16 | 11 ± 5 | 8 ± 3 | |||||
24 | 9 ± 3 | 13 ± 4 | |||||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 16 | No significant difference | |||||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 24 | ↓* CS vs. SA | |||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | |||||
Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type II (%) | 12 | 90 ± 3 | 90 ± 4 |
| |
16 | 89 ± 5 | 92 ± 3 | |||||
24 | 91 ± 3 | 87 ± 6 | |||||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
32 | ↑* CS vs. SA | ||||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | Type IIa (%) | 18 | 37.2 ± 5.7 | 20.9 ± 2.8 * |
| ||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | Type IIb (%) | 18 | 44.7 ± 4.7 | 76.5 ± 3.5 * |
| ||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | Type IIx (%) | 18 | 12.4 ± 2.4 | 14.5 ± 3.8 |
| ||
Gosker (2009) [26] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
EDL | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Tang (2010) [30] | Type I (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 12 | ||||||
Tang (2010) [30] | 18 | ||||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | ||||||
Wistar-Kyoto rats | Nakatani (2003) [31] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Tang (2010) [30] | Type IIa (%) | 8 | 14.3 ± 6.1 | 14.3 ± 6.1 |
| |
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 12 | No significant difference | |||||
Tang (2010) [30] | 18 | 14.3 ± 6.1 | 14.3 ± 6.1 | ||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
Wistar-Kyoto rats | Nakatani (2003) [31] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Tang (2010) [30] | Type IIb (%) | 8 | 83.6 ± 5.5 | 83.6 ± 5.5 |
| |
18 | 83.6 ± 5.5 | 83.6 ± 5.5 | |||||
Rats, Wistar-Kyoto | Nakatani (2003) [31] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Tang (2010) [30] | Type IIb/x (%) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 12 | ||||||
Tang (2010) [30] | 18 | ||||||
Rinaldi (2012) [29] | 24 | ||||||
Plantaris | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Gosker (2009) [26] | Type I (%) | 24 | No significant difference |
| |
Type IIa (%) |
| ||||||
Type IIb/x (%) |
| ||||||
Tibialis | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Gosker (2009) [26] | Type I (%) | 24 | No significant difference |
| |
Type IIa (%) |
| ||||||
Type IIb/x (%) |
Muscles | Species /Strain | Author (Year) | Muscle Fiber Type | CS Exposure Period (Weeks) | Groups | Summary | |
SA | CS | ||||||
Diaphragm | Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type I (µm2) | 12 | 734 ± 143 | 666 ± 304 |
16 | 593 ± 146 | 647 ± 195 | |||||
24 | 697 ± 192 | 757 ± 134 | |||||
Type II (µm2) | 12 | 850 ± 135 | 743 ± 127 |
| |||
16 | 743 ± 127 | 685 ± 148 | |||||
24 | 1013 ± 130 | 908 ± 203 | |||||
Quadriceps | Mouse, Balb/c | Ma (2018) [24] | Total CSA (µm2) | 24 | 48.43 ± 1.17 | 41.05 ± 0.10 * |
Rectus femoris | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | Type I (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Type II (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Soleus | Rats, Wistar-Kyoto | Nakatani (2002) [32] | Total CSA (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | Type I (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | No significant difference | ||||||
32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Type II (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | No significant difference | ||||||
32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Gastrocnemius | Mice, 129/SvJ | Basic (2012) [28] | Total CSA (µm2) | 24 | 2771.16 | 2429.3 * |
Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type I (µm2) | 12 | 894 ± 256 | 779 ± 198 |
| |
16 | 797 ± 200 | 787 ± 212 | |||||
24 | 1010 ± 399 | 1296 ± 582 | |||||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | 18 | 550 ± 190 | 510 ± 130 | ||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 24 | No significant difference | |||||
32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
Guinea pigs | Barreiro (2010) [9] | Type II (µm2) | 12 | 1154 ± 325 | 1129 ± 247 |
| |
16 | 1148 ± 228 | 1125 ± 246 | |||||
24 | 1545 ± 523 | 1328 ± 248 | |||||
Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Krüger (2015) [23] | 8 | No significant difference |
| |||
16 | No significant difference | ||||||
24 | No significant difference | ||||||
32 | ↓* CS vs. SA | ||||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | Type IIa (µm2) | 18 | 510 ± 110 | 600 ± 200 |
| ||
Type IIb (µm2) | 18 | 980 ± 170 | 1300 ± 320 |
| |||
Type IIx (µm2) | 18 | 680 ± 210 | 690 ± 200 |
| |||
EDL | Mouse, C57Bl/6 | Rinaldi (2012) [29] | Total CSA (µm2) | 12 | No significant difference |
| |
24 | No significant difference | ||||||
EDL(Superficial region) | Rats, Wistar-Kyoto | Nakatani (2003) [31] | Type I (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| |
Type II (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
| ||||
EDL (Deep region) | Type IIa (µm2) | 8 | ↓* CS vs. SA |
| |||
Type IIb (µm2) | 8 | No significant difference |
Author (Year) | Characteristics of Rodents | CS Exposure Period (Weeks) | Groups | Summary | ||
Species | Strain | SA | CS | |||
Ma (2018) [24] | Mouse | Balb/c | 24 | 34.5 ± 0.8 | 26.6 ± 0.4 * |
Krüger (2015) [23] | C57Bl/6 | 8 | 20.9 ± 1.2 | 19.5 ± 0.9 |
| |
Tang (2010) [30] | 34.9 ± 3.4 | 30.2 ± 3.2 * | ||||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 16 | 25.7 ± 0.9 | 24.3 ± 1.0 * | |||
Tang (2010) [30] | 34.9 ± 3.4 | 29.3 ± 3.7 * | ||||
De Paepe (2008) [25] | 18 | 35.1 ± 0.4 | 28.9 ± 0.6 * | |||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 24 | 29.1 ± 0.9 | 27.8 ± 1.0 * | |||
Krüger (2015) [23] | 32 | 31.5 ± 1.4 | 30.1 ± 1.6 * | |||
Basic (2012) [28] | 129/SvJ | 24 | 36.9 ± 1.01 | 31.6 ± 1.16 * |
| |
Nakatani (2003) [31] | Rats | Wistar-Kyoto | 8 | L: 359 ± 15 | 348 ± 22 |
M: 358 ± 14 | 348 ± 21 | |||||
H: 360 ± 25 | 343 ± 11 |
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Share and Cite
He, A.W.J.; Ngai, S.P.C.; Cheung, K.K.; Lau, B.W.M.; Sánchez-Vidaña, D.-I.; Pang, M.Y.C. Impacts of Cigarette Smoke (CS) on Muscle Derangement in Rodents—A Systematic Review. Toxics 2022, 10, 262.
He AWJ, Ngai SPC, Cheung KK, Lau BWM, Sánchez-Vidaña D-I, Pang MYC. Impacts of Cigarette Smoke (CS) on Muscle Derangement in Rodents—A Systematic Review. Toxics. 2022; 10(5):262.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHe, Aaron W. J., Shirley P. C. Ngai, Kwok Kuen Cheung, Benson W. M. Lau, Dalinda-Isabel Sánchez-Vidaña, and Marco Y. C. Pang. 2022. "Impacts of Cigarette Smoke (CS) on Muscle Derangement in Rodents—A Systematic Review" Toxics 10, no. 5: 262.
APA StyleHe, A. W. J., Ngai, S. P. C., Cheung, K. K., Lau, B. W. M., Sánchez-Vidaña, D.-I., & Pang, M. Y. C. (2022). Impacts of Cigarette Smoke (CS) on Muscle Derangement in Rodents—A Systematic Review. Toxics, 10(5), 262.